menstrualcycleawareness menstrualcycle womenshealth periods menstruation selfcare menstrualhealth menstruationmatters endometriosis periodpain periodpositive endobelly reproductivehealth blackgirlmagic healthiswealth innerwinter love periodproblems wombyoga 1in10 cycleawareness endendo endo endodiet endojourney endometriosisawareness endometriosisdiet endometriosiswarrior endostory endostrong mattresses
Cramps ruining your day? Here are 9 cramp tips that we’ve been using to help reduce cramps & pains |
This one's for you Girls!! ✨ Be sure to save it for that time of the month! And if you find it helpful, make sure to tag a friend to help them too ♀️♀️
#menstrualcycleawareness #womenshealth #menstrualrelief #menstrualhealth #menstrualcycle #menstrualhygiene #menstrualcramps #menstruationmatters #menstrualpad#period #periodproblems #menstrual#periods #painrelief #darkchocolate #sharkweek #auntyflow #auntflo#auntflow #ladybusiness #tips #hacks#periodhacks #periodtips#timeofthemonth #girlbusiness #girlpower #girlboss
Do you use a menstrual cup? For me, switching to a cup was one of the most period-changing decisions I ever made! I always found tampons hard to insert and uncomfortable, and pads too messy. ⠀
The menstrual cup was my answer as I no longer had to remember to change my tampon every 4 hours (you can leave a menstrual cup in for up to 12 hours). So long as I'm not having a painful cycle, I can literally forget I'm even on my period when I have a cup in. It lets me go about my day without having to think about it. ⠀
I also love the no-waste bonus of using a cup - after leaving inserted for a number of hours you simply remove it, pour out the blood, wash with a mild/non-scented soap, and reinsert ⠀
What has been your experience with menstrual cups? Are you curious to try one? What's putting you off?⠀
There are some people who swear using a cup also helps to relieve menstrual cramps by lightly pressing on the walls of the vagina. I haven't seen any research on this, but it's definitely worth a try if you are suffering from cramps. Let me know your experiences in the comments below ⬇️ ⠀
Image credit @pinterest⠀
--------------⠀ #periodpositive #menstrualcup #menstruation #menstrualawareness #menstrualcycleawareness #menstrualcycle #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #innerwinter #selfcare #feminineenergy #nutritionist #healthyliving #womenshealth #sacredfeminine #selflove #wildwoman #womensupportingwomen
ALL nutrients are important for your health and wellbeing, and the micronutrients listed in this graphic are especially important for a healthy menstrual cycle! These nutrients support:
hormone formation & function
follicle (egg) & corpus luteum formation
healthy ovulation
thyroid health
blood sugar balance
They are all attainable from a healthy diet but stress, poor eating habits, and hormonal birth control can deplete their levels (not to mention soil depletion and food processing). In some circumstances, supplementation may offer therapeutic benefits.
I am going to be posting more information on these micronutrients individually. Included will be the recommend daily intake (RDI), plant based food sources for each nutrient and supplementation information. Is there anything else I should include for each one? Did any of these nutrients surprise you? I didn’t know the importance of chromium for menstrual health!
Day 20 - meaning I am coming up to the pre menstrual phase of my cycle... So this week I am moving & nourishing my body in a loving way and embracing slowing down. This phase of the cycle can bring with it a decrease in physical strength, bloating, water weight, and ALL the emotional feels.. but since I am aware of this, I can be kinder to myself & my body. I share this because it is so empowering for me and I want everyone to feel just as empowered, rather than frustrated or annoyed at the phases our bodies naturally go through each month! ❤️ #adoreyourcycle #periodpositive
/IT’S TIME GIRLS/ Our Period Pain Relief Tea program is available for pre-order now! Use the coupon code ‘GETRELIEF’ to get 10% off until Friday (1/3)
Launching next Monday (25/3) - LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE! - Check out the link in our bio to pre-order your Period Pain Relief Tea to enjoy healthier, less-painful periods
#periodrelief #menstrualpain #menstrualawareness #period #relax #womenshealthweek #womenshealthcoach #tealove #menstrualcycleawareness #menstrualrelief #menstrualhealth #menstrualcycle #menstrualhygiene #menstrualcramps #menstruationmatters #menstrualpad #period #periodproblems #menstrual #periods #painrelief #sharkweek #auntyflow #auntflo #auntflow #ladybusiness #periodhacks #periodtips #timeofthemonth #period
Just starting your period? Check out these 9 starting your period tips to help manage your period and make your time of the month a little easier ✨ Hope they help girls Be sure to save it for that time of the month! And if you find it helpful, make sure to tag a friend ♀️ .
#firstperiodstories #menstrualcycleawareness #womenshealth #menstrualrelief #menstrualhealth #menstrualcycle#menstrualhygiene #menstrualcramps #menstruationmatters #menstrualpad#period #periodproblems #menstrual #periods #painrelief #chocolate #sharkweek #auntyflow #auntflo #auntflow #ladybusiness #tips #hacks#periodhacks #periodtips #timeofthemonth #girlbusiness #girlpower #girlbossau
Is your period ruining your day? Try these 8 period tips to help ease the nasty pains & headaches |
This ones for you Girls!! ✨ Be sure to save it for that time of the month! And if you find it helpful, please tag a friend ♀️ _______________________________________________________
Also, tap the link in our bio to signup for our period pain relief tea ahead of our launch & get 10% off
#menstrualcycleawareness#womenshealth #menstrualrelief#menstrualhealth #menstrualcycle#menstrualhygiene #menstrualcramps#menstruationmatters #menstrualpad#period #periodproblems #menstrual#periods #painrelief #chocolate #dark #sharkweek #auntyflow #auntflo #auntflow #ladybusiness #tips #hacks #periodhacks #periodtips #timeofthemonth #girlbusiness #girlpower #girlboss
r e f l e c t i o n s⠀
Waves of deep love, compassion⠀
and gratitude. ⠀
Heart completely open.⠀
Each movement a connection⠀
to the Divine, Earth, Womb &⠀
Soul. ⠀
Deep appreciation for this temple ⠀
body. Honoring all that is, has been ⠀
and shall be. ⠀
Moving my body slowly, mindfully,⠀
each movement on my mat a ⠀
sinking into Earth space. ⠀
And then sitting. Peacefully. ⠀
Feeling the potency of these ⠀
moments flood my cells. ⠀
#40wkspregnant + 4days⠀
Artwork by @ododua.aum
Vaporização uterina , é uma prática de autocuidado sagrada que tem sido usada por mulheres durante séculos para curar e tonificar a vagina .
De todos os tratamentos naturais que aprende a vaporização é a minha favorita de todos os tempos , tanto que me aprofundei em seu conhecimento milenar.
Este ritual poderoso ajuda a nutrir a vagina enquanto cura e restaura a feminilidade divina. Muitas mulheres principalmente nos Estados Unidos estão conseguindo cura sua infertilidade, ovários policisticos, menstruação desregulada e até endrometriose.
Em um nível emocional, a vaporização ativa uma conexão com a feminilidade e é um poderoso ato de amor próprio.
É essencial que você saiba o que está fazendo, que ervas você está usando .
Por isso preparei um guia completo sobre vaporização uterina lá no Blog para você fazer sem erro e se beneficiar deste tratamento milenar.
. ➡Link direto na bio do insta
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