emptythetanksworldwide oceanfuturessociety orcas emptythetanks whalesanctuaryproject belugas freethewhales captivitykills freerussianwhales whaleaidrussia jeanmichelcousteau orca dontbuyaticket compassion blackfish russia belugawhales cetaceans worktogether endcetaceancaptivity marinemammals whales beautifulworld healthyplanet marinelife orcalove sealife whalelove whalesanctuary whitewhale orcaresearchtrust
: @thebreaknetflix
SeaWorld is no stranger to much-deserved criticism for their shocking exploitation and abuse of some of the world’s most intelligent life forms. SeaWorld has seen a significant drop in ticket sales as awareness has spread, and they have made several attempts to fix their tarnished reputation, including a recent announcement stating they will ban plastic straws and bags at their parks, and comedian Michelle Wolf had something hilarious to say about it on her new Netflix series, The Break…
Wolf is correct to point out that SeaWorld’s mistreatment and neglect does, in fact, lead to premature deaths of whales and other animals in their care, like the beluga whale who died at the park in 2015 as a result from a broken jaw or the three-month-old orca who died at the park in 2017. Additionally, an investigation revealed that around 150 animals (sea lions, dolphins, beluga whales, and orcas), died from infections at SeaWorld in the past 30 years. A staggering 46 percent of all deaths, and 60 percent of orca deaths at SeaWorld, have been directly linked to these infections, which exist as a result of captivity.
#swimwithdolphins #dolphinquest #sealifepark #wildlife #seaworld #seaworldkills #boycottseaworld #fuckseaworld #goodnews #goodnewseveryone #goodnewstoday #captivity #captivityiscruel #captivitysucks #environment #environmentalist #environmentallyfriendly #emtythetanks #emptythetanksworldwide #biodiversity
In the Japanese town of Taiji, there’s a disturbing annual event that occurs between the months of September and March: the unregulated slaughter of thousands of dolphins and whales. While hunters try to pass it off as a “tradition” rooted in Japanese culture, the fact of the matter is that the inhumane practice was only very recently established in 1969.
While the majority of the aquatic creatures are slaughtered, a select few are captured and sold to aquariums and other tourist attractions each year. Though these whales and dolphins may seem like the lucky ones, their fate is arguably worse, as they are doomed to a depressing life of being confined in tiny tanks and entertaining humans.
As word has gotten out about how dolphins are forced into a cove where they can’t escape capture during the yearly “drive hunts,” largely thanks to films like “The Cove,” animal activism in Taiji has spiked. Now, as the beginning of the 2018 hunting season draws near, opponents of the senseless slaughter of Japan’s wild dolphins and whales are taking to the streets of Taiji to protest the cruel event. Unfortunately, these activists are being met with resistance from the police and local officials, who seem to be determined to keep the money-making killing event alive at all costs.
#EmptyTheCages #animals #wilddolphin #marinelife #dolphinshow #orca #whalewatching #boycottseaworld #oceans #ocean #waves #sea #marinelife #marinemammals #cetaceans #southernresidentorcas #taiji #seashepherd #sealifepark #wildlife #seaworldkills #fuckseaworld #captivity #captivityiscruel #captivitysucks #environment #environmentalist #environmentallyfriendly #emptythetanksworldwide #biodiversity
I this something you LOVE?
Again this is proof they do not belong in a tank no matter how big. What kind of life is this? Never think this is OK, teach your children the right way to watch them.
1. An Orca are found in all the world's oceans.
2. Most males never leave their mothers.
4. Orcas have culture since their hunting techniques and vocalizations are passed down generations.
5. Orcas generate 3 types of sounds: clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.
6. Each pod has its own dialect of calls (that only they use). 7. Orcas and pilot whales are the only non-human species in which females undergo menopause (around age 40 years) and live decades after.
8. There may be up to 4 generations of Orcas in a traveling group.
9. Orcas have the 2nd heaviest brain among marine mammals (sperm whales have the heaviest brain)
10. A female Orca gives birth to 1 calf every five years, and she averages 5 calves per lifetime.
Share this: if you think they do not belong in tanks. /KIMBERLY
#captiviykills #DontBuyATicket
Since our #whaeaidrussia team has returned from our visit to the sea pens at Srednyaya Bay, where a historic agreement was signed on behalf of the 97 orcas and belugas being held there in the “whale jail”, an executive summary of our report to the Russian government has now been completed.
This report includes our assessment of the whales' condition and offers recommendations on their rehabilitation and feasibility of their return to their natural habitat. You can read the full report on our website- link in bio.
Stay tuned for how you can support the release of these whales back to their natural habitat, their freedom and their families!
Photo by Harry Rabin
#endcetaceancaptivity #whalesanctuaryproject #worktogether #WhaleAidRussia
#freerussianwhales #whalejail
#oceanfuturessociety #blackfish
#dontbuyaticket #captivitykills #belugas
Governor Oleg N. Kozhemyako of Russia's Primorsky Region, Jean-Michel Cousteau of Ocean Futures Society and Charles Vinick of the Whale Sanctuary Project signed the following agreement yesterday in Vladivostok regarding the whales who are being held captive in Srednyaya Bay:
"WE HAVE MADE THE FUNDAMENTAL DECISION THAT OUR GOAL IS TO RELEASE THE CETACEANS BACK INTO THEIR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT—-OUR GOAL IS TO RELEASE ALL OF THEM". Scientists, including both Russian and international scientists from the Cousteau Team, will continue to evaluate the animals to determine when and how to release them.
"Until then, we will immediately begin work so that the cetaceans are held in conditions most like their natural environment. "We also expect that a rehabilitation center will be created for those animals that are injured in wild nature and that need to be rehabilitated.
"We are working in a unified team toward this goal.
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This basic agreement is the essential first step that opens the door to all of us collectively working out the details for each of the individual orcas and beluga whales who are being held captive.
Details, background and more photos will follow- link in bio.
#WhaleAidRussia #whalesanctuaryproject #freerussianwhales #whalejail #oceanfuturessociety #blackfish #dontbuyaticket #captivitykills #belugas #orcas #compassion #wildandfree #jeanmichelcousteau #cooperation #understanding
#russia #emptythetanksworldwide
I've published these videos from Japan before. These magnificent animals don't deserve to live in a tank. The Ocean is their home.
Caption @cetacean.inspiration
Self-stranding is a common phenomenon amongst captive cetaceans, which can lead to serious injury and even death. Self-stranding is a stereotypical behavior, repetitive in nature with no obvious goal or function. Since captive cetaceans cannot satisfy their natural repertoire of behaviors, they may try to ease the resulting tension by forming destructive habits and behaving abnormally.
In captivity, cetaceans are taught and rewarded for beaching themselves on concrete slide-outs for entertainment and husbandry purposes. This often becomes a habitual habit for unstimulated animals, as they will strand themselves for extended periods of time. In the wild, this behavior is generally considered neurotic and dangerous. Cetaceans will also strand themselves in attempt to escape aggressive attacks by tank mates.
Killer whales for example can weigh up to 22,000lbs, and when stranded their weight begins to crush their internal organs, releasing myoglobin which is highly toxic and can cause severe kidney damage once it reaches the bloodstream. Stranded cetaceans can also suffer from severe sunburn and dehydration.
In response to self-stranding, Kelly Flaherty Clark, the director of animal training at SeaWorld Orlando, claimed that she has seen orcas on the slide-out for up to 30 minutes at a time. This is ultimately worrying as the temperature in Orlando can easily dry out and sunburn an orcas skin.
Caption @cetacean.inspiration
#CaptivityKills #japan #kamogawa #selfstranding #captivitystranding #depressing #dontbuyaticket #EmptytheTanksWorldWide
With more than 70 percent of its surface covered in water, earth is an ocean planet! Teeming with life, this rich marine environment is the birthright of all orcas and belugas, and this is why we do what we do. But we can’t do it alone!
With your help, we are creating an alternative for whales who are far from their native habitat, in need of retirement from entertainment facilities, so they can experience sensory richness, autonomy and room to swim and dive in a sanctuary setting. While there are sanctuaries for many land animals who are being retired from zoos and circuses, there are none yet for whales. Help us create the first whale sanctuary in North America! link in bio.
#earthday #whalesanctuaryproject #orcas #endcetaceancaptivity #belugas #freethewhales #emptythetanksworldwide
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