mecfs myalgicencephalomyelitis chronicillness spoonie invisibleillness chronicpain millionsmissing cfsme chronicfatiguesyndrome chronicfatigue fibromyalgia spoonielife chronicillnesswarrior anxiety butyoudontlooksick canyouseemenow meawareness pwme chronicillnessawareness invisibledisability mecfsawareness mecfswarrior spooniesupport bankholiday depression livetmedme meaction mentalhealth alcalina
Join us tomorrow, Wed. June 5 @ 6pm MT for our monthly livestream featuring BHC Research Director, Suzanne Vernon. She will speak about our biomarker discovery program and how providing medical providers the tools to diagnose will only accelerate our approach. RSVP today- link in bio- monthly education meeting link.
The ups and downs. Last week and this weekend I was DOWN. Like, sheltering in place, having to get help to walk my dog, barely moving from my couch. The past 2 days have been the polar opposite, I’ve been UP and I’ve been loving ever minute. The weather has been gorgeous, I’ve been walking every chance I get and I had a killer workout today that made me feel great as I exited the gym. There is no rhyme or reason as to why this has played out the way it has but a year ago I definitely didn’t see myself doing step-ups while holding kettlebells. This just proves, anything is possible. If it can happen for me, I believe it can happen for you. Directionally I’m correct and I won’t be stopping anytime soon. Sure there are hiccups, but that’s life, not just #lymelife .
#positivevibes #lymedisease
I’m not faking my chronic illness. I’m actually faking being well.
#chronicillnessquotes #chronicillness #chronicpain #invisibleillness #fibromyalgia #crohns #lupus #cfsme #mecfs #multiplesclerosis #diabetes #arthritis #ehlersdanlossyndrome #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome #endometriosis #chiarimalformation #lymedisease #raredisease #autoimmunedisease #chronicpaindisorder #thyroiddisease #gastroparesis #ibd #celiacdisease #pcos #myastheniagravis #andmanymore
@mhiir_14 Find our main page on Facebook #mentalhealthandinvisibleillnessresources
Just going to leave this right here ##truthinmemes ##spoonietruths
##butyoudontlooksick ##fibromyalgia ##chronicfatigue ##chronicfatiguesyndrome ##myalgicencephalomyelitis ##fms ##cfsme ##mecfs ##understandus ##millionsmissing ##canyouseeMEnow ##fibrowarrior ##fibrofighter ##mecfsfighter ##spoonie ##spoonietruth ##invisibleillness ##chonicillness ##chronicallyill ##theillest ##fibromyalgiaawareness ##fibromyalgiaisreal
ME/CFS is generally considered to be an “invisible illness.” Taking a look at my experience with this illness, it’s bizarre to think of this illness as invisible.⠀
Recently, Whitney Dafoe shared through a wonderful article by Jennifer Brea that we need to stop calling this illness “invisible.” You can find a link to “Meeting Whitney” in my bio. He communicated that he is right here and he is not invisible. ⠀
The more I think about it, the more I agree with him. It isn’t invisible. Whitney looks sick as hell. We all look sick to varying degrees! It’s only invisible to those who don’t care to see. It’s invisible to those who prefer to forget us.⠀
If people could see us at any given point, the vast majority of us would look sick as hell, lying down, barely getting by. Don’t tell us our illness is invisible!⠀
People with ME/CFS go to great lengths to hide how sick we are. We use up our minuscule resources to shower, put on clean clothes, fix our hair and sometimes put on makeup. We don’t fake being sick, we fake being well. ⠀
#PWME aren’t invisible and ME/CFS isn’t invisible. It’s time that our experiences are truly seen. It’s time for action and change.
Uhhh, sick of seeing all the “lose weight in time for Summer” ads all over the Internet. Sooo... Mr Ad,
1. Who TF says any of us need to lose weight?
2. Who TF says we have to be a certain size in order to be seen in public?
3. I already have a damn beach body. We all do. Uhh I don’t recall ever visiting a beach and the sand being like, “sorry you’re not a beach body you can’t be here”
thank you soooo much for the offer in beach body training classes but, you’re alright mate, take care & many kind regards to you & a thousand blessings of holy water.
Ps. YOU ARE WORTHY at any size.
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...But you were just fine the other day?
#chronicpain #chronicillness #invisibleillness #invisibledisability #fibromyalgia #fibro #lupus #crohns #crohnsdisease #cfsme #mecfs #arthritis #ehlersdanlossyndrome #crps #arachnoiditis #trigeminalneuralgia #migraine #ibd #chiarimalformation #tmjdisorder #endometriosis #lymedisease #andmanymore
@mhiir_14 Find our main page on Facebook #mentalhealthandinvisibleillnessresources
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