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REMOVE THE POLYP, PREVENT THE CANCER You may believe that you will never have a colon polyp and will never get colon cancer. You feel well and have no family history. You feel safe. BUT YOU ARE STILL AT RISK. The lack of symptoms or family history are NOT protective. Colon polyps are very common. We see them every day. In just one working day, the doctors in our small group removed 26 precancerous adenomas from our patients . Each was a potential colon cancer. If you are over 50, GET SCREENED!
All the Hawaiian shirts in the world can't make chemo stop feeling like shit. Today is #worldcancerday Right now, at 27, I might be your only friend who's sat in this chair with an IV pumping chemo into my chest. But I certainly won't be the last. If cancer hasn't taken something or someone from you yet, it will.
We've come a long way in terms of treatment and prevention but we also have a long way to go.
My cancer changed everything for me but I'm a proud survivor and I'm proud of the friends I have who are still fighting every day. Today I'd like you to take a moment to honor those who have sat in the chair, those who are still sitting in the chair, and those who are no longer with us.
#coloncancer #colorectalcancer #youngadultcancer #fuckcancer #stupidcancer
The other week I was lucky to meet one of my long time Instagram friends, @kylaewert in real life when she happened to be in town. She had reached out after hearing about my mom and wondered if we would like some photos taken with her at the hospital. At this point my mom had been in the hospital for five weeks and I was taking the kids on daily trips to visit her. I was so moved by Kyla’s offer and when we met I loved her even more than I already had on the internet. The visit was loud and chaotic, as always () but her presence was calming and her photos of our time just touched my heart and helped me to process this difficult and stressful time. .
I mentioned to her that I hadn’t been able to photograph much of my mom’s stay there, despite bringing my camera almost every day. It was just too hard. Every day I would go in and think, “okay, today I will take some photos”. But every day I didn’t. These photos are hard for me to look at, the situation being as it is, but I am so thankful to have them. They hold space for me, and my sometimes broken heart and I know they will continue to do this for me as the years go by. Make the photos. Even when it’s hard. Or get someone to make them for you. I can’t thank Kyla enough for her gracious offer, for showing up for me in this, even though no doubt it was hard and uncomfortable ❤️
#fcancer #colorectalcancer #colorectalcancerawareness #cancersucks #thebloomforum #thesincerestoryteller #thehonestlens #themindfulapproach #documentyourdays #storiesofmylife #holdthemoments #momentwide #honestmotherhood #heartofhome #thefamilynarrative #thenarrativesociety #beunraveled
TREATING colon cancer is a process which requires painful surgery (which sometimes requires a permanent colostomy or “bag”) often followed by many sessions of radiation therapy and months of harsh chemotherapy. It is a long and depressing ordeal that may take a year out of your life and still 40% don’t survive WITH TREATMENT. On the other hand, PREVENTING colon cancer by screening colonoscopy only just takes about 24 hours from prep to recovery AND only needs to be done about every 10 years if normal and no other risk factors are present. Which would you choose?
This photo is an excellent example of how endoscopy can help avoid major surgery. This dental file was accidentally swallowed during a dental exam. Dr. Frank Kim was able to extract this sharp object from this patient's duodenum (upper small intestine) with a video gastroscope and abdominal surgery was avoided. The patient (and dentist) were very grateful. .
#gastro #gastroenterology #gastroscopy #endoscopy #EGD #ulcer #ulcers #duodenalulcer #gastric #gastriculcer #pepticulcer #foreignbody #dentist #dental
A Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia estima que de 15 a 20% da população brasileira tenha pólipos intestinais e a idade de maior risco para o surgimento deles é a partir dos 50 anos.
Porém, notamos a incidência dessa situação em pacientes cada vez mais jovens. Por isso, sugiro:
Colonoscopia a partir dos 35/40 anos em quem tem antecedente familiar com câncer colorretal;
colonoscopia A partir 45 anos na população em geral;
Colonoscopia em qualquer idade, nas pessoas que apresentarem alterações do hábito intestinal ou cólicas : dores abdominais ou sangue misturado as fezes.
Fique atento, nem todas as pessoas com pólipos têm sintomas, mas todos os pólipos devem ser removidos para evitar o câncer colorretal.
Consulte sempre um Coloproctologista!
Dr Marcon Censoni de Avila e Lima.
Gastrocirurgia e Coloproctologia.
CRM: 95.746
Membro do corpo clínico do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Hospital Sírio Libanês, Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz e AC Camargo Cancer Center.
Atual chefe do grupo de Internistas e Hospitalistas do Hospital AC Camargo.
Especialização em Cirurgia Geral pela PUC.
Especialização em Cirurgia Digestiva e Laparoscópica pela Universidade Louis Pasteur - França.
Especialização em Coloproctologia e Colonoscopia pelo Hospital Sírio Libanês.
•Membro do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões.
•Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia.
•Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Laparoscopia.
•Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Metabólica e Bariátrica.
#drmarconcensoni #drmc #clinicadrmarcon #poliposintestinais #cancer #colorretal #cancer #colorectalcancer #rectumcancer #coloncancerawareness #coloncancersurvivor #cancerducolon #polipocolon
PEOPLE!!! Please don’t be eating CORN ON THE COB two days before your colonoscopy exam! DAMN CORN
An accurate colonoscopy requires an experienced endoscopist, a high resolution colonoscope, safe and comfortable anesthesia, a highly trained caring nursing staff, AND A GREAT “PREP.” We provide the first four. It is up to the patient to carefully follow instructions and provide us with an empty colon.
Hacer de tripas corazón: to transform suffering into joy, to turn all the horror into pure life.
Hacer de tripas corazón: transformar en alegría el dolor, convertir todo el horror en pura vida.
Hacer de tripas corazón: trasformare in gioia il dolore, tramutare tutto l'orrore in pura vita.
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Today marks the longest I have gone with out chemotherapy in over six months. It was a long brutal journey, and it’s over, for now. I want to feel joy, but really all I feel is fortunate. I am one of the lucky ones. I know that with this opportunity I need to help others fight this terrible disease, and that begins with screening.
PLEASE, I BEG ALL OF YOU TO GET SCREENED FOR ALL TYPES OF CANCER YOU MAY BE AT RISK FOR! There is no reason to wait. If you’re scared of the results I’ll personally go with you. If u just hate doctors we’ll find ya a nice one. Just DONT WAIT!! The thing u need to understand is that most cancers are treatable, if you catch it early. Cancer doesn’t care about age, we’re all at risk. It’s your health, own it.
I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️ Be Safe. Be Healthy.
#cancer #cancerprevention #cancerscreening #cancerawareness #cancerpatient #cancertreatment #chemotherapy #colorectalcancer #colorectalcancerawareness #colorectalcancerawarenessmonth @americancancersociety @acs_california @acsdeterminationla