musculoskeletal muscula rehabilitation physiotherapy pain chiropractic crackedheels ingrowingtoenails lacuna medipedi medway netmums neuroma parkrun toenailreconstruction wellness backpain fitness ingrowntoenails injury lifestyle musculos painmanagement physio rehab rochester sportsinjury amomuscula athlete athletesfeet tendonitis
✨ Is anyone going anywhere cool this summer? I’m going to Greece...twice
One is for a wedding and the other is for a family holiday which was booked before I knew about this wedding being in Greece luckily I’ll be going to two different parts so it’s not all bad
App: @goodnotesapp used on iPad Pro 10.5” (2017) with images from Google that I’ve annotated
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Domingo dá vontade de fazer isso
#hipertrofia #musculos #hipertrofiando #músculos #musculosa #musculosas #hipertrofiafeminina #musculoso #hipertrofiamuscular #mulheresmusculosas #ganharmassa #musculoskeletal #musculosos #ganharmassamuscular #ganharmassamagra #musculaçãomasculina #musculaçãofuncional #musculaçãoderesultados #musculaçãoporamor #amomusculação #bodybuildinglifestyle #treinoanimal #ficagrande #ficargrande
The special for this month is all about supporting your active lifestyle! Whether you’re chasing your kids around or hitting it hard in the gym, these products can provide support.
Want to know more? Click the link in our bio to read more about this month’s special and find out how it can support your lifestyle!*
Anatomy of the back.
Model @brbmassage
Artwork by @artofmichaelcarlosiii
Photography by @caryl.barquin
Created for @massagetherapeutics915
#humanbody #humananatomy #anatomy #anatomyandphysiology #anatomyart #anatomybodypainting #bodypainting #bodypaintmodel #muscle #muscles #musclescience #musculoskeletal #latissimusdorsi #trapezius #infraspinatus #teresminor #deltoids #thorocolumbar #massagetherapy #massagetherapyschool #massagetherapeutics #battlereadybodywork
- L E V S C A P -
Your Levator Scapulae is a muscle that lays just underneath your Upper Traps in the corner where your neck meets your shoulder
This muscle is a very busy little thing. It initiates and assists in a lot of your neck movements such as:
Lateral Flexion (cute little head tilt)
Same side Rotation of the head and neck
(and most importantly, the movement behind the name…)
Scapula Elevation
The most common dysfunction to Lev Scap is postural stress and/or activity overload stresses. This can be things like holding the phone between your shoulder and ear can be a real killer for this bad boy.
People will often complain of having a stiff neck, especially when rotating their head
The production of trigger points in this muscle are very common and can be easily treated with anything from hands on manipulation to dry needling to myofascial release!
The fun thing (well, what I find fun about it anyway ) is the structure of this muscle. Around the mid belly of it, the fibres actually TWIST! This is what helps with its ability to rotate the head and neck! ☺️
One great self-stretch to do for this is to “sniff ya pit”!
Sit up nice and straight and actually SIT ON the hand of the side your stretching
Slowly look across to the OPPOSITE side
Once mid-way, tilt your head down and bring your nose to your arm pit
You can also stick a or a ⚾️ ball in there and do some self-release work too!
place the ball on the medial corner of your Scap (where the distal attachment is)
you can then hold is Static or move around!
#feelthepainlovethepain •
#myotherapy #alliedhealth #musculoskeletal #myofascialrelease #softtissue #mobility #dryneedling #health #exerciseprescription #painfree #movement #recovery #levatorscapulae #shoulder
Não pare! Mesmo nos dias muitos corridos, vá! Um tempinho para treinar é sempre possível conseguir
#hipertrofia #musculos #hipertrofiando #músculos #musculosa #musculosas #hipertrofiafeminina #musculoso #hipertrofiamuscular #mulheresmusculosas #ganharmassa #musculoskeletal #musculosos #ganharmassamuscular #ganharmassamagra #musculaçãomasculina #musculaçãofuncional #musculaçãoderesultados #musculaçãoporamor #amomusculação #bodybuildinglifestyle #treinoanimal #ficagrande #ficargrande