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"O Batismo marca a alma da pessoa com um selo espiritual e indelével, isto é, que não pode ser apagado. É o selo da filiação divina". Neste dia 03 de Agosto, Maria Teresa recebeu o Sacramento do Batismo. Deus seja louvado! /
Baptism marks the soul of the person with an indelible spiritual seal, that is, that cannot be erased. It is the seal of divine sonship. "On this August 3rd, Maria Teresa received the Sacrament of Baptism. God be praised!
#batismo #baptism #sacramento #amen #sacrament #latinmass #missatridentinabelem #ibpbelem #ibpbrasil #tridentina #tridentine
We recently completed this lovely gothic set, designed by a very artistic new priest who wished to honor Our Lady of the Pillar. Not widely known, this is the first Marian apparition in Church history and therefore, the oldest. After Pentecost, the 12 apostles went out to preach the gospel to the world. St. James (the Elder) went forth to the Iberian Peninsula (present day Spain). As his labors seemed difficult and fruitless, Our Lady appeared to give him courage and comfort while she was as yet still living in Jerusalem. St. James' martyr cross and pilgrimage shell are also reflected in the set. Our Lady of the Pillar, pray for us! (Look up the glorious history of Our Lady of Zaragoza.)
San Antonio Missions Pilgrimage: Misión San Francisco de la Espada was established in 1690 near present-day Augusta, TX and was a welcome sight for the weary travelers at the end of the pilgrimage. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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Ivory Quatrefoil is now listed in the shop! With so many projects in motion, this one had to wait. Just listed tonight! The shop sets go fast because they're custom Altarworthy designs without the long wait! The back features a classic French "cross patonce" treatment. Pistachio green silk lining and sage green galloon accents make this set really fresh and clean. To purchase:
VII Domingo depois de Pentecostes, Vitória-ES.
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