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I posted this post awhile back, but I thought it reigned true again since we are celebrating Nurses Week this week!
This quote I originally saw from my friend ♥️
I talked about how I think this can go both ways.
If you are treated with respect, supported, and care, you’ll feel empowered and it will truly have an everlasting effect on your entire motherhood.
If you feel you do not have a voice, feel ashamed, feel bullied, not-supported, or experienced an amount of trauma it can ALSO stay with you through your entire motherhood.
It’s an honor to be able to support women as they become mothers, and it is my hope that every woman I care for leaves the delivery room feeling empowered, and not wondering “why?”.
So happy #nursesweek to my fellow labor and delivery nurses, and all my other nurse friends in all other specialities! Nursing is one of the most rewarding professions, and I’m honored to call myself one!
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A little sperm meets egg this morning?
(Maybe you'll get a call from a new client in 2 weeks...)
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Did you know this?
Many women DO drop in the weeks leading up to labor, but DON’T FRET if you are 41 weeks and haven’t!
Many women don’t!
Baby does engage in the pelvis before labor (usually, even some babies engage during labor too) but this isn’t always visually seen on the outside as evidenced by mom’s belly.
Did you drop? I don’t think I really did! ♀️
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Where did my smol baby go ! Uploaded my birth story video, LINK IN BIO! I had an elective c-section and it was a really positive experience. Though looking back, birth is such a tiny part of the bigger picture. The hardest part for me was definitely the first few months where the initial euphoria wears away and you‘re left muddling through each day with a newborn. “Tiny Isabelle“ on the left didn‘t sleep so I spent the first 8 weeks running on 1-2hrs sleep per night. I had constant sore throats/eye infections/cold sores and was even more stressed about accidentally passing something onto her. “Smol Isabelle“ in the middle slept better but started crying a lot. I spent all my time indoors from Feb-March because it was easier to calm her down at home than leaving her to cry in public where she‘d swallow air and become more colicky. Things improved a lot after she turned 4 months old so I‘m finally learning to get back into life with “Current Isabelle“ on the right . #birth #birthstory #baby #pregnancy #newborn
Say hello to my twins’ attachment objects! Both kids happen to be holding their favorite items in this photo. Ames carries his blue blanket everywhere and always knows where it is. Joules carries her purple unicorn “Dolly” (as we call her) all around the house each day, puts her in the high chair, hugs her, feeds her, etc. I have no idea how it all started but somehow it did! Do your kids have an attachment object? If so, what is it?
We finally met our sweet baby boy last weekend, and we are absolutely smitten with him!✨
He was a tough babe to carry, and his labor even tougher, (no joke ladies, it was five whole days from 1 cm to 10 finally they gave up and induced me)! Yet his birth was short and sweet, with no complications, praise God!! .
We are so thankful to our dear friends and supportive family that journeyed here to care for our older children while we were away. That prayed for us, @simpleblessingsfarm that sent us love from across the country @walkingbesideyou
. Thank you, and deepest love from our whole family!
He's wearing the Northwinds Pixie ❤️
#newbornbliss #birthstory #momswithcameras #postpartum #newbornphotography #tiredmama #chasinglight #mamamade
So much happiness and love here! It’s impossible not to smile watching this :-) Gemma Marin
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