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Awesome video from @drivelinebaseball demonstrating the kinematics of the BASEBALL SWING.
The peak ROTATIONAL VELOCITY of the trunk is shown in GREEN.
What you may notice is that CONTROLLED, POWERFUL rotation starts with the HIPS and proceeds up the chain into the rest of the upper body.
Baseball is a rotational sport. Train this way!
#Repost @rehabscience running analysis with #SimiAktisys our real-time analysis software, based on LED markers
Video motion analysis can be a very useful tool for picking up subtle movement tendencies that may impact performance or be associated with various pain issues.
In this video (swipe ⬅️ for slow motion), we can observe sagittal plane kinematics including trunk, hip and knee flexion/extension and ankle plantarflexion/dorsiflexion during the stance and float phases of the running gait cycle. This view can be particularly useful for determining an athlete's foot striking pattern (rearfoot vs midfoot vs forefoot) and movement strategy at each joint.
✅One important thing to note is that, although there is a 'normal' for walking gait, running differs widely from person to person and we should be careful not to make sweeping statements about whether or not an individual's running biomechanics are 'correct'. In reality, some of the most accomplished runners demonstrate a gait pattern that is asymmetrical and may be labeled as 'abnormal' by some. At the end of the day, if a runner is successful and without painful symptoms, then we should be cautious when deciding whether or not to alter their running mechanics. If it isn't broken, don't change it.
Software: @simi_reality_motion_systems
♂️Athlete: @mcoldach
#RehabScience #SimiAktisys #running #runninganalysis #runninglab #runningmedicine #runningscience #runningassessment #runner #run #runners #marathon #triathlon #treadmillanalysis #gaitanalysis #gaitlab #motionlab #motionassessment #movementassessment #movementlab #movementanalysis #movementevaluation #motionanalysis
Collaborative post with @embrklifestyle
The hinge (deadlift) and squat are two leg dominant patterns that are often used in training or incorporated in rehab. They both require different setups as well as mechanics. This means that different muscle groups will be worked more or less depending on the movement you are utilizing.
The hinge requires a more horizontal torso with less knee flexion to start. It is a more hip dominant movement with greater muscle activation of the glutes and hamstrings. From a clinical standpoint, the hinge is a great exercise to help dissociate between the hips and lower back and introduce hip dominant movement when someone is experiencing knee pain. The greater the knee flexion angle, the more knee extension moment the hinge will have. For example, the sumo deadlift utilizes more quadriceps than conventional deadlift because you have to flex the knees more during the movement.
The squat requires a more vertical torso and has greater knee flexion at the bottom position. The movement starts with breaking at the knees instead of the hips in a normal squat. They recruit more quadriceps than the hinge movement as expected. Why is the squat important clinically? It is very specific to things we do in everyday life whether it is getting up from a chair, jumping, etc. It provides a strong base of strength for all of those activities
In our opinions, leg day is incomplete unless you're incorporating both and getting the best of both worlds. There are so many different ways to manipulate these two movements, they should be a staple in your training and your rehab. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Which one do you prefer more, the hinge or the squat?
This is a repost from over a year ago, but something I still talk about almost everyday as part of an aerial #movementassessment In my clinical practice
This is one example of how an aerialist May look if they are predominantly using their Lats to “engage” their shoulders when hanging. Look out for what appears to be a lack of shoulder range of motion, lumbar extension, and “closed” hips.
When hanging you *should* feel muscles working between your shoulder blades, in the center of your back, where your middle and lower trapezius attaches. You *should not* feel work down the sides of your body and into your lower back.
#aerialanatomy in practice
Posted with my client’s permission
#hanginganalysis #aerialspecialist
#sportsmedicine #physio #aerial #aerialarts #aerialistsofig #trapeze #performingartsmedicine #aerialyoga #aerialrope #dancemedicine #osteopathy #appliedkinesiology #sportspecific #sportstherapy #aerialsilks #aerialhoop #physicaltherapy #CircusPT #movementanalysis #circusstrong #shoulders #physiotherapy #thecircusdoc #circus #cirque
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If you treat athletes or anyone with lower extremity pain the step-down test might be a staple of yours. It commonly reproduces pain in the involved extremity and provides insight to the athletes preferred movement pattern.
Here’s a quick & dirty #howto for any of #movementanalysis lovers out there:
⏺ Have athlete perform 10 single-leg step-downs (heel tap only) from a nine inch step and record them using some sort of technology (app or video)
⏺ Assess their 10th and final rep (to capture their true form under fatigue) you can freeze-frame at the bottom of the step or slow-mo it.
⏺ Analyze these 3 variables:
✅ Hip stability (frontal & transverse plane) - is there knee valgus? Is the tibia angle forward compared to the hip angle?
✅ Pelvis stability - is there pelvic drop? Does each ASIS match up relative to the horizontal?
✅ Trunk stability - assess the line from sternum to belly button, how does it line up to the vertical?
You can further quantify these by measuring angles with an app but I know many #movementspecialists feel pretty darn confident in their eyeballs
So tell me, where does my movement break down
#Repost @rehabscience using #SimiAktisys to demonstrate
A few people had asked for a video depicting the mechanics of the pistol squat. So, without further ado, here it is...
Sagittal Plane Mechanics:
1️⃣Hip Flexion Max = 115 degrees
2️⃣Knee Flexion Max = 155 degrees
3️⃣Ankle Dorsiflexion Max = 28 degrees
Please note that the ankle dorsiflexion maximum measurement is less than what was actually observed. Applying markers to yourself comes with a certain degree of error.
EDIT simi: ironing out those individual errors - The reason for our markerless tracking - see hashtag simishape
Simi Aktisys is our marker-based smaller system for real time angle measurements. Available in 2D and 3D offering predefined protocols for motion assessments of all sorts.
#squats #squat #pistolsquat #pistolsquats #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #dpt #biomechanics #training #rehab #prehab #movementevaluation #functionaltesting #motionassessment #movementassessment #movementlab #movementanalysis #hipflexion #kneeflexion #squatmechanics
In terms of which will allow you to move the most amount of weight possible in competition, it will depend on your strengths and weaknesses BUT There is a place for both in your training!
For example @emma.mcdermott_ featured here has been including both deadlift variations in her training. Her competition style is Sumo because it allows her to move the most amount of weight possible because she can take advantage of her strong knee extensors and Sumo reduces range of motion with her long legs. You can see in the bottom video her bar speed is substantially faster => she is working at a lower relative effort for the same load that is also being lifted conventional in the top video.
So why would she include conventional? Because it is being utilized as an accessory lift to build hip extensor strength. Lifters and coaches sometimes get so focused on perfecting their competition lifts that they don’t realize that they are reinforcing the strength of their strongest muscle groups (for example knee extensor in the case of Emma), and are neglecting the relatively weaker ones. While in the short term it will improve max strength very effectively, but long term it can result in plateauing. .
Why plateauing? Because in multi-joint tasks like the squat and deadlift there will always be minimum joint torque requirements in order to complete the lift. You can’t just perform knee extension during the deadlift, the hips have to extend as well! Eventually it will get to the point where either failure of the lift will happen because the weaker joint won’t be able to keep up to the minimum joint requirements for a given barbell load even if the stronger joint can produce more, OR, unwanted compensation patterns will result. For the deadlift this could be excessive loading on the lower back! .
Moral of the story: LIFTERS - do your due diligence and make sure you’re not skipping the accessory lifts your coach is programming for you! COACHES - remember to take a step back from your programming spreadsheets and look at the big picture!
Ok, this post is going to be as straight forward about two scenarios for bracing that I’ve used with clients (if you want some sort of deep detailed explanation it’d be a lot easier to shoot me a DM to discuss things rather than try and debate me here). Again, this is what’s worked with MY clients and is based on practical experience and my working knowledge/research on core muscle function and tissue mechanics. .
SCENARIO 1: with some clients we want to limit as much intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) as possible. For example: pre/postnatal women, lifters with hernias, etc. In these individuals, there is a loss of structural integrity of the tissues. This is also a situation where we would NOT be lifting heavy loads. Initiate the squat by using the “blow before you go method”. When exhaling, envision you are blowing actively through a straw or blowing out a candle by bringing your abs in to compress the abdominal cavity, pulling your pelvic bones together, and lifting the pelvic floor. I know, a lot to think about, so it takes practice! .
SCENARIO 2: during heavier lifting, we want to combine the valsalva and active exhalation technique together to use both a moderate amount of IAP and the abs to brace to torso and keep the pelvis neutral in sync with it. Initiate the descent with valsalva, while timing your exhale before you either A. Hit the hole or B. When you know you have a loss of pelvic control. During heavier lifting, to exhale throughout the whole lift we know we would run out of breath, so it may be about finding that perfect timing for you. DO NOT ATTEMPT RIGHT AWAY DURING HEAVY LIFTING!! Take it in baby steps by practicing on your warm up set or accessory lifts. Think of it as if your core is very weak, it’s going to fatigue quickly and not be strong enough yet to brace against heavy load regardless of how well you activate it in the moment. On heavy grinds in competition/training you NEED to valsalva, but if our core is strong it can handle the occasional strain.
Friday I will post more details/videos about how to use your abs during the exhale and what this looks/feels like
Getting a much-needed stretch to my posterior shoulder with @movementdpt at #camelbackcrossfit
Who knew my shoulders were so tight!
Grab a partner and give it a try!
▶️ Grasp a pull-up bar with both hands and squat down so that you feel a stretch.
▶️ Have someone grab the lateral border of your scap and pull downwards ⬇️
(You can also do it on your own by squeezing your shoulder blades together.)
Check out @movementdpt for exceptional physio & rehab-related content #crossfit #physiosincrossfit #functionalfitness #forwardmovement #movementanalysis