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Jezhntan peroz bet azizan❤️hiwadarim hamu bash bin, beerim kirdbun❤️
Happy eid everyone
I hope you all have been well. I’ve missed you all❤️❤️
#baby #eidmubarak2018 #cheerfulbella #happybabygirl #kchikurd #kurdistan #misseveryone #jezhn #smartbaby #smartkid #funnykids #kidstalking
@kurd.posting @kurdish_cafe @baby_mnal
When mama tells you we are all out of thin mints.
I relate so hard to this look.
Of note - my sister in law needs to come to town more often, because she always snaps the best pictures of him @nikbowman
@girlscouts #girlscoutcookies #disappointment #sadface #blueyes #beautifulbaby #adapt #adaptations #adaptandovercome #disability #specialneedsparenting #abilitynotdisability #clever #smartkid #mytinytribe #letthembelittle #dwarfism
Ayyee!!! "Life is about the knowledge we obtain and our powers to inspire others! Wow! Who raised this young man!
#smartkid #inspiration #inspirational #Blackexcellence #blackyouthmatter #melaninking #melaninchild #bob_in_uk #blackmensmiling #motivation #motivational #blackleaders #wisewords #melaninpoppin #blackparenthood #truth #lovethiskid #teachyourchildren #blackknowlwdge #lovethis #teachersofinstagram #instavideo #knowledge #powerful #amazing