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WATERBIRTH • Labouring or birthing your baby in water provides such a supportive, enclosed, private and calm environment for you and your baby. In the U.K. 20% of women use water during labour and 10% give birth in the pool (CQC, 2018). .
What are the benefits?
Research shows that water is an effective non pharmacological method of pain relief and reduces the use of regional analgesia (epidural). Spending time in the pool can help to shorten your labour and reduce your chance of perineal tearing as well. .
Being in a birthing pool helps you to easily move into those active birth positions, which gives your baby 25-30% more room to rotate and navigate through your pelvis.
If you are advised to birth on the labour ward and have continuous monitoring of baby during labour, speak to your midwife to discuss your options and decide what’s best for you. The majority of labour wards have a pool and waterproof telemetry CTG monitoring available. .
You can use gas and air/entonox in the pool. Keeping well hydrated, taking regular sips of water or isotonic drinks is really important too. You can use cool compresses on your forehead and neck, so it’s well worth packing a flannel or two! Your midwife will be making sure the water and room are the perfect temperature for you. .
As a midwife my favourite part of water births is just after birth, when mum gets to reach down and bring her own baby gently up to the surface and onto her chest for skin to skin
Did you use water during labour or birth?
by @making_it_to_midwifery
What does an empowered birth look like to you?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This is what it can look like - calm, supported, empowered and in your own home. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Did you know that midwives attending home births have access to the same equipment as in they do in a birth centre? You also get continuity of care - having the same midwife throughout and this has great benefits for mum! .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Home births are not for right everyone, but in the process of creating your empowered birth, it may be something you want to research. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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I'd love to hear if you would consider it, or even your experience if you had a home birth? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
: @sacredsonghomebirth ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#EmpowerYourBirth #hypnobirthing #birth #pregnant #positivebirth #calmbirthschool #empoweredbirth #birthwithoutfear #calmbirth #birthwithconfidence #2ndtrimester #3rdtrimester #mumtobe #mothertobe
Perjuangan seorang ibu dalam melahirkan sang buah hati..... Semoga yang Likedan mengikuti promil kami bisa hamil bulan ini آمِيّنْ... آمِيّنْ... يَ رَ بَّلْ عَلَمِيّنْ.
Apapun penghambat kehamilannya akan tertuntaskan seperti Kista, Miom, Pcos, Torch, Varikokel, diabetes, kanker, masalah sperma dll.
Untuk mendapatkan info kesehatan, medis, Program hamil & hiburan bayi ️✔ contact person: WA: 085230008083 ️ ️
Look how Mama knows to clear the fluid and any sack that may be in her baby's nose and mouth. Birth is simple when we allow it to take place.
Repost: @ryan_marc_read
“The miracle of life . If anyone is concerned that the baby is extra still , he or she is fine.”
#birthisbeautiful #calmbirth #gentlebirth #birthbecomesher #homebirth #naturalbirth #naturalchildbirth #birthwithoutfear #birthisbeautiful #empoweredbirthproject #thebump #thisisbirth #birthmatters #birtheducation #growingfamily #birthphotography #empoweredbirth #childbirtheducation #hypnobirth #childbirth #sandiegohypnobirthing #hypnobirthing #birtheducationcenter
How many weeks pregnant are you? If you are considering hiring a doula and you live in New York City or the Bay Area, please reach out to me via DM! I am currently offering a discounted rate while I work towards my certification I also have a network of postpartum doulas, and lactation and sleep consultants, so if you ever need a resource, don’t hesitate to contact me! You can read more about my doula services on my website (link in bio!)
Just this⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
( via @leannebrycedoula)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#thepositivebirthcompany #hypnobirthingmadeeasy #positivebirth #hypnobirthing #hypnobirth #informedbirth #empoweredbirth #vaginalbirth #cesareanbirth #naturalbirth #waterbirth #homebirth #hospitalbirth #thisisbirth #birthisbeautiful #birthmatters #makeyourbirthbetter #positivebirthstoryproject ⠀
Anak adalah karunia Allah yang harus kita jaga sebaik mungkin, karena anak anugerah yang tidak dapat dinilai dengan apapun. Oleh karena itu mulailah menjaga si kecil dari sejak dalam kandungan hingga ia lahir, beranjak besar hingga ia dewasa nanti.
Tugas orang tua tidak hanya memberi anak semua kebutuhan dunianya semata, tapi wajib bagi orang tua untuk memberikan anak semua kebutuhan rohaninya. Mengajarinya iman yang benar, mengenal Tuhan dan melaksanakan semua perintah dan larangan-Nya. Anak ibarat kertas putih yang siap dicorat-coret oleh orang tuanya. Oleh karena itu, orang tua ibarat sebuah pena yang akan menuliskan apa saja yang orang tuanya mau.
Dengan solusi terbaik dan berkualitas.. ---------------------------------------- Follow:
Untuk mendapatkan info kesehatan, medis, Program hamil & hiburan bayi ️✔ contact person: WA: 085230008083 ️ ️