Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #MONOCULARVISION

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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #MONOCULARVISION
#monocularvision #monocularvisionprobs #monocularvisionsucks #monocularvisionimpairment #monocularvisionspyworldmiamispyworldmiami #monocularvisionkidart #monocularvisionsinger #monocularvisionbecauseilostacontactlastnight #monocularvisioncanseepredatorsbehindher

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Today was my first appointment with my Ocularist and I officially have TWO eyes. Although this is a temporary prosthesis (I get my custom eye In a month) and we’ve still got some healing to go until I look like the old Molly, it’s one step closer to a finish line. This whole experience has been quite the challenge to say the least but after two surgeries, three hospitals, and more get well cards than we ever could’ve wished for, I can honestly say that I’ve gained more than I’ve lost. I may see the world a little differently now but I definitely have a better perspective of what’s important. Thank you to Jake, my family and friends for helping me stay sane, positive and always cheering me on- literally couldnt do this without everyone by my side. 2018 I’m ready for you ✌#monocularvision

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

I am SO excited that the prospect of getting back into gymnastics is just around the corner!! ❤️ * Life is just a little bit hectic right now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I’m counting down the weeks and days until I can do my job OUTSIDE the hospital bring on the land of GP!!!! ❤️❤️ * * * * * * * * * #backwalk #walkover #training #bringonsummer #handstands #girlswholift #girlswhosquat #girlswhodeadlift #gymnastics #strong #strongwomen #strongnotskinny #powerliftinglife #gymnast #strongisnotasize #strongisthenewskinny #strongisbeautiful #fitnessgirl #fitness #fitnesslife #monocular #embraceyourimperfections #oneeye #monocularvision #fitspo #fitnessblog #glutenfreegirl #glutenfreeblog #fitnesotivation

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Smashing out some body weight deadlift reps with hair that just can’t decide where it wants to be ‍♀️ * I made an active decision this morning to not sulk and try to use my morning off pre twilight shift, to be productive and get a few bits done! ✅ * Ticking things off my list gives me a great deal of satisfaction and makes me feel like I’ve achieved something. Anyone else just put stuff on their list so that they can cross it off ‍♀️ * * * * * * * * * * * #training #trainingday #girlswholift #circuittraining #girlswhopowerlift #strongwomen #strongwoman #deadlifting #girlswholiftheavy #girlswhodeadlift #glutenfreegirl #fitness #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #strongnotskinny #strongisbeautiful #strongisthenewskinny #homegym #workout #healthylifestyle #girlswholift #monocularvision #embraceyourimperfections #oneeye #monocular #nhsworker #oncall #oncalllife

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Não sei se alguém aqui ainda não sabe disso, mas eu tenho visão monocular e não, um olho não enxerga o que os dois juntos enxergam. Além de minha visão "boa" ser também comprometida, o que mais me atrapalha é a falta de noção de profundidade. Quando temos a visão de dois olhos nós temos o que chamam de visão 3D. E temos noção do que tá longe e o que tá perto. O monocular não tem essa visão. Então tudo é como se tivesse na mesma linha. Isso me atrapalha principalmente pra andar na rua e fazer meus projetos craft. Não, não é simplesmente sentar e fazer a mágica acontecer. Eu corto e furo muito meus dedos fazendo minhas peças. E quando eu faço a capa toda e percebo que tá torta eu tenho que fazer de novo e de novo e de novo... Um tempo desse eu me peguei fazendo as coisas com o olho cego fechado. Já tava virando uma mania. Aí pensei que um tapa olho seria uma boa opção. Porque com o olho fechado eu tinha mais noção de profundidade e tamanho. Mas eu queria algo legal, divertido... Então eu conheci a @gal_design que chegou até mim interessada nos meus papéis reciclados. Quando eu vi os bordados incríveis que ela produzia perguntei se, por acaso, ela não topava fazer um tapa olho pra mim. Mais que depressa ela disse sim, mesmo nunca tendo feito. O resultado foi incrível! Mais do que eu esperava. Vou usar pra trabalhar, principalmente em dias de crise de glaucoma. Deus queira que eu não faça mais cirurgias, mas só Deus sabe o quando eu desejei um desses na minha última cirurgia. Obrigada Khetlin. Nem sei como agradecer. É como se eu tivesse perdido algo muito importante e alguém tivesse me devolvido inesperadamente. ❤️

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Like a child in a sweet shop playing with all the machines For those who know or regularly follows me, you’ll know I train at home in my garage so when I go to a hotel that’s got a gym I want to play!!! Focused on arms yesterday * What an absolute blessing this weekend has been so far ❤️ I’m working 3/4 weekends and therefore I’m going to savour every moment of this one * Also the girl running in the background of a couple of these videos is one of my best friends. She and I used to come last in school cross country together, now look at her go!!!! So proud ❤️ * * * * * * * #training #trainingday #circuittraining #hiit #circuit #benchpress #shoulders #arms #armsworkout #upperbody #upperbodyworkout #strongnotskinny #strongwomen #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #girlswhopowerlift #powerlifting #poweliftingwomen #strongisnotasize #monocular #monocularvision #strongisbeautiful #thisgirlcan #fitness #fitspo #fitnessblog #fitnessjourney #weekendoff #friendshipgoals

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

June is my birthday month June is also cataract awareness month . Why does this mean so much to us? . This little boy is why. Let me take you back about 6.5 years ago. While visiting my friend’s new baby girl and letting our babies meet for the first time, something told me that my son’s eye looked different. The next morning I made an appointment with the doctor. A few appointments after that, we learned he was born with a cataract in his right eye and subsequently the diagnosis of Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous [PHPV]. . What this all means really, is that we are so lucky to have a happy, handsome, and amazing son. He may not have binocular vision, but he makes up for it in so many other ways. . I’m blessed beyond words and love being his mother ❤️ I wouldn’t have it any other way. . Also, get your peepers checked.

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Creep by Radiohead, piano version sang with an AMAZING singer Jonathan Gilmore on Smule! Best sound with headphone use! Hope you enjoy listening and thanks for stopping by and listening!  #creep #radiohead #radioheadcreep #marcusjay214 #Jonathan_Gilmore #bechetsawareness #bechetslife #bechetswarrior #bechets #monocularvision #monocular #inspiration #instaSmule #Smule #singersofinstagram @smuleofficial @alistsingers @stunningmusicians @musiciansgottalent @best_insta_musicians #singersofinstagram #instasinger #imasingersuperstar @just.sing.it.official @thesingsalon #duetoftheweek #smule11 #smule11playlist #vocals.artists

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

Meet Nymeria - the newest member of the family. We found her at a shelter after being in a horrible motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, her eye had to be removed, as it was damaged beyond repair. Her story deeply resonated with me on a personal level and I had to take her home. She's quite a photogenic girl, as you can see. #oneeyedcatclub #monocularvision #rescuedontbuy

Хештеги на тему #MONOCULARVISION

I’m going to pay for today’s workout tomorrow felt motivated to do some heavy lifts on the #wendler531 programme and today was deadlift day * This video is of my first set of reps at 87.5kg going for as many as possible. I’m so glad the camera was behind me as I was pulling some horrendous faces!!! * 5reps x 67.5kg 5reps x 77.5kg As many reps as possible x 87.5kg (managed 10! Repeated - managed 9) As many reps as possible x 77.5kg (managed 12) As many reps as possible x 67.5kg (managed 15) Followed by 3 rounds of: 20 calf raises 10 good mornings (20kg bar) 10 straight leg deadlifts (10kg DB each hand) 5 sumo deadlifts (55kg bar) * Whatever the question, hard work is nearly always the answer * * * * * * * * * #training #trainingday #girlswholift #circuittraining #girlswhopowerlift #strongwomen #strongwoman #deadlifting #hiit #hiitworkout #girlswhodeadlift #glutenfreegirl #fitness #fitspo #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #strongnotskinny #strongisbeautiful #strongisthenewskinny #homegym #workout #healthylifestyle #girlswholift #monocularvision #embraceyourimperfections #oneeye #monocular #nhsworker

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