advancedreformer pilates reformerpilates pilatesreformer pilatesinstructor classicalpilates reformer contrology pilatesbody josephpilates stottpilates advancedpilates pilateseveryday pilateslovers balancedbody pilatesteacher star merrithew pilatesfit pilatesontour authenticpilates fitmom pilatesclassico pilatesday pilatesparatodos teaser workshop 1takevideo airplane airplanecadillac макияжотлобес
Happy national Pilates day! I can’t thank uncle joe enough for what he created, it sure has changed my life✨
“Control balance front” also known as “how difficult can you make a plank?”... the answer is very.
#pilates #pilatesinstructor #reformerpilates #pilatesday #balancecontrolfront #advancedreformer #athletaambassador #athletala #powerofshe #clubpilates
Nunca deixo de ter em mente que o SIMPLES BEM FEITO é e sempre será EFICAZ.
#pilates #classicalpilates #pilatesclassico #truepilates #nanopilates #rodrigonano #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #starreformer #star #metropolitanpilates #advancedreformer #pilatesformen #pilatesbrasil #contrologia #contrology #pilatesdevedade #airplane #airplanecadillac #cadillacairplane #reformer #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #swan #balancecontrol #breaststroke #teaser #mat #matclass
638 hours later, after a fractured foot and ankle sprain (NOT from pilates, of course) I am officially a certified #pilates #apparatus #trainer
Today marks exactly 11 months from when I began my comprehensive #teachertraining at #powerpilates in #nyc
#win #finally #instructor #reformer #tower #wundachair #ladderbarrel #classicalpilates #workout #fitness #advancedreformer #snakeandtwist #exercise #healthy
Huge thanks to my amazing mentors @westcommastephanie @leslylevy1215 @jordana_herman @ectodes @powerpilatesstudio
My #tribe of #strongwomen @carolynfrancaise @brooksie324 @albina_bash @tammythomas1869 naomi
And my #dreamteam support system in this crazy #city @chops1394 @ladymstyling @jleahy521
I’m lucky to have #incredible people in my life
1️⃣ Para ter resultado você precisa de CONSISTÊNCIA.
2️⃣ Para manter a consistência, você precisa de DISCIPLINA e DEDICAÇÃO.
3️⃣ Para ter dedicação é preciso AMAR O QUE FAZ.
4️⃣ Amando o que faz, você precisa ser ALUNO E PRATICANTE DO MÉTODO.
5️⃣ Sendo aluno e praticante Método você alcançou 50% do caminho para se tornar um BOM PROFESSOR. . . ✍️✍️✍️ Se gostou dessas dicas simples e muito eficazes, marque seu amigo que precisa saber disso também
Rodrigo Nanô
#pilates #classicalpilates #pilatesclassico #truepilates #nanopilates #rodrigonano #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #starreformer #star #metropolitanpilates #advancedreformer #pilatesformen #pilatesbrasil #contrologia #contrology #pilatesdevedade #airplane #airplanecadillac #cadillacairplane #reformer #reformerpilates #pilatesreformer #swan #balancecontrol #mat #matpilates
BIRTHDAY GIRL | Another year older luckily, the beauty of Pilates is that anyone, at any age can do it! Through controlled, progressive movements you can totally reshape your body. I love that it employs a rounded technique for both men and women and it creates strength without bulk. It is easy to get confused between the two since lifting heavy weights in the gym has become so popular. Pilates makes you stop and think about what you are doing. By focusing the mind, regulating your breathing and making use of internal resistance it is an extremely powerful way to tone the body. .
#pilatesreformer #advancedreformer
#pilatesteacher #posture #balance #stretch #flexibility #abs #fitnessjourney #pilates #yoga #pilatesfit #pilatesbody #fitspo #fitness #fitstagram #athlete #fitgirl #healthyliving #fitfam #fitnesswoman #fitnessaddict #instafitness #fitnesslife #gains #fitnessmotivation
#pilatesbody #glutes
오랜만에 션과 함께한 Advanced reformer
역시 같이하는 운동은 신남:##
나는 오전에 티칭해서 몸이 타이트하고 션도 몸이 뻐근 하다고 했는데 플로우 있게 한바퀴 리포머 슝슝 타고나니 둘다 몸이
개운해졌다☺️ 한시간 마사지 받은 느낌
끝나고는 궁금한 점들도 공유하고 둘다 보우레그와 무릎 바깥쪽 근육 통증 ITBS에 꽂혀 이야기도 나눴는데 중간중간 놀랜게 션이 갑자기 자연스럽게 한국말을해서ㅋㅋㅋ
션은 내가 영어 하는것 보다 한국말을 더 잘하는듯.......
공부해야겠다 ! 나도 질수없지
션도 진짜 여러모로 대단한 인스트럭터다respect