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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #HOMEGYMWORKOUT
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Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

Some back for good posture - - I am the biggest slouch It’s painfully noticeable in pictures. - - Not only do I want to tone up for a sexy back but I want to get rid of the little hunch I have now. - - #BackWorkouts #BackDay #BackGains #AssistedPullUps #GoodPosture #HomeGymWorkout #SlimThicc #Athlete #Grit #StrongIsSexy #OneRepAtATime #GirlsWhoLift

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

Trunk twists are of my favorite bodyweight core exercises. (Be sure to save this video for when you're ready to workout!) • I like to make the most out of my time in the gym and will incorporate these while I'm resting between sets of another muscle group. • For instance: on leg day while I'm letting my lower body recover between squats or lunges, I'll drop down and work in 10-15 trunk twists during my rest time. My legs get to rest while I put my core to werkkk. • You can also perform these by themselves for some standalone core work in the gym or at home. Perform 5x15 with 30-60 seconds rest between rounds.

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

اگر تمام گوش بدهی، هر آنچه که درست است، وارد قلبت می‌شود. و هر آنچه که نادرست است، خواهد افتاد. نیازی نیست که نگرانش باشی. قلب خودش می‌داند. مانند انتقال خون است. اگر گروه خون یکسان باشد، دریافت می‌کنی. و اگر نباشد، پذیرفته نمی‌شود. #bosu#bosuballworkout #bothsidesup #bosubalancetrainer #bosuball #resistancebandsworkout #resistancebands #train#trainer#fitnesstrainer #trainingday #workout #workoutmotivation #workoutfit #exercise #exercisebands #fit#functionaltraining #functionalfitness #gym#homegymworkout #samaneh_hakakan #سمانه_حکاکان #بوسوبال #کش_قدرتی

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

Have you heard the saying, "Keep on keeping on"? Norman Vincent Peale said it slightly differently, "It's always too early to quit." It pretty much means the same thing. If you seek success in anything, the road there is continued effort. To achieve your goals and dreams, never quit, never give up. Even if you have been struggling for a long time, it is still "too early to quit". The best results are often just beyond the point you think you can go no farther. Put the effort and energy into whatever you do and work through to completion of the task. . ♀️ @pinupgirlathletics ♀️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #saturdayfitness #saturdayworkouts #workoutstyle #workoutshirt #workoutshirts #workout #workout #workoutanywhere #homegymworkout #workoutmusic #workouttoday #workouttraining #workoutprogram #workoutselfie #gymprotein #wheypure #purewhey #newjerseygym #newjerseyfitness

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

برای موفقیت در هر كاری، باید ابتدا تصویر واضحی از نقشه كار داشته باشی آنگاه همان طور كه در بادِ شدید، نخ بادبادک را محكم نگه می دارى، باید هدفت را هم به همان محكمی نگه داری! #resistancebandsworkout #resistancebands #gym#train#fullbodyworkout #workoutvideos#exercise #fitnesstrainer #uperbodyworkout #workoutmotivation #gymmotivation #fit#functionaltraining #homeworkout #training #trainingday #athlete #workoutvideos #coach#homegymworkout #samaneh_hakakan #سمانه_حکاکان #کش_قدرتی

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

“It’s not about being the best sometimes. It’s about doing your best every time.” @LadyNOD #WELLthyLifeNODte ⚓️ Read on the blogwhy I love to incorporate squats in my WELLthy Mom workout routine and it’s especially sweeter when Babygirl joins me Squat jump in full beast mode and loving it#squats #momanddaughter #coreworkout #fitover40 #winterfitness #outdoorworkout #corestrength #workoutathome #strongcore #fitmomsinspire #momswhoworkout #fitmomlife

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

ISSA GIVEAWAY! . I couldn’t be more excited for this one. It is not only the highest valued giveaway in Gym Hooky history (~$2,600+), but it’s also a chance for me to support your wellness goals! . TELL ME MORE, GIRL! I am partnering with the amazing @bowflex to giveaway their newest products the Max Trainer M8 pacakage —> Hello home gym equipment! #sponsored As many of you may remember, I traveled to their HQ late last year to get a sneak peek of the product and give feedback. I was gifted with the latest model in January and its been the best addition to my home gym (hubby @quinntonharris can attest to this lol) . It’s not only compact (smaller than the average elliptical or treadmill), it was built for busy bees like me who want to get in a killer workout in a short time AND works both the lower/upper body (peep the muscle movement in my arms in the video). Oh, and the final brag? . The winner will get the Max Intelligence platform as a part of the package. What does this mean? It means that the Max Trainer will make personalized workouts just for you. It means that you will get coaching while you workout. It means you will get a SAMSUNG GALAXY. . HOW DO I ENTER? 1️⃣ Like this post 2️⃣ Share one wellness goal you have for 2019 3️⃣ Tag a friend I will be selecting a random winner Sunday evening! A few things to note: ✨ You must be in the US to participate. ✨ Yes, you can enter more than once by sharing another goal and tagging another friend ✨ Please make sure you have the space in your home to accommodate the equipment (dimensions are L 47.9" x W 30.8" H x 65.2" ). . I want my wall blown up with wellness goals! Letssss go! . #gymhooky #bowflex #NLS #giveaway #giveawaycontest #homegym #homegymworkout #homeworkout #fitness #weightloss #fitspo

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

徒手寶寶-19 居家-彈力帶訓練篇 分享給大家上次去台東玩時的居家全身肌力訓練,只需要一條彈力帶就可完成臀、背、胸、肩的肌力課表唷! 記得❤️並儲存,旅行就不怕沒得動啦~ . 6 rounds 20 彈力帶阻力划船 20 彈力帶阻力胸推 20 彈力帶後提臀 20 彈力帶前肩舉 . 彈力帶阻力划船:雙手握彈力帶,注意不要聳肩,不拱背,保持軀幹打直,拉到底時停3秒。 . 彈力帶阻力胸推:有點像做push up,固定好彈力帶做胸推,手肘不要過於外開,動作放慢感受度爆表(看我表情就知道) . 彈力帶後提臀:彈力繩纏在腳上,踢右腳、繩子就固定在右手(同一邊)呈四足跪姿,做單邊臀後踢。 . 彈力帶前肩舉:單腳踩住彈力繩,雙手握拳,手肘不鎖死,上抬至肩膀平行處即可。 . 這組完全肌力訓練,不會喘只會酸要對抗彈力繩的阻力其實肌肉感受度很強烈,動作放慢一些慢慢做,建議做完這組可以再搭配徒手18完成一套間歇心肺燃脂課表更好唷! . 彈力帶在迪卡儂就買的到了,影片是用15kg,現在網站上是藍色 . #fitness #fit #fitnessgirl #fitgirl #healthylifestyle #healthylife #健康 #運動 #肌力訓練 #keepfit #重訓 #健身 #緊實 #馬甲 #workout #workoutfit #漢娜徒手菜單 #exercise #homegym #homeworkout #hiitworkout #homegymworkout #健康生活 #徒手訓練 #居家運動 #彈力帶

Хештеги на тему #HOMEGYMWORKOUT

徒手20-全身肌群+核心訓練 我知道這幾天下大雨又冷妳們一定會懶得出門運動,來! 這組徒手訓練不用你出門,全身肌群、核心、心肺都包含進去,6個動作共5組,30分鐘完成訓練! . 5 rounds 1 min 單手撐地單腳穿過去 1 min 手肘下下上上+碰對向肩+摸遠方物品+胸碰地burpee 1 min Superman夾臀+翹臀圈 1 min side squat 1 min 單腳跪膝+深蹲+squat jump 1 min straddle sit up . 單手撐地單腳穿過去:呈熊爬姿勢,膝蓋離地,手維持在肩膀正下方,臀部往後推(但沒坐下去)左手撐地就左腳往右邊踢,右手手肘上提,訓練核心,單邊肌力以及協調穩定平衡。 . 肘下下上上+碰對向肩+摸遠方物品+胸碰地burpee: 摸任何東西都可,就是要把手伸長遠過頭,訓練肩膀、核心穩定以及單邊支持,心肺能力 . superman夾臀+翹臀圈:利用夾臀和下背力量,上半身胸口,大腿前側離開地面,雙腳用力將翹臀圈拉開,整個臀部會超有感。 . side squat :蹲右邊的話就是左腳尖勾起,重踩右腳夾臀站起,注意重心腳「腳跟」一定要穩穩踩在地面,不可用腳尖,很傷膝蓋,如果腳跟會浮起來,就先蹲到腳掌可以踩滿的深度即可。 . 單腳跪膝+深蹲+squat jump:膝蓋輕碰地後維持蹲姿直接加squat jump,注意往後跪的時候上半身和核心還是要穩住力量,不要完全放掉跪下去,可以墊瑜珈墊。 . straddle sit up:利用髖的力量,而不是「捲」,上半身要離地,腳打開打直,讓手碰到地板,腳背下壓會比較好做。 . 這個課表計時每分鐘做一個動作,下一分鐘直接換第二個動作,挑戰你全身肌群和協調能力,你一定會發現有某邊比較弱,加強練習會慢慢找回身體平衡。 . 課表標準✅ 動作1: 一分鐘內完成 20下(以上)一邊就算1下。 動作2: 5下 動作3: 25下(以上) 動作4: 20下(以上)一邊就算1下。 動作5: 15下 動作6: 25下(以上) . Ps!你們有發現哪一個片段那隻吉祥物在打哈欠嗎 headsprung . #漢娜課表 #漢娜徒手菜單

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