thandazagirl bodyofchrist christinme dougaddison emotinalhealing emotionalhealth heal healfrominside healing healingcorner healingpond healingspace healtheheart healthyself healwhenyouready healyourtrauma holistichealing intercession prayerwarriors prayingwomen prophetic propheticinsight sisterhood spiritualawakening spiritualwarfare spiritualwarrior spiritualwisdom spiritualhealing nothembakula everygirlhasadream самуиарендажилья
If you are going do it , do it passionately and powerfully ! Put your life and soul into it and leave a signature that exemplifies the God in you. The God in you is too excellent for you to be mediocre. Excellence is not an option it’s a necessity . The Bible puts it this way “ Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom”
So worthy !! @jaiyajohn
#healingpond #healing #healingspace #holistichealing #heal #healwhenyouready #healthyself #emotinalhealing #emotionalhealth #healingcorner #healfrominside #healtheheart #healyourtrauma#prayerwarriors#prayingwomen#intercession #christinme#bodyofchrist#thandazagirl #sisterhood##spiritualawakening #spiritualwisdom #spiritualwarrior #propheticinsight #DougAddison #prophetic #spiritualwarfare#spiritualhealing
Be kind to self, you’ve made it . @jaiyajohn
#healingpond #healing #healingspace #holistichealing #heal #healwhenyouready #healthyself #emotinalhealing #emotionalhealth #healingcorner #healfrominside #healtheheart #healyourtrauma#prayerwarriors#prayingwomen#intercession #christinme#bodyofchrist#thandazagirl #sisterhood##spiritualawakening #spiritualwisdom #spiritualwarrior #propheticinsight #DougAddison #prophetic #spiritualwarfare#spiritualhealing
You are Okay !! @jaiyajohn
#healingpond #healing #healingspace #holistichealing #heal #healwhenyouready #healthyself #emotinalhealing #emotionalhealth #healingcorner #healfrominside #healtheheart #healyourtrauma#prayerwarriors#prayingwomen#intercession #christinme#bodyofchrist#thandazagirl #sisterhood##spiritualawakening #spiritualwisdom #spiritualwarrior #propheticinsight #DougAddison #prophetic #spiritualwarfare#spiritualhealing
Celebrate where you are even before you get where you are going . It was grace that got you this far and it is grace that will lead you on ! God did not bring you this far to stay this far, You are going further baby - don’t allow anyone else to tell you otherwise !!
#masambe nhanha
There is something called divine replacement. When Abel died, God replaced him with Seth ( Genesis 4:25). Here is the deal , sometimes Abel dies. The reality is that something’s do die. The relationship, or the first marriage, the ministry, the business idea, the support ... Abel dies. Born again or not - sometimes Abel dies. However, This morning God sent me to tell you that He is in the business of divine replacement!! For the Abel who has died , Seth is coming ! Don’t be so hung up on one son, one interview, one idea , one relationship - God can bless you by any means necessary. Whilst the death of Abel is a pain, don’t let it blind you to the Seth that is on the way !!! Aaah !! You will not be empty handed !!! I speak Seth into your life in the mighty name of Jesus !!!!