yogainspriation yogaeverywhere yoga meditasyon meditation yogalove nefes yogaturkey vinyasa pranayama yogajournal yogatime namaste aerial yogavibes prana svastha vinyasayoga hamak mayayoga mayayogabah mayayogabak mayayogabostanc mayayogaturkiye yoka yogaeverydamnday yogagram yogalife igyoga worldofyoga yogaturkey
Yoga in the Maldives? Sure, we’d all love to practice in such an idyllic location . But remember, as our dear friend @catmeffan featured here says, everyone’s Yoga practice is different. The way we practice, the poses we hold, the flows we repeat, the mantras we say. As much as we’d love to be practising in the Maldives , we know there are so many important things that define our own type of Yoga, and that we can bring to our practice, regardless of location. Thoughtfulness. Mindfulness. Kindness. Breath. ♀️
Thanks and love to the wonderful @catmeffan for her wise words, and for sharing her Yoga practice with us.❤
What’s your Yoga?
#maldives #beach #yogaretreat #inflexibleyogis #yogainspriation #liforme #ecofriendlyyogamat #nonslipyogamat #yoga #asana #yogapractice #loveyoga #yogaanywhere #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #liformetravelmat #liformeyogamat #liveformore
Canım @naghmehmrd ile birlikte düzenlediğimiz Yoga Kampımızın üçüncü günündeyiz. Akşam yemeğinden sonra yaptığımız felsefe sohbetinde konumuz “Pratikte Bütünsellik”ti. Peki pratikte bütünsellik denildiğinde aklına ilk gelen nedir? Senin için ifade ettiği anlamı yorum bölümünde paylaşabilir ve pratikte desteğinden güç aldığın bir arkadaşını etiketleyebilirsin.
#yogapractice #yogakioodergi #yogacamp