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#TakeOverTuesday with Cindy from @learninginkindergarten in Canada
This year’s group of kinderlearners really enjoy taking on our math “challenges”. Knowing this about them allows us to better plan our lessons around their interests and strengths to keep them engaged and learning.
Here, they were challenged to use their knowledge of 2D shapes, spatial reasoning, and most importantly, their collaborative skills to fill in the triangle. *
#ECE #earlyeducation #EYFS #earlyyearsideas #environmentas3rdteacher #earlyyearsinspo #abcdoes #childledlearning #continuousprovision #magicofplay
Another idea from @mclennan1977. It was interesting to see how this evolved to making letters, shapes, and circular patterns. Students really enjoyed the sensory input from the beaded strings as well.
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It's National Lollipop Day!
To celebrate I have added a new FREEBIE to my store: Lollipop Math Activities.I included 5 different activities to work on number sense and fine motor skills.
I've also included a FRENCH version of all the activities!
These centers would be perfect for the beginning of the year when you are introducing your students to new materials. You can also just use them throughout the school year to work on their number sense skills.
I'll add a link to this download in my bio so you can easily find it!
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Student have REALLY been into making friendship bracelets lately. It was meant to be that @mclennan1977 posted this great idea this morning (or last night?).
Students plan their beading before making their bracelet. Nobody chose to create names and words (yet), but many made thoughtful patterns. Some even adventured from AB patterns to ABC patterns!
Also, I need to buy more beads.
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So I bought these @timhortons donuts as a thank-you to my Kindergarten students. We had to evacuate our classroom on a whim yesterday and they endured a verbally and physically assaultive peer without even a flinch. They followed directions, didn't complain or question, and stayed flexible with the evolving situation. I am so proud of them!
I only bought 12 donuts. We had 22 kids in our class today (they counted each other and backpacks in the cubby area to be sure). I gave them pictures of the donuts in the box and simply told them they need to tell me how to cut them so everyone gets a piece.
The shocking thing is that the child who answered it first was one you would NEVER think would! She took the photo into the cubby area and walked around to each hook. While her expressive math talk was difficult, I believe she knew that we couldn't have a whole one each. She essentially counted by twos - as she moved around the cubbies, she put an X on a donut as she stopped at every other backpack (resulting in 24 pieces of donuts).
Another student - another that made my jaw drop, did the same, but she figured the apple fritter should be cut into 4 pieces. Why? Because it is bigger and doesn't have a hole.
#mathprovocation #learningprovocation #inquirylearning #inquirymath #donuts #fractions #kindergarten #ontarioteacher #ontariokindergartenteacher #ontariokindergartenprogram #HandsOffFDK #classroomviolence #cutshurtkids #etfo #etfostrong #cupe #teachersofinstagram #ontarioteacher #ontarioteachers