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The side effects no one talk about when getting off the pill
When you're taking birth control, there are a lot of synthetic hormones added to your body. Transitioning off the pill can trigger your body to go through a rebalancing process, which can sometimes cause acne, mood swings, and weight gain.
Every day I work with women to navigate these changes in a healthy and effective way to gain back control of their body. I have designed a tailored approach using herbs, vitamins, and minerals to support the phase two detoxification process of you liver to rid your body of exogenous hormones without those scary side effects.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute phone consultation with me today with any questions or concerns (link in bio)
To have peace, give peace. To be happy, make happy. To feel loved, love. This is very simple and is a part of all the world’s inspired teachings. -
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Ohhhh man have I had a love hate relationship with those tiny pills.
When I was 17 years old I went to doctors in search of a cure for what I thought was a few stubborn teenage pimples and some insight into why I had only had 4 periods since getting my period 3 years earlier.
After a 15 min consult I walked out with a prescription for ‘The Pill’ and was told that it would not only fix up my acne, but would also ‘magically’ fix up my periods too.
Well I walked out thinking all my problems were solved!!! And to be honest they were, my skin cleared up and my ‘periods’ became spot on regular!
All hail The Pill!!! Well fast forward 10 years and I think maybe I will come off The Pill, and so the next day I just stopped taking it.
Well 2 weeks later all hell broke loose, and I mean my body went into some serious shock, I’m talking migraines so bad I couldn’t leave the house, constant nausea and blurred vision. It was crazzzzzy!! And then 4 weeks after that the acne and hair loss started... and so did my journey to finding out I had PCOS.
Anyway what I am getting to is that the contraceptive pill is is seriously brutal.
It might look like it’s ‘fixed’ all yout problems, but really it’s just masking the underlying root cause by using harmful synthetic hormones that often make the issues even worse when you do decide to come off the pill.
Being on the pill depleted my body of so many nutrients that are vital for balanced hormones, mood, gut health and energy.
I wish someone had of told me what the pill would do to my body, and also how to prepare my body to come off it.
So here’s some tips that might help if you are on the pill, or have recently come off the pill:
- Load up Vitamin C, Magnesium, Folate, Zinc and B6.
- Support your liver (to help detoxify those synthetic hormones) by avoiding processed and inflammatory foods, sugar, dairy and meat.
- Drink a lot of water
- Add detoxifying herbs such as nettle leaf (this was one of the reasons I added nettle leaf to my Cysterhood tea).
- Take a probiotic to help support your microbiome
- Be informed about what the Pill actually does, and understand that it takes time to heal when you come off it
To be able to best support your hormone health, you need to understand the inner workings of your body and the different phases it cycles through each month. When people think of a menstrual cycle, many think of it just as the 3-7 days in which bleeding occurs. But you want to think of it in it’s 21-35 day entirety as each phase within this, influences the health and functioning of each other phase! We are cyclic beings, and as our hormones fluctuate, so do our energy levels, appetite, libido, moods, motivation, the way we feel in our bodies etc - and with these changes, the expectations we have on ourselves & the demands we place on our bodies should adapt accordingly. -
Having the awareness of which phase I am in on my cycle has changed my relationship to my body, my periods & the way I live my life. I am so much more understanding & kinder toward myself throughout the month & love knowing why I may be feeling the way I do or what foods & movement can best support me in each different phase. Also, I monitor the changes in my cervical fluid as its an excellent indication of when one is fertile or not especially in combination with taking your temperature! -
I created the image above to give an overview of each phase! If you want to start tracking your cycle & become more aware which phase you are in, the 1st day begins on day 1 of your period, and ends the day before the start of your next period! You can also download a period tracking app like Period Tracker, Kindara or Clue (there are loads) -
I am in my LUTEAL phase! What phase are you in?!
Social media can be such a powerful tool when used correctly, and I’ve certainly realised this since starting this Instagram page!
I’m interested to know how people came across my Instagram….
Was it through another fellow hair loss babe?
Maybe you found me via YouTube?
Or were you searching a hashtag?
I know when I started my hair loss journey I literally typed in “wigs Adelaide” into Google, and ended up finding a local salon here in South Australia that specialised in alternative hair
They had shared a post by Kellie aka @hairlossboss and it changed my god damn world!
How incredible is the internet!
And how bloody incredible is this growing community!!! I swear I see a new ‘hair’ page come up every week now, it’s honestly amazing
Comment below on how you discovered me
(English below ) تم تصديق حبوب منع الحمل الهرمونية عام ١٩٦٠ كأول عقار يصنع لتعطيل عمل جهاز جسدي صحي و يعمل على أكمل وجه
١ من كل ٣ نساء تصرف لهن حبوب منع الحمل لأسباب لا علاقة لها بمنع الحمل كـ "تنظيم" الدورة، أو "علاج" آلام الحيض/حب الشباب/تكيس المبايض
سر: الموانع الهرمونية لا "تنظم" الدورة و لا تقوم بعلاج أي من هذه الأعراض
الموانع الهرمونية مسؤولة عن كبت الهرمونات الجنسية، منع التبويض، إيقاف الجسم عن طبيعته الدورية، و وضعه في حالة شبيهة بفترة ما بعد انقطاع الطمث = لا وجود لدورة حتى تُنَظَّم .
تم إضافة نزول دم "مغاير عن دم الحيض" لتصميم الحبة بتنشيط بطانة الرحم كل ٢٨ يوم دون حصول التبويض. إضافة هذا الدم ليس له أي مبرر أو داعي طبي. إن السبب الرئيسي لإضافته كان لتمكين إيجازه في الولايات المتحدة كـ"منظم" للدورة إذ أن موانع الحمل كانت ما زالت غير قانونية في الخمسينات الميلادية.
لتقومي باتخاذ قرار مبني على اطلاع و رضا فيما يتعلق بصحتك التناسلية و العامة، فإن معرفة الآثار الجانبية لأي دواء تتناولينه هو من أبسط حقوقك. إذن، ما هي أكثر ٣ أعراض جانبية شيوعاً للموانع الهرمونية؟
* الجفاف المهبلي
*انخفاض الرغبة الجنسية
* زيادة خطر القلق و الاكتئاب.
ليس سراً أبداً: من حقك الحصول على تجربة جنسية استثنائية، ممتعة و خالية من الألم و عدم الارتياح".
نحن في عام ٢٠١٩! تطور عالمنا في مختلف المجالات و العلوم و التقنية. شهدنا حركات نسوية تعتز بجسد المرأة، و طبيعتها الدورية.. تطور لدينا العلم فيما يخص جسد المرأة و جهازها التناسلي. لدينا هواتف ذكية ، مدن ذكية، و سيارات ذاتية القيادة. نحن لا نعيش في الخمسينات الآن. إنه وقت مختلف تماماً! إن تعلق النساء بالموانع الهرمونية كأفضل طريقة لمنع الحمل لـ ٦٠ عاماً لهو أمر محير.. بإمكاننا أن نكون أفضل ❣️.
The first pill was approved by the FDA in 1960 as the first developed drug to shut down a perfectly healthy bodily function .