anesthesiatech anesthesia anesthesialife medical medicalschool hospital crna medicine nurses airway antibiotics cardiacnurse cardiacsurgery goals healthcare heart medicalmemes medicalstudentlife nursing nursingstudent pharm pharmacology pharmacystudent pharmd respiratorytherapist respiratorytherapy srna anesthesiologist anesthesiology medicalmemes
✨happy hump day✨ spent a good day walking around campus with my pups, drinking coffee, and being lazy. I definitely feel like I’ve had a vacation these past few days now that my mornings are open. The only sad part is I won’t have inservice anymore since the hospital stops after 2pm and I come in at 3. I’ll be on my iPad planning for some future things and doing what I can to make my resume strong for the fall semester. I think I’ll post the tools I use for everything probably this weekend and pricing wise. I’m trying to find the cheapest way possible to stay completely organized and stay on top of everything if any of my premed peeps are interested ✅ on the plus side, I was looking through comparison photos from the beginning of my workout journey to today and I see a huge difference I’m excited to share next month #getyouagirlwhocandoboth #futuredoctor #futuremd #premed #premedstudent #anesthesiatech #hospital #forensicpathology #futureforensicpathologist
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #airway #anesthesia #crna #cardiacnurse #cardiacsurgery #respiratorytherapy #respiratorytherapist #heart #hospital #healthcare #nurses #nursing #nursingstudent #medicine #medicalschool #antibiotics #srna #anp #pharmacology #pharm #pharmacystudent #pharmd #goals #medical #anesthesialife #anesthesiatech #medicalmemes #medicalstudentlife
Found this funny... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #airway #anesthesia #crna #cardiacnurse #cardiacsurgery #respiratorytherapy #respiratorytherapist #heart #hospital #healthcare #nurses #nursing #nursingstudent #medicine #medicalschool #antibiotics #srna #anp #pharmacology #pharm #pharmacystudent #pharmd #goals #medical #anesthesialife #anesthesiatech #medicalmemes #medicalstudentlife
Lung Volumes and Capacities. The amount of air in the lungs can be subdivided into four (4) volumes and four (4) capacities. Respiratory (lung) volumes: Tidal volume (TV) is the amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled during one normal (quiet) breathing cycle (about 500 ml for men & women). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #airway #anesthesia #crna #cardiacnurse #cardiacsurgery #respiratorytherapy #respiratorytherapist #heart #hospital #healthcare #nurses #nursing #nursingstudent #medicine #medicalschool #antibiotics #srna #anp #pharmacology #pharm #pharmacystudent #pharmd #goals #medical #anesthesialife #anesthesiatech #medicalmemes #medicalstudentlife
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #airway #anesthesia #crna #cardiacnurse #cardiacsurgery #respiratorytherapy #respiratorytherapist #heart #hospital #healthcare #nurses #nursing #nursingstudent #medicine #medicalschool #antibiotics #srna #anp #pharmacology #pharm #pharmacystudent #pharmd #goals #medical #anesthesialife #anesthesiatech #medicalmemes #medicalstudentlife
In honor of today being the 1 year anniversary of when I passed the VTNE, I thought I’d share some of my awesome experiences this past year! I have learned so much and have met so many awesome people! #vtne #vettechlife #vettechprep #vetmed #vettech #veterinarymedicine #dental #dentaltech #anesthesia #anesthesiatech #ctscan #dentalradiology #animals #surgery #cvte #hospital #animalhospital #ortech #kitty #rvt
Kokpitten selamlar! Sadece #nörofizyoloji olmaz, biraz da #nöroanestezi ile uğraş dediler. Tamam dedim, kemerleri bağlayın, uçuşa geçiyoruz. #anestezi #nöroşirurji #beyincerrahisi #nöroanestezi #anesthesia #anesteziteknikeri #anestezist #nurseanesthetist #anesthetist #anesthesiatech #anesthesiatechnician #fizyolog #fizyolojist #physiologist #physiology #aviation #pilot #aircraft #airbus #boeing #doktor #doctor #neuroscience #sinirbilim #nörobilim