ttcwithendo ttcjourney endometriosis tryingtoconceive ttcsisters ttcsupport ttccommunity ttcover30 trichotillomania ttcnaturally infertility pmdd fromskinnytostrong housewifelife infertilitysucks skinnytostrong wifeylifey strongisthenewskinny infertilityawareness ttcwithpcos pcos ttcafterloss ttcaftermiscarriage furmom ivfjourney futuremom ttcsister dogmom futuremama ttcwithpcos
This squirmy nugget was moving all over place today. 11 weeks today! Heart rate was 180. My anxiety is a little less than it was, but I’m not sure it will ever go away completely.
#pregnancyafterinfertility #infertility #infertilelife #11weekspregnant #ivfbaby #donorembryobaby #embryoadoption #donorembryorecipient #donorembryopregnancy #ttcwithpcos #ttcwithendo #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcafterloss
W O R T H | T H E | W A I T
When you’re trying for a baby it’s the most incredible feeling when you see that positive pregnancy test.
When you’ve struggled conceiving and you finally get a positive test it feels even more magical.
When you’ve both struggled to conceive and have suffered pregnancy loss in the past it can feel like an absolute miracle.
Reuben is our miracle. Our beautiful little rainbow baby. He was more than worth the wait and the heartache. I’d wait a life time over to have him in my life. He is literally everything and more to us.
This was the first outfit we bought for him - this and a vest that said little miracle ❤️
#worththewait #wellworththewait #worthitall #worththestruggle #littlemiracle #positivepregnancy #pregnancyjourney #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancyaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcafterloss #ttcwithendo #supportinstatribe #ttccommunity #ttcsupport #endometriosiswarrior #endometriosissucks #rainbowbaby #rainbowbabies #myrainbow #myrainbowbaby #myrainbowbaby #babyrainbow #rainbowbaby
Who else is in the 2 week wait with me? 3dpo
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
Ultrasound looks great! I measured 9 weeks exactly and was released from the RE to my regular OB. My last PIO shot will be next Thursday!
#9weekspregnant #embryoadoption #embryodonation #donorembryo #donorembryopregnancy #donorembryorecipient #ivf #ivflife #infertility #infertilelife #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcafterloss #ttcwithpcos #ttcwithendo
Listen, you and I need to talk. It’s not me, it’s you. I’m trying to put this delicately but, you suck. You are awful, you stink, you’re the scum between my toes. I think we should take a break from each other.. - Me talking to the inanimate object that is #infertility . You guys, it’s been a long and bumpy road to where Levi and I are today, almost 3 years of fighting to be parents. We need a break, like a Ross and Rachel kind of break. We’re going to see other people AKA live our best life outside of trying to conceive. We’ll get back together soon enough, don’t worry. While the most beautiful embaby is hanging out and making friends in the tundra, Levi and I have decided to check out for a little while. We are taking the summer off *insert sigh of relief*. We are putting our plans on hold to enjoy some sun in the Caribbean. I need this, we need this. It’s okay to press the pause button and reset. You’ve been fighting hard, spending every second worrying and thinking all things #TTC. I say this to encourage those of you who feel overwhelmed, those of you that feel your dinner plate, dessert plate and soup bowl are full. Press pause. Take a break. Plan the trip. Buy the house. Live your life. Enjoy the season you are currently in because you will not get this time back. ❤️ •
#ttc #infertility #ttctribe #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #endometriosis #ivf #frozenembryo #endo #ivfsisters #ivfsupport #ttccommunity #infertilitysucks #infertilitysisters #infertilityjourney #ivffet #ttcwithendo #projectgainacain
Tested again this AM. BFN. Starting to spot brown/pink. Definitely thinking it's my period trying to start up again. So tired of this waiting game. I just want my baby.
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
#SWIPE I was making eggs yesterday for lunch and the yolk busted. Is it just me or does it kind of look like a human embryo Hopefully it's a sign!!
#ttc #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcjourney #tryingforababy #tryingtoconceive #babynumber2 #babydust #endometriosis #pcos #ttcwithpcos #ttcwarrior #ttcishard #ttcafterloss #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcwithendo #miraclebaby #rainbowbaby #prayingforamiracle #2ww #twoweekwait #2weekwait #twolines #prayingfor2lines
Another month, another test. Why me? Why us? Why isn’t this working? What did I do to deserve this? Why isn’t God answering our prayer? Will I ever be a mom? These questions overtake my mind like a plague. The worst part, never getting answers. As a 16 year old working in a local pizza joint, I would ask my manager “when is my break?” I find my 25 year old self asking God that same question. The last 3 years have been radically consumed by infertility. When can I come up for air because I am drowning in this sea of grief. •
Nonetheless, God is still good, His plan and His timing is perfect. Today, I am praying for all of you asking those same questions. There is purpose in this pain. Beauty will come from these ashes. You are heard and your miracle IS coming and so is mine ❤️
#ttc #ttctribe #ttccommunity #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #ttcjourney #infertility #infertilitysucks #endometriosis #ttcwithendo #ttcwithendometriosis #pregnancytest