yoflow yoga yogaflow yogapractice yogaoasis igyoga yogalove yoflo yogance yogis mens_yoga myyogalife yogaeveryday yogini йога namaste shanti yogaholic yogaposes yogastretch yogavideo cat_shanti tapayogasystem yogadance yogagoals calisthenics odessayoga йогнутьсяможно yogamama lululemon yogagoals
What is Yoga? - Yoga is a discipline ⠀
What Yoga helps to develop? - Ability to conduct your own attention. ⠀
What are the benefits of practicing Yoga? - You become hardy both physically and mentally ⠀
What changes in your life first of all? - You stop eating all kinds of nastiness, and find a lot of goodies ⠀ Why does Yoga make you more harmonious? - It teaches to relax properly ⠀ What is needed to start doing Yoga? - Just give it a try! ⠀ ⠀
With love, Cat Shanti!❤️
#cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #lifeform #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
Okay Real Talk ⠀
I haven’t asked in awhile, and I am just curious what those of you that actually look at my posts want to see? More videos ? Pretty pictures ? Tutorials (which I never do, if you want these be specific) ? Transformation posts ? Body specific flows ? Tell me what you want . ⠀⠀
I’ve been in a bit of a creative funk lately, so I’d just like to hear from some of you what your thoughts are. How can I better serve you ? ⠀
Let me know below ⬇️ ⠀ ⠀
Wearing @aloyoga | Mat @liforme ⠀
Thanks for the video mama, @maryshalane ⠀
#aloyoga #beagoddess #liforme #yoflow #yogavideo #movementismedicine #yogaismagic #iwannaknow #howmayihelpyou #tellmewhatyouwant #myyogapractice #myyogajourney #yogspiration #crunchfitness #crunchtv #crunchtampapalms #yogamovement
#YogiDaybyDay ⠀
Day 7 & 8 - Upavista Konasana & Navasana ⠀
Task - Take care of yourself from the inside ⠀
Good evening my friends, ⠀
So sorry I’m posting late. I didn’t post yesterday because we have been soooo busy this weekend tidying up, donating, cleaning, hanging etc etc . My extra room is finally clean again. There is not one box or extra thing on the floor . We donated 5 boxes of clothes/shoes. I kept a few boxes of things that I’m selling on Posh, but those are stored away under my bed now. And man did it feel so good waking up this morning knowing the room was all clean #itsthelittlethings. ⠀
So all that being said, here’s a video of my boat pose & seated wide legged forward fold. PS - I can pretty much only do boat pose on carpet because of my broken tailbone . ⠀
Now for our task, I know that most people are constantly striving on improving their diet and whatnot.... But I can honestly say I don’t necessarily want to change anything. We quit eating out like months ago, and we both feel so much better. I drink lots of water everyday. I do eat something sweet if I’m craving it & I have a cup of tea before bed . The tea is the newest thing in our diets, but a nice bedtime routine to have- I’m having a cup right now actually. . That’s all for tonight. Sweet dreams everyone . ⠀
⠀ ⠀
Wearing flamingo everything by @aloyoga ⠀
by @nickypickypics ⠀
Hosts: ⠀
@yogi.bree ⠀
Generously sponsored by: ⠀
@aloyoga ⠀
@alo.moves ⠀
Pose Lineup: ⠀
1. Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations ✔️ ⠀
2. Any Virabhadrasana - Warrior ✔️ ⠀
3. Purvottanasana - Upward Plank ✔️
4. Any Marichyasana ✔️
5. Bakasana - Crow ✔️
6. Supta Kurmasana - Tortoise ✔️
7. Upavista Konasana - Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold ✔️
8. Navasana - Boat ✔️
9. Urdvha Dhanurasana - Wheel
10. Matsyasana - Fish
11. Sirsasana - Headstand
12. Padmasana - Lotus
8 часов, полет нормальный #cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #yogaholic #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
#YogiDaybyDay ⠀
Day 1 - Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations ⠀
Task - Make Room ⠀
Happy Sunday my OMies, ⠀
Today we start off our challenge with sun salutations. Feel free to share your favorite variations- I added a pike press in mine. Luckily I recorded mine yesterday in the beautiful, sunny 70 degree whether... Today it’s 40 and cloudy .... ⠀
Anyways, this challenge is a super special one!! Each day we will offer one yoga assignment, and one task for you to live a more fulfilling and positive life . Today we are cleaning out our closets! It’s time to get rid of those things that no longer serve you. I have to be honest.....I’m pro at cleaning out my closet and just putting it in my extra room to sell/ donate ♀️. This afternoon I will box up the things in my extra room, so I can go donate them this week . ⠀
Be sure to check out my story for the rest of the tasks that we will be offering to you throughout this challenge. Be sure to show some love to my cohosts. I can’t wait to see your posts! ⠀
Hosts: ⠀
@yogi.bree ⠀
Generously sponsored by: ⠀
@aloyoga ⠀
@alo.moves ⠀
⠀ ⠀
Pose Lineup: ⠀
1. Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations ✔️ ⠀
2. Any Virabhadrasana - Warrior
3. Purvottanasana - Upward Plank
4. Any Marichyasana
5. Bakasana - Crow
6. Supta Kurmasana - Tortoise
7. Upavista Konasana - Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold
8. Navasana - Boat
9. Urdvha Dhanurasana - Wheel
10. Matsyasana - Fish
11. Sirsasana - Headstand
12. Padmasana - Lotus
Шавасану надо заслужить! ☺️
#cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #yogaholic #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
Виталий Шакиров (Cat Shanti Om) | Ришикеш (Индия) | Март 2019 | 14 дней
✨Уникальная возможность в уникальном месте
#cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #yogaholic #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
#YogiDaybyDay ⠀
Day 11 & 12 - Headstand & Lotus ⠀
Task - Share a song that makes you happy ⠀
Good morning loves & first off thank you so sooooo much to all of you that joined us. This has been a beautiful & uplifting challenge!! I am especially proud of those of you that actually completed the task each day along with the asana. Big love to all of you!! . ⠀
I skipped yesterday, and I had minimal time this morning to flow together something after my practice & before work.... That being said- I couldn’t remember the name of my favorite variation of “Feeling good”, but for the sake of time I just had to play a random one. And no I didn’t necessarily “dance” here, but it’s all good. Lotus is so not my jam, but that’s also okaaaay!! If you want to listen to my favorite version of this not sped up song it’s “Feeling good” by Avicii & Audra Mae. I mean it’s impossible to not feel good to a song that tells you to “feel good”. ⠀
Also a big thank you to my cohosts for making this challenge happen. I love you all so much!! And Happy Thursday everyone else, I def thought it was Friday this morning . ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Hosts: ⠀
@yogi.bree ⠀
Generously sponsored by: ⠀
@aloyoga ⠀
@alo.moves ⠀
Pose Lineup: ⠀
1. Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutations ✔️ ⠀
2. Any Virabhadrasana - Warrior ✔️ ⠀
3. Purvottanasana - Upward Plank ✔️
4. Any Marichyasana ✔️
5. Bakasana - Crow ✔️
6. Supta Kurmasana - Tortoise ✔️
7. Upavista Konasana - Wide Legged Seated Forward Fold ✔️
8. Navasana - Boat ✔️
9. Urdvha Dhanurasana - Wheel ✔️
10. Matsyasana - Fish ✔️
11. Sirsasana - Headstand ✔️
12. Padmasana - Lotus ✔️