kneereplacement orthopedicsurgery kneepain kneesurgery knee hipreplacement jointreplacement jointpain physicaltherapy medicaltourism salud surgery totalkneereplacement traumatologia healing health kneeinjury orthopedics valencia bodycheckup cancer doctor doctors ludhiana medical osteoarthritis physiotherapy plasticsurgery pssi_fai
I’ve learnt the hard way this past few weeks what a juggling act being a working mum can be.
I was poorly myself, I then have had no car for weeks and then today Ronnie was poorly.
I’ve now found out that my big knee operation will be at the end of next month. How the hell will we cope with that one......not just from a health point of view but 3 months rehabilitation time off work means money will be tight too!
And people think mum life is easy eh?!!! What challenges do you face as a mum?
Bee ned @rudiandbear (RONNIE10)
@joguines_grapat mandala pieces from (RONNIE10)
@toysbynature play board from @thewoodenplayden
#workingmum #mumlife #reallife #twolikesandloves #chatlikesandloves #montessori #woodentoys #invitationtoplay #rockingmummahood #life #beingmum #toys #openendedplay #thisislife #mummyblogger #kneereplacement #xmamalikes
64 yaşındaki kadın hastamız sol gonartroz (diz ekleminde kireçlenme) nedeniyle ağrı ve topallama şikayetleri ile tarafımıza başvurdu ☡. Sol diz total endoprotez ⚒ uygulanan hastamız ameliyat sonrası 3. HAFTADA ağrı ve topallama şikayetleri ortadan kalkmış ve desteksiz bir şekilde yürümeye tekrardan başlamıştır . Görüntüleri paylaşma izni verdiği için hastamıza teşekkür ediyoruz . #dizprotezi #kneereplacement #kneereplacementsurgery #totaldizprotezi #totalkneereplacement #diz #knee #dizegzersizleri #kneeexercise #ortopedi #orthopedics #surgery #orthopedicsurgery #orthopaedics #artroplastia #artroplasti #arthroplasty #istanbul
Day 865. 231 lbs lost (as of 5-14). was one of the most underestimated investments in this surgery process. Two in clinic 1.5 hr appointments per week. 3 hours a day on the leg lifter, and 4 half-hour at home PT sessions a day. That's a 38 hours a week of physical therapy. It's like having another full time job. I definitely wasn't prepared for that. I was naive. I believed that I would have the surgery, come home, spend a couple weeks healing and that would be that. It's not that I didn't hear it all, I just never connected all the dots. I call this time an investment because it really is an investment but a good one. I'm trying not to complain, but man it's a lot of work.
I was having a conversation with my mom here tonight trying to figure out when to plug-in CrossFit. My mom actually said something quite profound. She said, Athena this is your CrossFit right now. She was right.... ️♀️
I lifted my leg to the sky today. Hit a PR. How's that?
#crossfit #crossfitlevel1 #crossfitlife #obesetobeast #weightlossjourney #poweredbyjesus #crossfitfamily #crossfitcommunity #weightlossstory #WOD #kneereplacement #kneesurgery #jointreplacement #blountsdisease #physicaltherapy #healing #recovery
Hayatımızda önceliklerimiz vardır. Bunların başında ailemiz ve sağlığımız gelir. Huzurlu ve mutlu günlerinizi etkileyecek ortopedik sorunlarınızı gelin beraber çözelim ⚕️ #ortopedi #ortopedidoktoru #kadınortopedist #womeninorthopedics #hipreplacement #kalcaprotezi #kneereplacement #dizprotezi #femaleorthopaedicsurgeons
Protez ameliyatları ile ilgili çekinceleri olanlar son olarak 2 gün önce diz protezi uyguladığımız ☤ Teyzem Türkan Yakarsoy ile temasa geçebilirler Not: son derece tecrübelidir ⛨ - her iki kalça ve her iki dizine tarafımızdan protez uygulanmıştır #kneepain #tkr #kneereplacement #totalkneereplacement #kneesurgery #kneearthroplasty #kneeinjury #osteoarthritis #cartilage #cartilageinjury #exercise #oldage #phsiyo #dizprotezi #ortopedi #orthopaedics #istanbul