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●nutritie personalizata online #onlinediet ● #onlinetraining -programe de antrenament online ♀️️♂️♂️♀️♀️ @sergiu_sandu @denisanechifor10 #fitness #gym #lowerbody #kneestability #kneesrecovery #sport #rehabilitation #legstrength #kneesrehab #kneesrehabilitation
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Week 8⃣of 9⃣for #matormachinepilates by gorgeous and inspiring ladies karen @pilatesplaceyyc & Shannon @encorepilatesgnv ❤ this week challenge is #quads ✨✨ Me and dulce @sweet__pilates continuing our collaboration and celebrate our friendship by posting our mat/ machine versions ♥♥ Dulce is demonstrating her work on the reformer and I chose to use the #bench again and spice it with #fitball on my mat version #noreformernoproblem
Both variations challenges balance #powerhouse and develope #legsstability
have a great Sunday everyone
Also posting for dear Monica @pilates_fit_monica ❤and Ashlee @pilateswithashlee and their tag #connectionsof2018 ( soon a new year and a new tag ✨ can't wait... )
Thank you #pilatescommunity for their great way to connect people together!
have a great Sunday everyone
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #pilatesfriends#physionall#physiotherapy#pilatesmat#glutesworkout#pilateswithprops#fitspiration#prehab#pilatesinstructor#homeexercise#core#lianabpilates#pilatesforathletes#pilates#balance#pilatescostarica#pilatesisrael#pilatesreformer#quadsrehab#kneesrehab#adductors
Week 7⃣of 9⃣for #matormachinepilates by gorgeous and inspiring ladies karen @pilatesplaceyyc & Shannon @encorepilatesgnv ❤ this week challenge is #gluteusmedius
Me and dulce @sweet__pilates continuing our collaboration and celebrate our friendship by posting our mat/ machine versions ♥♥ Dulce is demonstrating her work on the reformer and I chose to use #gliders on my mat version ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Both variations challenges balance #powerhouse and develope #legsstability
have a great Sunday everyone
Also posting for dear Monica @pilates_fit_monica ❤and Ashlee @pilateswithashlee and their tag #connectionsof2018 ( soon a new year and a new tag ✨ can't wait... )
Thank you #pilatescommunity for their great way to connect people together!
have a great Sunday everyone
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #pilatesfriends#physio#physiotherapy#pilatesmat#glutesworkout#pilateswithprops#fitspiration#prehab#pilatesinstructor#homeexercise#core#lianabpilates#pilatesforathletes#pilates#balance#pilatescostarica#pilatesisrael#pilatesreformer#hiprehab#kneesrehab#adductors#abductors#quads
Missed one of my gym sessions in the week so dragged @thisirishruns to the gym and we completed a session which is good for runners for glute activation and knee strengthening. Very important to work on areas that are weak, as it's injury prevention and helps you be a stronger runner. #teamprojectrun #runners #runningcouple #workingonmyweakness #strengthening #glutesworkout #kneesrehab #traintogetherstaytogether #runningtraining #strengthtraining #bodyweight #gymtraining #gymwork #gymworkout #thisgirlcan #sweatyirishdude