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The rectum’s job seems so simple when it’s actually a complex mix of split-second conversations between your brain and butt! Any suggestions from fun-loving colorectal professionals out there on this artwork for our Rectum plush hangtag? #wip
#anatomy #physiology #colorectalsurgery #bathroom #pooping #poop #humanbody #human #workinprogress #art #medicalillustration #nerves #brain #neuralpathways #medicalmondays #medical #ostomy #colostomy #colostomylife #autoimmune #spinalcordinjury #mondaymotivation #constipation #constipated #fiber #gi #gidoc #ginurse
✨Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10 ✨We live for a GOOD, GOOD Father who will never, ever let us down. Thank you, Jesus, for always being by my side. I love you and the life You have given me, even when it is not the one I asked for, because this life draws me closer to YOU every single day. AMEN!!!
#crohns #crohnsdisease #ibd #ibdawareness #crohnsawareness #crohnswarrior #invisibleillness #chronicillness #houstonmethodist #leadingmedicine #ostomy #colostomy #ostomyawareness #colorectalsurgery #crohnsblogger #houstonblogger #faithblogger #christianblogger #godisfaithful #shereadstruth
#Repost @badma_bashankaev_md with @make_repost
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Дорогие коллеги!
25 ноября 1810 года родился Николай Иванович Пирогов, человек, превративший хирургию из ремесла в искусство и науку.
Российским обществом хирургов несколько лет назад была выдвинута инициатива объявить 25 ноября профессиональным праздником хирургов - "Днем хирурга России". Заинтересованные ведомства в изощренном бюрократическом виде отказались дать этой инициативе ход. Но - мало ли что различные ведомства пытаются нам подсунуть... Мы все равно продолжаем и будем продолжать делать свою работу, потому что, в отличие от чиновничьих занятий, мы делаем ТО,ЧТО ДОЛЖНЫ, а не то, что от нас хотят, ожидают, за что нам платят позорные гроши и поливают нас грязью, используя карманные СМИ и общую озлобленность населения.
С нас не убудет! МЫ ДЕЛАЕМ СВОЕ ДЕЛО!
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#хирургия #онкология #лапароскопия #colorectalsurgery#медицинадагестанапроктолог#медицинадагестанапроктологженщина#проктологженщина
A romantic rhyme from your gut. #bestbagever
#ostomy #ostomate #ostomybag #ostomylife #coloncancer #colon #ibd #ibs #celiac #irritablebowelsyndrome #colorectalcancer #colorectal #cancer #cancerwarrior #i❤️guts #colonpillow #coughpillow #postop #colonoscopy #gastroenterology #colorectalsurgery #guts #girlswithguts #intestines #intestinalfortitude #favoritehandbag #handbag #cutehandbag #colonmeme
Have you named your stoma? Maggie Baldwin, Nurse Manager, has a perfect story to share!
“The day I returned to school post-ostomy surgery, my best friend pulled me into our high school’s bathroom and asked to see my new battle wounds. I asked her if she was sure, because I was still trying to find the courage myself to look at my “new” stomach.
I pulled up my shirt to show my midline scar still bandaged up with my clear ostomy bag. Her instant reaction: “We have to name it!”. I was shocked by her reaction, totally expecting her to look away with disgust. Instead, she declared my stoma’s name to be Leroy.
Here I am, 10 years later, so very thankful that my friend made what I thought to be an embarrassing situation, a totally normal one. Simply by naming my stoma, she made it clear to me that she did not care that I had an ostomy.
To this day, I follow her care-free attitude towards my stoma and share openly about it to everyone I meet.” -Maggie Baldwin
When you make something a big ordeal, sometimes people can react to the same extent. But if you react like Maggie did and stay calm, you may soon learn that people can be very great listeners.
Share your story below on how you named your stoma!
#smartbag #11health #wocn #nurses #ostomy #ostomyawareness #IBD #chronicillness #crohns #uoaa #ostomybag #patientcare #nurses #doctors #colorectalsurgery #nocolonstillrollin
❗️Вчера стартовал очередной конгресс «Человек и лекарство».
❇️ Небывалый интерес возник на нашей колопроктологической секции посвящённый нерешенным вопросам в воспалительных заболеваниях кишечника!
☝️ Полный зал, друзья, о чем-то да говорит !
❇️ Мегамощный президиум: член корр РАН проф Шелыгин Ю.А., проф Белоусова Е.А. и руководитель отдела гастроэнтерологии ГНЦК кмн Шапина М.В.
❗️Всего за 90!!! минут обсуждены интереснейшие темы:
1️⃣ Шапина Марина по-новому взглянула на ВЗК в мире, отмечен невероятный рост заболеваемости по всему миру!
2️⃣ Белоусова Елена подняла совершенно не изученную у нас в стране тему вируса Эпштейн-Барра у больных с ВЗК.
3️⃣ Ваш покорный слуга отметил ошибки и проблемы в хирургическом лечении язвенного колита.
4️⃣ Костарев Иван задумался над дренирующейся лигатурой при свищах болезни Крона и её ролью в лечении и прогнозе.
5️⃣ Полетова Анна объяснила сложные аспекты противорецидивной терапии при болезни Крона!
Спасибо всем кто пришёл нас поддержать!
Не устаём делать наш медицинский мир лучше!
#чил #человекилекарство #человекилекарство2019#гнцк#докторварданян#vardanyanarmen #читайврача#язвенныйколит#болезнькрона#ракободочнойкишки#ракдурак #colorectalsurgery#ракпрямойкишки
REPOST : A true & wise warrior!!! My beautiful friend @amyt913 has been battling cancer for some time now and has gone through many procedures and let downs, as well as breakthroughs. This was her post from last night after a pretty serious surgery. I can only imagine how hard and painful this this is and how she’s feeling... BUTTT She is fighting like a true goddess, with grace and with compassion. This woman is inspiring and I am in awe of how she speaks and treats her entire journey. Nothing but positivity and smiles comes from this human and I am SOOO damn proud of you for inspiring and being a positivity unicorn that can teach others something about life... REPOST..
Thank you for all the messages, calls, love and support. I just woke up not too long ago. 13 Inches of my colon were taken out, traveling lymph nodes and surrounding cancerous lymph nodes, a stoma and temporary colostomy, drains, pain you name it. So to see all those messages and love, were just what we ALL needed. What an incredibly long day. I’m surprised I can even write this out and formulate words. Alice in Wonderland vibe and feels over here. But I had to share. I had to share that I will fight. Fight every damn day till I beat this cancer. I still cry and step back and say to myself, is this me? Is this really what I’m doing? But yes... yes it is! And you know what, I’m so damn proud of myself. The unknown of Cancer is my biggest fear. Talks of further treatment and more chemo are upsetting but this right now, THIS is what I’ve been waiting for. Bye bye CANCER. I have envisioned you leaving my body everyday since I got diagnosed back in NOVEMBER! That’s so hard to say out loud.This isn’t pretty and it’s not going to be easy but with all your love and support I can do it. We can do ANYTHING! I had to share my last post for a while and just thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all that everyone has done for me. Cancer is horrible. It’s ugly and this is what it looks like but I refuse to fall victim to it. I may have Cancer, but like I’ve said before CANCER WILL NEVER HAVE ME! I’m absolutely exhausted and it’s bed time for me. And more pain meds. I love you all.