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Functional External / Internal Rotation Drill...
The Secret to good shoulder health can be found in the functionality of the internal and external rotators of the shoulder. The rotator cuff consists of 4 muscles: Subscapularis, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, and Teres minor. Isolating each muscle can be beneficial if you are dealing with imbalances. But if you are simply looking for a functional drill to tackle both interal and external rotation this is it.
1. Grab a dowel or towel.
2. Place behind the back (top hand about level with the back of the head and bottom hand approximately level with the waiste line). Note- if this is overly difficult extend the arms out a bit more.
3. Lift the dowel/ towel off of the back and lift up and down and a slow controlled tempo (2 seconds up/ 2 seconds down).
4. Repeat 10/12 times on each side for symmetry x 3 sets)
Let me know how you enjoy it. For more awesome shoulder mobility drills make sure you check out @themobilitymanifesto and stay tuned for our step by step guide toward maximizing your shoulder health! #movetoimprove
Who here struggles with that LAST LITTLE BIT of overhead shoulder mobility for handstands, backbends or partner acrobatics⠀
Yep, this is one of the most common issues I see in circus arts, and not only can limit skill development, but also can be a huge injury risk factor♀️ One of the most common compensations for lack of overhead shoulder mobility is to cheat by arching your back. Banana handstand, anyone ⠀
That’s why I *love* working on end range shoulder mobility in childs pose- it eliminates the ability to cheat with your low back, and forces your shoulder to WERK ♀️ ⠀
I also love this drill because it works on both end range shoulder flexion (arm overhead) and end range shoulder extension + internal rotation- these are all end-range positions our shoulders often find themselves in during circus training. As such, this is an especially great warm up before aerial and acrobatic work- it will JUMP START those shoulder muscles to ensure that they JOIN THE PARTY when you’re working on skills that demand these CONTROLLED end-ranges ⠀
Give it a try, and tag a friend who could use a lil mobility boost this week! ⠀
There are a lot of potential answers to that question, with none likely being a completely right or wrong one. It'll depend on your needs, preferences, and overall training routine.
Let's look at 3 possibilities.
One is to just do loaded movements through the range of motion you have. Basically, program in movement variations that allow you to work with what you have and gradually push a bit deeper as you go. Major benefit here is you build strength as you go, which is awesome. I'd suggest this being in the plan no matter what.
Second is to do some range of motion specific work in a separate session or at the beginning or end of your normal training sessions. A lot of people like to do this but for others it is the first thing to get tossed when short on time or when you just want to get done and move on.
Last is to throw stuff in between sets of normal training. An easy way to do this is to do mobility work for one area between training sets of another unrelated area. So this shoulder work could be done between leg or arm work. You have the time anyway, making it easy to do without adding workout time, and it isn't overly fatiguing so it isn't likely to interfere with the workout.
You can choose one option or multiple. Whichever you choose though, keep it active and be consistent. This stuff takes time.
But put in the work day by day, week by week, and month by month while training hard and recovering and you'll see those gains you're looking for.
Tag a friend trying to improve their mobility and share the wealth!
Better - AJ Salvatore, Fluencee, & Bri Tolani
The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles that help to stabilize the shoulder joint. This group of muscles can sometimes get overworked or strained depending on your lifestyle demands, oftern worse in those who are frequently in an overhead hand position. Since this group of muscles is responsible for shoulder stabilization, it is important to train their reactive capabilities, especially when it comes to sport. If the muscles aren't prepared for a movement, that's when injury can occur.
These series of exercises don't really fall into your conventional movement categories of mobility, flexibility, or even strengthening. However, they do work on motor control and stability. These are great to do as a warm up drill or in later stages of rotator cuff tear rehab (chronic stages). If you are actively in pain, it is always recommended to get assessed before trying these exercises. Generally speaking, you want to keep this exercise in a pain free range. Today we train them in many ranges since we hardly ever stick to 1 angle in every day life. Train them how you want to use them.
➡️ Reactive Prone T's Elbows Bent - These work on reactive external rotations.
➡️ Reactice Prone T's Elbow Straight - These primarily work scapular retraction and horizontal extension.
➡️ Reactive Prone Y's - These work on scapular up rotation, and shoulder flexion with a touch of external rotation.
➡️ Reactice Seated ER's - Name says it all, trains primarily external rotation and abduction.
➡️ Reactive Hook ER's - Similar to the above but in a different angle. Not recommended if you have shoulder impingement symptoms in this position until you can tolerate it pain-free.
➡️ Reactice Seated T's - Primarily trains shoulder abduction.
Tag your friends & family that need this! Sharing is Caring #docdavesong
Each thing you do in your training should serve a purpose. And as such, we want to make sure that it is serving that purpose.
The warm up is meant to prime you for the work ahead. It should improve your performance and make you feel better.
As such, getting the intensity and volume of your warm up dialed in can be useful.
Since we want it to improve the work we do after, we don't want it to be overly fatiguing. The best way to do this is to manage the proximity to failure, staying far away from it if possible.
In light load warm up drills like this video, we could do a lot of reps but because the intensity is so low, it shouldn't be fatiguing. I recommended 10-20 rep here but that could easily be 1 to 2 minutes per exercise as well.
As you move into ramping up the weight on the bar, we need to keep this fatigue issue in mind even more, as here we have a greater chance of fatiguing ourselves out before the main work begins.
So if you have sets of 5 on the plan for the day and you are going a warm up set with your 10 rep max, it is wouldn't be a good idea to do that 10RM for 8 reps as that is basically adding a work set and inducing fatigue before you begin. You'd do much better opting for a couple sets of 4 or even a single rep just to feel it out.
Moral of the story...keep your warm up a warm up, not a workout.
Make sure that you aren't going close to failure on these sets and are using them appropriately to manage fatigue.
You'll then be able to boost your performance on the main work for the day and reap all the gains you're after.
Tag a friend who needs some warm up tips and share the wealth!
❇️Want more bang for your buck?
Want a few shoulder activation drills that also improve your shoulder mobility AND also strengthen the shoulder?
⬇️Okay cool, keep reading⬇️
Learning how to control end ranges of the shoulder is so important to be able to truly OWN the movement.
The first two exercises work the shoulder mobility in open-chain, and the last 2 exercises work the shoulder mobility in closed-chain. So you get the best of both worlds in one neat little post!
1️⃣ Shoulder CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations) in Quadruped
2️⃣ Prone Elbow / Hand Lift Offs
3️⃣ Opposite Hand to Foot Touch I’m Down Dog
4️⃣ Quadruped Sit Throughs (Under & Over)
I recommend adding these to your workouts 2-3 times a week and doing 2 sets of 5-10 of each one!
@clinicalathlete #clinicalathlete #frcms #shouldermobility #mobilityflow #healthyshoulders
Basic OHS Mobility Drills to help you get into a better position ♀️ #overheadsquat #mobility #mobilitywod #mobilitytraining #hipmobility #shouldermobility #tspinemobility #fitness #fitnesstips #exercisetips #fitpro #crossfit #crossfitwarmup #squats #movementprep #movementismedicine #strengthandconditioning #canberrafitness #canberrapersonaltrainer #canberragym
Shoulder Prep Drill 5: The Whippet
This is a great drill for building strength and control of the scapula muscles.
Notice the elbows stay locked and the scapula move from full retraction into full protraction.
Start with a light band and perform 2 sets of 8-10 reps controlling the entire range of motion
#Shouldermobility #trusttheprocess #justdoit #putinthework #bodymind #workharder #worksmarter #prehab #bettereveryday
Repost: @ania_75
#tutorialtuesday with a warm up for those Gomukhasana Arms.
Shoulders need their time to get the mobility and to open up. Check out my favourite way of warming them up and getting into the cow face arms.
All by @aloyoga #sponsored #aloyoga
#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogavideo #tutorial #howto #warmup #shouldermobility #gomukhasana #yogateacher #yogagirl #beforeandafter