diabeteslife diabetes diabetic type1diabetes diabetestipo1 diabetesawareness diabetestype1 insulinpump diabetestipo2 diabete diabetesmellitus dieta glicose glucose type1strong diabadass diabetesbrasil diabetetipo1 insulina t1dlookslikeme typeonediabetes diabeticos receitas receitasaudavel receitassaudaveis type1 type2diabetes diabetessucks diabetestype1
✨ I wish gut health was more publicly talked about. I know it's not a sexy subject, but it's so important to KNOW what it means to have a healthy or toxic gut . The gut is known as the gateway to health because it can control so many aspects of your wellness. That's what you're TRULY accomplishing when you're doing our 30 day detox, getting rid of the built up toxins in your gut that are just hanging out in there and can be affecting your energy levels, digestion, mood and even skin complexion. If you any questions about this blend and if it's right for you, just ask us in the comments ☕! #thankyouteami .
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Repost @weightlosstransformations
This may not be keto post but I have uploaded this just for motivation.
Had a conversation at the bar last night that led to me telling them about my diabeeetus and the response was “oh, I’m so sorry” (said with those downward facing puppy dog eyes )
I was like oh no, don’t do that. I’m FINE. I am me and that includes having Type 1 Diabetes. Have I had to make changes? Yes. Do I have to think about everything I eat and drink? Yes.
Just believe me when I say I am fine. I’m healthy. I’m part of an AMAZING community and now I’m heading down an exciting career path because of it.
✨But I’d take a cure any day, that’s for sure✨
Diabetes und Fettabbau? Ja, auch Diabetiker können eine schöne, ästhetische Figur erreichen. Vor allem mit der heutigen Technologie wie beispielsweise dem Dexcom und Freestyle Libre sind dem Diabetesmanagement praktisch keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Ein Hba1c von 6,x sollte kein Traum bleiben, sondern Wirklichkeit werden!
Also, packen wir’s an!
Euer Deniz
This is my Lexapro. It is an anti-anxiety medication that significantly helps me manage the day to day mental burden of my diabetes. I post this because I am NOT ASHAMED of the steps that I take to stay mentally healthy so that I can stay physically healthy. Though this drug by itself does not help control my BGs, it is almost as important to me as my insulin.’
I have struggled my whole life with anxiety. Don’t get me wrong, a certain level of anxiety in life can be healthy, but my anxiety, when uncontrolled, tends to both damage my relationships, and inhibit my ability to maintain good BG control.
Studies have shown that diabetes and anxiety go hand in hand, likely because practices necessary for good BG control are also anxiety promoting. I am constantly pondering the “what-if’s” when it comes to my DM… “what if I…give myself too much insulin, not enough, work out later, don’t finish my lunch.” Or the scariest question of all, “what if I’m low overnight and I don’t wake up?”. Though planning is essential in DM management, it can often lead to irrational, “what-if’s” that are detrimental to control.
The first step in managing anxiety with diabetes is identifying it and asking, is this rational or irrational anxiety? The fear of nighttime hypoglycemia is rational, but running my BG up to 250mg/dl before bed because of that fear, is not. Not only do I have a CGM, I have a hybrid-closed loop pump that will prevent me from even getting close to that low. For me, this is an irrational fear.
Unfortunately, even when I identify anxiety as irrational it still prevents me from living in the present. Additionally, my anxiety and BGs are directly correlated. High anxiety = high BGs. It’s a vicious cycle! This is why I decided to start on my medication. I’m not saying that everyone with diabetes and anxiety needs to be on anti-anxiety medication, but this is what works for me and I’m much happier because of it. My relationships have also improved because I’m not on edge all of the time.
What do you guys do to relieve your DM anxiety?
This post is a bit personal, so positive comments only please