invisibleillness chronicillness chronicpain spoonie fibromyalgia spoonielife autoimmunedisease autoimmune anxiety butyoudontlooksick chronicallyill depression lupus mentalhealth chronicfatigue endometriosis multiplesclerosis arthritis ehlersdanlossyndrome awareness disability mentalhealthawareness migraine chronicpainwarrior fibromyalgiawarrior gastroparesis ibdwarrior juvenileidopathicarthritis
If people can’t understand or are not willing to give you the space, kindness, or support you need whilst dealing with chronic illness then sadly they are probably not who you want in your life. Do not allow others to make you feel guilty for something out of your control. ........surround yourself with good people, because that’s what you deserve ❤️ #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #chronicpainawareness #invisibleillness #spooniewarriors #youareamazing #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spoonies #ankylosingspondylitis #ankylosingspondylitisawareness #ankylosingspondylitiswarrior #arthritis #autoimmunedisease #thyroidproblems #underactivethyroid
: ’ ’ “ .” ✌️
#livingwithchronicillnesses #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicpancreatitis #autoimmunepancreatitis #acutepancreatitis #autoimmunediseaseawareness #pancreaticdiseaseawareness #exocrinepancreaticinsufficiency #diabetes #chronicpain #chronicpainwarrior #gastroparesis #GERD #epi #aip #gastrodiseaseawareness #mecfs #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonieproblems #spooniestrong #spooniearmy #spooniesupport #spoonies #invisibleillness #butyoudontlooksick
Pretty damn accurate #chronicinsta #chronicallyill #chronicillness #chronicillnesses #chronicillnesswarrior #spoonie #spoonies #spoonielife #spooniefamily #spooniestrong #spoonieproblems #spooniewarrior #pots #potsie #potssyndrome #potsawareness #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #dysautonomia #dysautonomiaawareness #invisibleillness #butyoudontlooksick #relatable #funny #ehlersdanlossyndrome #edsawareness #medicalzebra #zebra #sleep #bed #tired
May is #chronicillnessawareness month for many. Together we can raise awareness by educating, advocating and sharing our stories so that others don’t feel alone, healthcare providers and loved ones understand more, less patients dismissed and hopefully one day breaking the statistic of 1 in 20 misdiagnosed. Love to all you warriors out there! What battle are you fighting?
Nutritional yeast for the win! I make avocado toast for breakfast every single day ~ in my avo mash I add nutritional yeast, garlic salt, and cilantro! So savory. I sprinkle this stuff on popcorn, salads, you name it! It’s loaded with B vitamins, which a lot of people who eat plant based diets need. Do you use nutritional yeast? It’s not the ‘yeast’ you think it is, don’t let that word fool ya! // awesome post by @gmo_gus