visionloss blindness visuallyimpaired blind lowvision sightloss visualimpairment legallyblind vision whitecane accessibility bikeforacause glaucoma health ophthalmology theblindmatters thediscoveryquest diabetes eyes healthcare ptsd repost visionimpairment retinaldetachment surgery uveitis accessiblebeaut accessiblebeaute anxietysucks thediscoveryquest
It’s been 7 weeks since my stroke and in just a few days I’ll have to undergo my second surgery. The most challenging part of my recovery has been trying to process everything & coping with my vision loss. Unfortunately I lost vision in my left peripheral view because of damage to my brain.
Although all of this has been incredibly difficult for me and my family, I am trying to remain positive and putting faith in God for a full recovery. I have so much to be thankful for. I am alive, my beautiful baby boy is healthy and happy, I can walk and talk and I am so blessed to have the most loving support system standing by my side every step of the way.
I am choosing not to let this tragic situation dictate my life and hold me back from living a fulfilling life. While there have been many rough days I know brighter days are ahead! .
#strokerecovery #strokesurvivor #stroke #survivor #postpartum #visionloss #brainsurgery #life #reality #marriage #husband #wife #love #blacklove #blackmom #maryland #baltimore #summer#newparents #mom #dad #parents #baby #babyboy #cutebaby #photography #photo #photooftheday #thankful
At this moment in time I think artificial iris implants are not yet fully developed to change eye colour safely enough. There are some studies showing promising results for the near future.
I do NOT recommend anyone in my clinic to do an iris implant. Beware of the consequences; iris atrophy, cataract, glaucoma, corneal decompensation and permanent vision loss.
Here you see an early removal of artificial iris implant preformed by the same company who placed the artificial iris due to complaints (light sensitivity, red eyes and fluctuating eye pressue)
No Copyright intended
#artificialiris #beauty #aesthetic #naturalbeauty #cataract #iris #glaucoma #visionloss #cornealdisease #cornealdystrophy #ophthalmology #medicine #drawtheline #oogheelkunde #geneeskunde #oogarts
#пациент04383 Гипертоническая ангиоретинопатия. На старте лечения мы имели МКОЗ 0.1, грубый ретинальный отек с субфовеолярной отслойкой нейроэпителия (состояние до можно найти по хэштегу пациента). Сейчас зрение 0.6. На фото хорошо видно как сказалась ишемия на сетчатке: интраретинальные экссудаты расположенные в макуле в виде спиц колеса. Да, отека на данный момент нет. -----------------------------------
#patient04383 Hypertensive angioretinopathy. At the start of treatment we had the BCVA was increased to 10/100 gross retinal edema with subpoeanas detachment of the neuroepithelium (the state before you can find the hashtag of the patient). Now vision is 60/100. The photo clearly shows how they were affected by the ischemia in the retina: intraretinal exudates in the macula located in the form of spokes of a wheel. Yes, there is no swelling at the moment. #докторроманенко #doctorromanenko #микрохирургияглаза #ophthalmology #офтальмология #mắt #гипертония #сетчатка #оптическаякогерентнаятомография #глазноедно #макула #экссудация #hypertension #retina #visionloss #oct #гипертоническаяболезнь
A Trifecta: Epiretinal membrane (ERM), Vitreomacular Traction (VMT) and Pigment Epithelial Detachment (PED) all in one. .
#retina #optometry #optometrystudent #ophthalmicphotography #ophthalmologyresident #ophthalmology #eyedoctor #eyedisease #visionloss #vision #russian_ophthalmology_english #medicine #medicine #oftalmologia #oftalmología #oftalmologista
Baby steps can lead to big jumps. Think possible and it will become possible. @crossfitmyo @wheelwod @iamadaptive @adaptivecrossfit #iAmAdaptive #blindAthlete #crossfit #adaptiveAthlete #goals #dreamBig #boxJumps #visuallyImpaired #wheelwod #noExcuses #trust #leapOfFaith #visionLoss #fitness #thinkPossible #myofam #girlsWhoLift #crossfitGames #fitnessMotivation #whiteCane
The greats speak the truth when they say that it is our failures that define us. Do we stand up and try again even after our knees are skinned and our hands are torn, or do we throw our arms up and walk away when the going gets tough? Are we the type to feel the pain of our defeat but know that we are warriors or do we become victims of what we could not do. I was bent but I am not able to be broken. I might cry over what I did not accomplish but will listen and learn from my mistakes. This is only the beginning. I am so grateful for all who believe in me. @deks8950 #husbandAndWife @crossfitmyo #greatCoaches #push #believe #myofam #fitfan #crossfitopen #wheelwodOpen #adaptiveAthlete #goals #crossfit #visionloss #failure #defeatWeakness #love #fitness #inspire #theArena #wod #goals #fnx
@wheelwod Strong is underway but it is not too late to sign up. There is a division for visually impaired athletes and even though I like to think of myself as somebody that is super special. The division was not created for me alone. In fact, according to statistics between the United States and Canada there are nearly 8,000,000 people who are considered to be blind. That means, by my rough estimation I should be competing against 150,000 other people. Join me! It does not matter if you can do a pull up, or if you can lift 5 pounds or 500 pounds. The moment that you decide that you are adaptive instead of disabled your life will be forever changed. Mine certainly has been. @adaptiveCrossfit #wheelwod #wheelwodStrong #compete #myofam @crossfitmyo #fitness #adaptiveCrossfit #crossfit #fitspo #visuallyImpaired #adaptiveAthlete #iamadaptive #whiteCane #visionloss #usaba #noExcuses #inclusion #goals
What appears to be simple is not always easy, and sometimes the most difficult things are hidden between the cracks. It all depends on your perspective. So, let’s look at life through my eyes for just one minute. Close your eyes and listen hard through all of the other noise for that countdown clock, because when it comes to competition every second counts. 3,2,1... GO! You got this! Do not be surprised when your heart rate spikes between movements instead of during them. Where is the barbell? Where is the jump rope? Where the heck am I? Can somebody tell me if I’m done yet? No peeking, you are killing it! Not being able to see just makes CrossFit a little more edgy! @crossfitmyo @northern_california_classic @reeboknanoclub @iamprojectx #adaptiveAthlete #blindAthlete #snatches #compete @crossfit #goals #visionLoss #wod #masters @adaptiveCrossfit #crossfit #11.1ladder #girlsWhoLift #wheelWod #wheelWodNation #olyLifting #inspire #fitLife #work #training #myofam @fnx_fit @lean_feast #visuallyImpaired #onlineQualifier #perspective #love #tryIt #noPainNoGain #peopleWithDisabilities #proudToBeMe
Quick video of punctal occlusion for dry eye syndrome. This is with semi-permanent, silicone, plugs. Semi-permanent because they can be removed at any time, however they do not dissolve like collagen plugs do. .
#optometry #optometrystudent #ophthalmicphotography #ophthalmologyresident #ophthalmology #diabetes #diabeticos #medical #medicine #visionloss #vision #russian_ophthalmology_english #oftalmologia #oftalmologista #oftalmología #doctor #disease #eyedisease #dryeyes #retinadisease