tensegrity fitness yoga movement bellfit biomechanics core counterbalance design functionalmovement functionalpatterns functionaltraining girevik kettlebell kettlebellworkout posture spinestability strengthefficiency anatomytrains architecture biomechanicsculture control coretraining fascia instafit spine strong athlete athleticism blackroll
Wall retraction is a great exercise to create rib expansion along with T-spine extension. The aim is to posteriorly tilt your pelvis and extend your thoracic spine at the same time to create a more functional rib expansion with your breathe. This had my Glutes, TVA and T-spine lit up! Its a great exercise to help rebalance the shoulder/scapula region and pull you out of a kyphosis.
I have a lot of restrictions still but its improved loads! More videos to come.
If you want to know more or to book a session, drop me a message!
#functionalpatterns #fpallday #functionaltraining #biomechanics #tensegrity #tva #kyphosis #breathe #blandfordforum #blandford #dorset #personaltrainer
Les fascias forment un organe à part entière et sont tous interconnectés!
Soin d’1h30 sur rdv - les mains écoutent et suivent le trajet des tensions. La Fasciapulsologie aide à harmoniser les systèmes entre eux
Thanks again #repost @annasepulvedayoga
#fascia #myofascialrelease #physiotherapy #tensegrity #body #diaphragm #respire #breath #yoga #balance #sport #athlete #move #coach #mouvement #dance #cancer #stress #tension #miofascial #sante #soin #corps #unique #paris #therapie #accompagnement #fasciapulsologie #mariedemontalembert
DORSAL SACRAL LIGAMENTS- ligaments are specialized connective tissue elements containing collagen fibers, elastin and fluid. While described as simply passive restraints in orthopedic medicine, they have a much greater function in the body. In addition to their collagen-elastin-water makeup, ligaments have large amounts of mechanoreceptors and specialized sensory organs. The role of these receptors is to inform the CNS of where the joints are in space and monitoring of tension forces. This information is vital to our “proprioception” sense, our muscular function via the ligaments-musculo reflex and pain referral patterns in the body. Ligament pain referral patterns are often overlooked in standard care.
Hackett and Kurosawa found that stimulating the four individual dorsal sacroiliac ligaments by injecting lidocaine/saline generates specific pain patterns in the lower extremity. These pain referrals followed scleratomal patterns that may be classically attributed to lumbar nerve root impingement (but are not). The patterns were as follows:
- Green (Ilio-Transversospinales-sacral) can refer to the upper buttock, anterior and lateral thigh
- Yellow (Axile Lig) refers to the middle buttock, lateral thigh and lower leg
- Orange (Zaglas Lig) and
- Red (Bichat Lig) refer to the lower buttock, lateral hamstring and lateral ankle/foot
- Blue (Sacrotuberous-long dorsal sacral) and Purple (Sacrospinous) refer to the medial hamstring and calf region. - Maroon and Pink (iliolumbar ligs) can refer to the groin/pubic area
These referral patterns compliment classic Travell trigger points. “Radicular” type symptoms may not be nerve related but rather of ligament origin. Ligaments must be considered in local and peripheral pain patterns and as potential treatment targets to resolve pain. #anatomylinks #anatomy #tensegrity #fascia #biomechanics #orthopedics #chiropractic #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #osteopathy #pelvis #anatomia #yoga #backpain #ligaments #acupuncture #dryneedling #functionaltraining #function #anatomyandphysiology
Es el tejido conectivo que envuelve, conecta y a la vez separa todas las estructuras de nuestro organismo la #fascia la denominación de la fascia en nuestros #musculos se llama #miofascia juega un rol importante en la contracción muscular, esta sirve de canal de transporte para los vasos sanguineos; y esta inervada por el sistema nervioso simpático, es el reservorio de fibroblastos (células que producen #colageno) los fibroblastos responden a estímulos mecánicos esa es la base de la inducción #miofascial técnica de terapia manual ¿Dolores recurrentes en tus músculos? ¿dolores difusos? con alodinia mecánica (dolor al moverte), puntos gatillos activos (zonas que irradian dolor), ¿Alergias?
Si tu respuesta es SI probablemente tengas un "sindrome miofascial" muy familiar al diagnostico de fibromialgia ¿no? .
Acabo de ver un documental sobre la fascia, les dejare el link en la historia con esta misma imagen (desliza hacia arriba en la imagen de mi historia y te llevará a YouTube), de verdad son 43 minutos fascinantes de vídeo... Se lo recomiendo a mi colegas y a los fisios que me siguen... @fisiosaludtotal #terapiamanual #fascia #fasciarelease #fisio #sportinjury #manualtherapy #puntosgatillo #sindromedefatigacronica #sfc #fibromialgia #dolor #dolorlumbar #cadenascruzadas #tensegridad #pain #tensegrity #sindromemiofascial #fasciafriday
Tension Integrity Icosahedron: Six brass struts float isolated from each other but held in a stable configuration by a net of 24 connecting cables. I made this sculpture using hollow brass tubes and weaving through them a single strand of fishing line, which is connected after passing through each tube exactly four times. This configuration of three sets of parallel struts forms a Jessen’s icosahedron under tension, and was invented by the famous architect Buckminster Fuller in 1949.
Credit @physicsfun .
#physics #physicsfun #tensionforce #tensegrity #buckminsterfuller #kennethsnelson #icosahedron #compression #structuralengineering #floatingcompression #science #scienceisawesome
Kostick Stars: The geometric forms of these kinetic sculptures snap into place due only to the balanced tension forces between the slightly bent bronze wires. The large star is comprised of six struts, each made of 5 wires, which are made to intersect and weave though each other with beautiful geometric regularity. Similarly the small star has 4 struts each made of 3 wires. The ends of the 6 struts of the large star become the 12 vertices of an icosahedron, and the ends of the 4 struts of the small star point to the 8 corners of a cube. Both stars can be collapsed along many of the symmetry axes. Invented and patented in 1970, these stars are still produced and sold by artist and designer John Kostick. .
Credit @physicsfun .
#physics #physicsfun #tensionforce #tensegrity #kostickstar #buckminsterfuller #kennethsnelson #icosahedron #cube #platonicsolids #compression #kosticks #structuralengineering #science #scienceisawesome