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Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

This is your movement homework for the day Grab a block, get on the floor and have fun with this little shoulder mobility and backside strength sequence. _ What I love about this is that you can adapt to your body’s needs. And if you’re teaching it to others, I recommend regressing the movement to smaller ranges of motion for the shoulder joints at first and progress it as needed to the full block circles. _ If you want to see how to regress the shoulder work, go back in my feed a couple posts and take a look at the video where I’m lying on the floor in a sphinx-type pose. _ KEY TIPS: _ • When arms move out to the side and down toward the legs, internally rotate your arms. _ • When arms move up toward the head, externally rotate the arms. _ • Move S L O W with control. This video is sped up 4x. _ • Repeat as many times as you like on each side. Add the legs with the block between the ankles. Or not. Either way, have fun with your movement homework and report back to me on how it felt for you! _ And did ya know that we have a ton of creative backbend classes like this (and so much more) in the Heart + Bones online yoga studio? Go check it out in the link in the bio! _ #movewithlove

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

A twist in a bridge? Are you allowed to do that? If you want your thoracic spine and those sticky spots between your shoulder blades to enjoy some lovely movements while mobilizing your core and strengthening your backside, then yes, of course you’re allowed to add in some creative variations to bridge _ I’d even say that this sequence is “bridge adjacent” as it’s more about moving in the transverse plane as we do a little twist in the upper body with the arms. While the hips lift up similar to bridge, you’re not trying to keep them level like you would in a regular bridge. _ KEY TIPS: _ • Make sure you press down through the feet, especially through the heels when you lift the hips and while the upper body rotates. You want that backside to be strong and stable. _ • Get the thoracic twist anchored in your body before the bigger twisty movement by starting small. My favourite way to cue thoracic rotation is from the shoulder blades. While on your back, lift one shoulder blade off the ground and twist it towards the opposite shoulder. Repeat side to side. _ • Add in the arms with the thoracic rotation but keep initiating the movement from your shoulder blades. _ • Slow and steady while flowing through the movement (remember, this video is sped up!) _ Enjoy it and let me know how it goes for you! _ Don’t forget, if you love this creative approach to yoga, check out the Heart + Bones online yoga studio so that you can move with love at home anytime you want. Click the link in the bio _ #movewithlove

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

I don’t want to be strong enough to do one-armed handstands on a beach. I want to be strong enough to lift my aging dog into our camper van after he spent a day running happily through a forest and was too sore to jump up. _ I want to be strong enough to lift up and hug my 9 year old son after 5 days at his first sleepover camp. And strong enough to subsequently piggy back his tired body uphill and a couple of blocks back to the camper van because his shoes were soaked and he still loves being close to me and I want to savour that closeness for as long as I can. _ We express love in so many ways. For me, moving with love isn’t just yoga poses, or mobility or strength work, as if that was the end of it. There’s so much more to life and I want to use my physical strength and mobility to allow me to make more meaning, to help others, to show and give love. To afford me more opportunities for connection and play. What are some of the ways you move with love in your life? _ #movewithlove

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

Armpits of power!! The newest yoga cue currently sweeping the land... eventually The short story of AofP (armpits of power) is that we kick on all those wonderful muscles around the shoulder complex to build a container of support around your shoulder joints. Because armpits are so much more than for sweating and hair _ This is a really lovely movement in so many ways for your shoulders, and super accessible for anyone who can’t do a lot of stuff on their knees. I did a similar post awhile back with my elbows on a small table and a book between my hands. This is the same move, but different, but the same... know what I mean?! And a great prep for bigger poses like full wheel if you choose to do that. _ Remember the boundaries post two posts ago? Here’s another way to invite some boundaries into your movements. _ HOW TO: _ Placing a block between your wrists and forearms, gently squeeze into the block. Notice how the squeeze wakes up the musculature around your shoulder joints? Armpits of Power! Keep the AofP with elbows bent and slowly move the block behind you until your chest wants to lift and you can’t reach anymore. That’s the boundary, your active range in this position. Repeat the movements, breathe and have fun with it! _ If you are a yoga or movement teacher, (and made it all the way to the bottom of this caption!) and want to start teaching and geek out on this kind of stuff, registration is now open for our yoga teacher training. A combo of online, monthly live calls and in-person training locations in Canada, England and Australia. Click on the link in the bio to check it out! . . . . . #sustainableyoga #modernyoga #yogaanatomy #yogageek #anatomynerd #yogateachertraining #shouldermobility #shoulderstability #yogamobility #shoulderstretch #functionalyoga #yogatherapy

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

One of the best triceps, lat, ext rotator stretches I could offer you! Block between the hands so the arms don’t internally rotate, put you upper back on the wall (if possible) walk yr feet in and keep lengthening the lower spine. Feels so good ‍♀️ for some it may not be much of a stretch but for surfers, weights training crew etc or anyone with developed/tight ‘shoulders’ (like mwah) it is a god send. After a big circuit training session yesterday it’s my saviour for lats, pecs, tris etc.... enjoy head off ground or not much weight in neck. Press into elbows & lift thigh bones. Hold fr however long is comfortable? 1-3min or 1 min sets... epic release #yew #modernyoga @leeroy.t ‍♂️‍♂️‍♀️❤️

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

I had this vision of a video of me crawling up and down the stairs all sped up and looking totally awesome. Well, it didn’t quite go as planned _ But this is what I love and TRUST about movement. Your nervous system doesn’t care if you are doing a down dog or triangle pose, let alone if you are doing it “right.” Your nervous system thrives on variety and diversity, along with new and novel inputs. _ Which means that whatever movements you are doing; even if (especially if) you struggle, you feel wobbly or feel like you aren’t getting it... that’s the whole point. The pose isn’t the point. The way your brain (and heart) wakes up when you hold attention to what you are doing is where the magic is. _ So walking backwards up the stairs was WAY harder than I thought it would be. But the problem solving and the process of trying was the real gift and the whole point. _ Try not to resist the struggle sometimes. Let go of the need to get things right. Because what arises within those moments is the freedom you’ve looking for ✨✨✨ . . . . . . . #movewithlove #moveinalltheways #movementdiversity #movemore #functionalyoga #functionalmovement #functionaltraining #yogaoffthemat #yogaeverywhere #moveyourdna #yogastrong #plankchallenge #plankpose #downdogvariation #modernyoga #yogamobility #yogaformobility #dynamicyoga #yogainspiration #heartandbonesyoga #cellulardanceparty #armpitsofpower #movementculture #movementlifestyle #mindfulmovement

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

You know how you can be standing and shrug your shoulders up toward your ears and then pull them down again several times? As kind of a shoulder mobility warm up? Wellll this great move featured here is interesting because it is the *opposite* of shoulder shrugging in a way. . Instead of a non-moving torso and shoulders that slide up & down, here we are holding our shoulders still and sliding our torso up and down relative to them. Can you see that difference? . Another way of saying that is that normal standing shoulder shrugs are an “open chain” movement, and the shoulder shrugs I’m doing in this video are a “closed chain” movement. . I like these closed chain shoulder shrugs because they allow us to load our shoulders with more of our bodyweight, which provides the potential for strengthening adaptations. . As our shoulders depress down away from our ears (actually our torso is sliding UP relative to our shoulders), we are *concentrically* contracting our scapular depressor muscles (e.g. lats, lower trapezius, etc.) . And as our shoulders elevate up toward our ears (our torso is sliding DOWN relative to our shoulders), we are *eccentrically* contracting those same scapular depressors. . For the most effective work here, be sure to keep your elbows straight and keep your spine neutral. Maintaining this control takes some focus & practice, but once you hone in on it, you’ll ensure that you are isolating pure scapular elevation & depression, which is what we want! . Try several scapula elevations & depressions in a row until you start to fatigue. Then see how it feels to take this same scapular movement into the overhead position of downward dog! . Let me know how it goes if you try it! . . . . . #dandasana #shoulders #shoulder #lats

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

I’ve long ago retired sun salutations as a warm up in my own practice and in my teaching. Personally, I love the feeling that shaking out my limbs gives me, along with big sweeping, flowing movements with my arms, rather than following a linear, sagittal plane movement like the traditional sun salutation. _ This is a glimpse into how I generally move each morning. And the mornings I can be barefoot in the grass amongst the trees and birds, even better. Maybe I should call this the tree salutation _ I was going to film this sped up as my sequence is a little longer, but the birds were just too lovely this morning, so I recommend turning on your volume button and listen while you watch. _ What are your favourite ways to move your body when you wake up in the morning? _ PS- We have a whole bunch of morning wake-up, joint friendly classes in the Heart + Bones online yoga studio. Check it out in the link in bio and join us a monthly or yearly member _ #movewithlove #morningmovement #morningyoga #sustainableyoga #sustainablemovement

Хештеги на тему #MODERNYOGA

I’ve been travelling and teaching for 9 months and people keep asking me what kind of travel yoga mat I use. My answer? None. I’ve loved not having a yoga mat with me (especially as I’ve only been travelling with a carryon suitcase!) and have not missed using a mat whatsoever. _ My bare feet and hands work great on the floor, and if it feels a little slippery in a down dog or something, I welcome the instability to challenge my nervous system. Or I use a wall to brace myself instead of sliding. If I need support for my knees, blankets or pillows work great. _ Utilizing the environment around you for movement inspiration allows more creativity in how and when we move. If we wait until we have an hour to unroll the yoga mat or go to a class, we might not end up moving in those healthy little bits throughout the day. _ Let’s continue to let go of the stories what yoga should look like and allow it to be a practice that reflects who you are... in all the ways. This lovely sequence gets all the good thoracic twistiness combined with some lunge love and shoulder mobility that you can do at a counter or anywhere else. _ Where are some of your favourite non-traditional places to do yoga? _ . . . . . . #movewithlove #movewithlovetour #sustainableyoga #sustainablemovement #dynamiclunges #lunge #yogalunge #warriorone #dynamicyoga #shouldermobility #thoracicmobility #thoracictwist #yogamobility #yogaformobility #functionalyoga

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