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Rozgrywki potrafią trwać 15 minut, potrafią też 45. Ale i tak jest fajnie :>
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Z cięższych tytułów Newton wydaje się lekki jak jabłko... o ile przygotujemy sobie plan na rozgrywkę :>
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I was really positively amazed by how this game has changed. I mean, I know it’s a different version, but still, the first one simply lacked something for me. This one is a game which id a level higher than the previous one. The gameplay takes around 30 minutes and there’s high level of replayability.
The main difference is that the game now includes a worker which offers another action - moving it to the leftmost stripe. It’s really crucial as we are only allowed to place glass on the stripes which are on the right side from the worker (or below it). Also, the scoring is much more interesting, especially side B. Have you guys played? Can’t wait to get my regular Polish version copy!
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Azul: Witraże Sintry na Warszawskich Targach Fantastyki. Pełna rozgrywka niebawem u nas! ;)
#warszawskietargifantastyki #azul #azulwitrażesintry #sintra @lacertapl #planszowka #graplanszowa #gryplanszowe #planszówka #planszówki #planszowki #boardgame #boardgames #planszapokostkach #bgg #boardgamegeek #tabletop #tabletopgame #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming
Going back to #arkhamhorror 2nd edition after long time, and it’s our first time with all the expansions. Omg it’s so much more punishing than 3rd one. Both are so different, almost separate titles, and both damn good. Btw, next week will be announced first expansion to 3rd edition. Any ideas about what it will be?
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