hulahooping hulahoop hoopersofinstagram flowarts hooping hooplove hoopersofig hooplah flow hoopdance hoopflow hooper hulahooper flowstagram healthyfood hooplife myfitnesspal slimmingworld infinitecircles dance hoopinglife hooptricks hulahoops fitfam girlswhohoop healthy healthyeating hulahula sacredcircle flowtoys
The power of flow when you feel unmotivated is unmatched. 2 hours ago I didn’t feel like going downstairs to get water. Then when I decided to go hoop I refused to stop even when my feet started getting demolished from sliding on the hot cement. Weird flow flex but whatever gets those jitters out ♀️
: “Like an Animal” - RÜFÜS DU SOL
⭕️: faerie ice crystal @sacredflowhoops “tippytoes15”
Hello to all of my lovelies
I haven’t posted a message on here in a while and it’s due to a whole lotta needed space. The first thing that falls to the wayside amidst hard times/times of reflection is social media. I’m a very private person and I find that my desire to connect ebbs and flows with the surrounding energy.
I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way, but I definitely haven’t explained my absence here so I figured this post would be a good place to start
I’m really optimistic about what the future holds. I’ve been immersing myself fully into the now because of where my life is at right now. I’ve been so fortunate to alternate between Cali and Mass these past 9 months (holy cow ) but have noticed that my presence here suffers from my lack of routine! I don’t feel guilty about living in the moment but I am being mindful of how I can incorporate my art with a community of likeminded souls✨
Here’s to moving forward and living authentically
I vow to honor my self expression and pursue the joy that hooping gives me. It’s time to center and reconnect
I’m going to be picking up a very long overdue #stopdropandspin tag from the lovely, spunky, and beautiful @hoopfulv
Sending the kindness over to @steady_poigression @0c3l0tvaxt__________ @sunflowersonsaturn @sageshulahooping @em.guden I cant wait to see the beauty in your creations
☮️Peace and Blessings☮️
#hooplove #hoopersofinstagram #hulahoop #hulahooping #hulahoops #psychedelic #hoopdance #gratefulhoopers #flowarts #infinitecircles #sacredcircle #flowstagram #hooplah #hoopflow #hoopeverydamnday
I hooped outside for about 45 minutes today in 100 degree weather and I feel DEAD but it was incredibly worth it!! Super excited to get back into recording more content
Use my code “lauren15” at to save! .
Song: 90sFlav - Call Me
#hooplove #hoopersofinstagram #hoopersofig #hooping #sacredcircle #gratefulhoopers #flowarts #hoopdance #dance #hooplah #hoopgirls #girlsthathoop #hulahooping #flowartist #hoopvibes #flowartlounge #ahoopscience
I’ve officially been hooping for four years now ✨ time flies but I’m forever grateful for flow arts and all of the amazing connections/experiences that have come my way since the beginning of my hoop journey - thanks for the endless love and support y’all
: Aphex Twin - Alberto Balsalm
#hoopersofinstagram #hooping #flowartscommunity #hulahooping #guyswhohoop #hoopeverydamnday #flowmiesofearth #infinitecircles #hoopinglife #thespinsterz #flowartlounge #flowarts #evolkidmedia #flowartsfriday
I’ve been performing a lot and haven’t had a free moment to post in a loooong time, but I’m here at the Italian Hoop Connection after two hours sleep and a looong journey (hence the face) and finally able to play with some new hoop stuff My workshop ‘Creating your own hoop tech’ went well this morning, thank you @paola_berton_hula_hoop_italia for inviting me to teach and to all the participants for coming along and being so creative!
This is what happens when you have 10 minutes and cool people who wanna funk with @officialrezz choreo. Not bad for a 10 minute session eh?! Go follow @guapoh13 And @lilfunkbby And give them some ❤️ #squad #charlottetillsberry
#hooplah #hoopspam #hoopersofig #infinitecircles #flowartlounge #propdanceculture #hoopography #hulahoop #hulahooping #hoopdance
I’m so excited and nervous to share this today, my best friend @porschazoom and I have teamed up to create a workshop tour starting this August! We have worked SO hard on this and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears has gone into creating this! We both have poured our hearts into this and I am so excited to announce the Folds and Rolls Workshop Tour of 2019
The curriculum for this workshop tour will include us learning different folds and rolls and combining the two with fun and exciting combos! We will also work on body awareness by learning a choreographed piece created by Porscha and I to help you unleash your inner sass and incorporate more hoop dance into your flow! We can’t wait to connect with you all and help you grow on your individual hoop journeys! These workshops will be filled with lots of fun, giggles, inspiration, and last but not least, LOVE! Click the link in my description to see if we are coming to a city near you! ✨
Repping these beautiful pink Spinsterz hoodies and 28” UV yellow hoops! ✨aurahoops✨ saves you money!
#foldsandrolls #workshop #hoopworkshop #hooptutorial #aurahoopstutorials #Hooplove #hoopersofinstagram #hooplah #sacredcircle #hoopgirls #girlsthathoop #hoopvibes #gratefulhooper #hoopdance #hulahooping #flowartlounge #hooptech #hoophead #hoopflow #flowartist #thespinsterz