trashtagchallenge trashtag environment plogging trash earth motherearth nature trashchallenge youtheh beachcleanup bethechange inspiredaily instagram litterpicking plasticfree plasticpollution pollution saynotoplastic cleantheworld cleanupchallenge defidechet earthday2019 instagood isthisyours mothersday naturequotes reducereuserecycle allufa
#plastic #plasticpollution #earthday ♻️#singleuseplastic #plasticfree #pollution #climaticchange #savetheworld #gogreen ✅ #racingextinction #surfers #globalwarming #savetheplanet #surfer #conservation #marinepollution ✊#wildlife #planetearth #environmentalist #environment #banplastic #cleanseas #marinelife ✅ #ilovemyplanet #greenliving #trashtagchallenge #trashtag
Добрый день
Сегодня спонтанная акция "уберу за теми, кто не знает где мусорка♀️"
Вот даже писать не буду о том, что нужно выкидывать мусор куда следует и о вреде всего этого
Ведь если человек-свинья, без толку об этом писатьа хрюкать я не умею
Зато я могу сказать вам
У меня 74 тысячи подписчиков, и если каждый соберёт хоть пакет мусора, один маленький город будет чище
#делайкакдаша и будет вокруг вас чистоприсоеденяйтесь
Хороших вам выходных
@koroplasthayatikolaylastirir ‘in başlattığı #trashtagchallenge a ben de katılıyorum ve evime en yakın parkı temizliyorum
Siz de temizlemek istediğiniz alanın (park, bahçe) fotoğrafını sosyal medyada #trashtagturkiye ve #trashtagchallenge hashtagleri ile paylaşın @koroplasthayatikolaylastirir ‘ı etiketleyin, size de içinde eldiven ve Koroplast çöp poşetlerinin olduğu kiti ulaştırsınlarArdından temizlediğiniz yerin fotosunu çekin ve farkındalık için paylaşın. Daha fazla kişiye ulaşmak için arkadaşlarınızı etiketleyin Haydi! ♀️
⭐️ The star thrower ⭐️ A man was walking on the beach one day and noticed a boy who was reaching down, picking up a starfish and throwing it in the ocean. As he approached, he called out, “Hello! What are you doing?” The boy looked up and said, “I’m throwing starfish into the ocean”. “Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?” asked the man. “The tide stranded them. If I don’t throw them in the water before the sun comes up, they’ll die” came the answer. “Surely you realize that there are miles of beach, and thousands of starfish. You’ll never throw them all back, there are too many. You can’t possibly make a difference.” The boy listened politely, then picked up another starfish. As he threw it back into the sea, he said, “It made a difference for that one.”
They may not be enough on their own but clean ups make a huge difference in terms of awareness. Picking up rubbish makes us realise how devastating our plastic use is and can be a huge drive to change. It gets easier to remember to #refusesingleuse when you have picked up bags, cups and straws on the beach... ➡️ have you ever joined a clean up? @tonirepo.jpg
AMAZING! Thank you for making this year’s #BigSpringBeachClean the UK’s biggest beach clean ever! Together we’re acting on plastic pollution in our communities on an unprecedented scale. #GenerationSea⠀
✅ 752 beach, river, mountain & street cleans held⠀
✅ 45,000 people took part⠀
✅ 70 tonnes of plastic pollution cleared⠀
(That’s heavier than two humpback whales! )⠀
But this wasn’t *just* a beach clean. Our volunteers collected evidence from the shoreline to determine the most common plastic polluting brands. ⠀
We’re now crunching the numbers and will use this data to inform our response to government consultations and pressure big companies to take responsibility for plastic pollution.⠀
Images: Pete Cox, Rui Vieira. ⠀
#PlasticFree #PlasticFreeCommunities #PlasticFreeCoastlines #SurfersAgainstSewage #bsbc19 #trashtag #trashtagchallenge #beachclean #beachcleanup #plasticpollutes #endplasticpollution