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Now THAT is a keto burger if we’ve ever seen one!
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Thanks! @keto_adapted #repost
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What Are the Best and Worst Fats to Eat on the Ketogenic Diet?
Follow @ketokeystone for Free Daily Keto Tips, Recipes, and much much more!!
Though technically a fruit, avocados offer a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). They're also packed with fiber to bolster digestive health
Olive Oil. One tablespoon (tbsp) offers 119 calories and 13.5 g of fat, only 2 g of which are saturated
Eggs. Eggs are one of the most versatile foods and they are packed with lots of proteins
Nuts and Nut Butter
Nuts may offer unsaturated fats, but they also contain carbs, so look at the label to calculate exactly what you’re getting. As an example, 1 tbsp of almond butter has 98 calories, 3 g of protein, 9 g of fat, 3 g of total carbs, and about 1.5 g of fiber
Chia Seeds and Flaxseed. Just be sure to buy ground flaxseed so your body can absorb their omega-3s
Red meat. They are very high in iron as well as protein
The Fats You Should Limit on the Keto Diet
Cheese The saturated fat qualifies it as a food you ought to limit
Cream. Just realize that it is a source of saturated fat — and, given the small serving size, it’s easy to go overboard
It’s okay to use butter in your fat rotation, but best not to make it your go-to fat; instead opt for more unsaturated sources
4. Processed vegetable oil
5. Margarine
6. Non dairy creamer
Credit @phetfit
Don't forget to follow @ketokeystone for healthy recipes every day!
Honey Garlic Steak Bites - 5 ingredients, minutes to prep, and only 2 minute cook time!.
You wouldn’t believe how flavorful, tender and delicious these are, yet so simple! Just be sure to allow one hour to marinate so they soak up all that flavor.
Via and full recipes @cookingclassy -
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⏩ Follow me @ketochallengeeasy and turn on notifications because I share daily tips for keto, keto success stories, and delicious meals.
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Яйца - очень хороший источник недорогого, высококачественного белка. Более половины белка яйца содержится в яичном белке вместе с витамином В2 и меньшим количеством жира, чем желток.
Яйца являются богатыми источниками селена, витамина D, B6, B12 и минералов, таких как цинк, железо и медь. Яичные желтки содержат больше калорий и жира, чем белки. Они являются источником жирорастворимых витаминов A, D, E и K и лецитина.
Некоторые марки яиц теперь содержат омега-3 жирные кислоты, в зависимости от того, чем цыплята были накормлены.
Яйца считаются «полным» источником белка, поскольку они содержат все девять незаменимых аминокислот; те, которые мы не можем синтезировать в нашем организме и должны получать из нашего рациона.
В одном среднем вареном яйце содержится:
84 калории, 8.3г. протеина, 5.7г. жира., 1.6г. насыщенных жиров.
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Who else loves a KETO FOOD LIST?
Want to know WHAT TO EAT? We've got you covered.
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Když už jsme v té americe, která je známá mimo jiné hlavně jídlem, tak mám pro vás recept na tuhle dokonalou čuňárnu a to BROWNIE SNICKERS BARSrecept jsem viděla v jedné americké skupině, ale upravila jsem ho tak, aby nebyl až tak hutný a bylo tak alespoň trochu bílkovinyjen upozorňuju, že tohle není na běžné pečení, jen když se chcete vytáhnout
Budete potřebovat:
Na brownie vrstvu:
4 vajec
30g kakaa
50g kokosové mouky
100g rozehřátého másla
Lžička prášku do pečiva bez fosfátů
Sladidlo podle potřeby a stravování
Snickers vrsta:
1 smetana 200ml
1 lžička másla
Sladidlo min. 1 lžička dle stravování
Vrchovatá hrst nakrájených oříšků (já dala kešu a mandle)
Čokoládová poleva:
60g vysokoprocentní čokolády
2 lžičky másla
Na brownie vše smícháte na nalejete do formy (já mám klasickou zapékací) a pečete v rozehřáté troubě na 180 stupňů cca 20 minut. Jakmile máte upečeno tak rozehřeje lžičku másla, přidáte sladidlo a chvíli mícháte. Poté přilejete smetanu a necháte propojit cca 5 minut aby se hezky spojilo a vznikl karamel. Pak už jen nalejete na korpus, posypete oříšky, polejete rozpuštěnou čokoládou smíchanou s máslem a necháte v lednici ztuhnout! Jestli budete zkoušet tak ať chutná a nezapomeňte mě označit❤️
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Njeno visocanstvo domaca prsuta
Ja je licno obozavam, samu po sebi u rolnicama sa krem sirom, u keto sendvicima.. ma na sve nacine ;)
Puno smo pricali na temu suhomesnatih proizvoda na keto ishrani - najvaznija smernica je da bude bez dodatih secera, glukoznih sirupa, soje i ostalih nedozvoljenih namirnica.. idealno samo so i meso, a najbolje domace kad znate tacan sastav i poreklo ;)
Ako vec niste pogledali, posetite moj youtube kanal Keto Ishrana, i pogledajte koje ja to suhomesnate proizvode biram.
Pisite mi sta vi najvise volite da gricnete
#keto #ketogenic #ketorevolution #ketohealthy #lchflifestyle #goodfood #ketotransformation #ketodiet #lchf #lchffood #dijeta #mrsavljenje #nutritious #ketoishrana #weightlosstip #weightlosstransformation #mojadijeta #ishrana #balanceddiet #feelingood #cleaneating #motivacija #summerbody #readyforsummer #ketojourney #myweightlossjourney
This Keto Pumpkin Pie has only 3g net carbs per slice⠀
Get the detailed recipe with instructions by tapping the link in my bio:⠀
This crust-free keto version of the famous Costco Pumpkin Pie is super low carb but still tastes just like the real thing. ⠀
And the best part (beside the low carbs) is that it only takes 6 ingredients.⠀
- 1 15-oz. can Pure Pumpkin Puree⠀
- 1/2 cup Heavy Cream⠀
- 3/4 cup Swerve Sweetener⠀
- 2 eggs⠀
- 2 tsp. Pure Vanilla Extract⠀
- 1 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice⠀
This super simple crustless pumpkin pie only takes 10 minutes to prep and 30 minutes to cook. It's easy enough to satisfy any weeknight carb craving. ⠀
Detailed recipe with instructions at the link in my bio or go to:⠀
#ketowize #ketopumpkinpie #lowcarbpumpkinpie #lchf #lchfdiet #lchffood #lchflifestyle #lchfdessert #lowcarbrecipe #lowcarbdessert #lowcarb #lowcarbhighfat #lowcarbdiet #lowcarblifestyle #lowcarblife #lowcarbfood #lowcarbliving #lowcarbbreakfast #lowcarbrecipes #lowcarblove #lowcarbweightloss #ketodesserts #ketorecipes #keto #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketosis #ketogenicdiet #ketolife #ketofam
Who else loves a KETO FOOD LIST?
Want to know WHAT TO EAT? We've got you covered.
If you don't know how to start ketodiet properly or do you want to lose possibly 5-10 lbs in the first week alone with keto ? Join our 28-Day Keto Challenge NOW to start a successful weight-loss journey and enjoy a new lifestyle!
➡️ LINK IN BIO @ketodietmealplan ⬅️ .
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