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Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

...what not to say to someone with an invisible illness no.3☝‍♀️‍♀️ . It’s a bizarre feeling to have people continually telling you how well you must be feeling because you winged your eye liner & curled your hair. It’s strange to hear people continually telling you how well you look when on the inside you feel like your organs are eating you alive... . You tell me I don’t look sick, but you don’t see the fire underneath my skin from the hot flushes from my hormonal imbalance, you don’t see the machete hacking away at my uterus or the tiny bombs exploding on my ovaries. You tell me I don’t look sick, but you don’t see the nausea that made me throw up ten minutes before I saw you, the pressure piercing my ribs from my endo bloat, or the anxiety that’s so loud in my mind that I can barely hear what you’re saying... . You can tell me that I must be feeling great, but I don’t tell you that I cried myself to sleep the last 3 nights or that i sat on the shower floor & thought about what it would be like to just not live anymore & have to deal with this every day. You can tell me that I must be feeling great, but I don’t tell you I had to change my underwear before I got outta the car cause I passed a blood clot or peed my pants, and I didn’t tell you that I fainted in the middle of the night because I couldn’t bare the pain... . We don’t always have visible scars, walking aids, breathing devices, feeding tubes or colostomy bags... some of us don’t always look sick, but on the inside we’re a disaster zone... please don’t doubt us when we say we’re sick. I mean, if we were going to fake an illness, we’d at least choose one that people would believe... . #endo #endosisters #fuckendo #endometriosisawareness #pcos #polycysticovariansyndrome #chronicillness #chronicpain #periodproblems #invisibleillness #womenshealth #anxiety #ovaries #uterus #pelvicpain #endobelly #spoonie #spoonielife #spoonielove #girlssupportinggirls #girlgang #bossbabe #fightlikeagirl

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

@thelatestkate - "Shout-out to everyone continually battling depression. I'm glad you're still here." ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

@spoonie_village - "There is a BIG difference I have tried to offer another explanation on this again... well a short summary, just up there Why? Because fatigue is not tiredness and tiredness is not fatigue. When you’ve been busy and you’ve done a lot you get tired, it’s natural it’s your bodys way of recognising you did a lot, so you sleep, you have an early night maybe but then when you wake up you’re refreshed and ready for a new day. Fatigue means you don’t even have to have a busy day or even get out of bed, fatigue is unrefreshing sleep to the point of feeling like you didn’t sleep at all (despite sleeping 24 hours) it’s not the same, it will never be comparable, I personally feel our language let’s us down when trying to differentiate between normal tiredness and a debilitating symptom, it’s not laziness or something you can push through, because if you do you pay big time. It’s not as simple as a long day, it’s bone aching, soul sucking fatigue not just a case of feeling sleepy for a long time. #fatigue"

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

@spoonfulsofkindness - "Can i have this message just programmed to automatically send I can’t believe the amount of things most people can do in a day, shop, visit a friend, and making dinner all in the same day or even week and then they do it again the next day! Don’t be afraid to let people know you can’t do that, sometimes it takes 3 days to recover, sometimes it takes months. Just because your life is different doesn’t mean you’re wrong, or lazy or a bad friend. - {ID: an drawing of a conversation reading “wanna hang out tomorrow?” “I actually performed an activity yesterday, please wait the 3 day recovery time to submit another inquiry”} "

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

‍❤️‍ @youlookokaytome - "I know you’re probably going to think “well...duh” but I had a moment of realisation today. Technically I know that chronic illnesses and mental health illnesses can go hand in hand, but today was the first time I saw the direct correlation. I can feel the rumblings of a flare up coming soon (in the physical sense), but while I was on the train today and yesterday the negative voices were so loud. I didn’t clock till today that there’s most likely a link here. Seems pretty obvious to me that having a flare up of my illness is not great for my mental health but...yeah. I need to rest. [image description: An illustration with a white backgorund. There are light blue, pink and purple circles spread around the image. In the centre of the image is a circle of leaves. On the outside of the circle are some red, blue, pink and black flowers. Inside the circle of leaves is text that reads “Your mental health matters too.”] Image credit @littlearthlings . . . ." ‍♀️

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

Welcome to all new followers ! ♥️ I feel as if this is the point where I should do a little blurb about me and my space within the chronic illness community ! • Some of you may have known me initially from Chloe.Meagan , which was focused on mental health and queer musings , then possibly as FierceFibroFemme when I was officially given my diagnosis in 2017 of fibromyalgia • I’ve always struggled with chronic pain growing up. Initially it was put as “growing pains” although they stopped me from running and participating in some activities at times , and also allowed me to be hyper mobile with dance and gymnastics. Then it was blamed on my chest being too large and causing chronic back pain. I was put on the breast reduction waiting list at 15 and got the call at 16, unfortunately during exam periods and had to be cancelled. • I worked hard during university to build my body and although always struggled with a ridiculous amount of dislocations , attributed it to the sports I played. I joined the military in 2015 and within six months had been injured with a partial hip dislocation , year in right hamstring and what’s now known as nerve damage in my right hand. • After leaving the military , I enrolled in Respiratory Therapy where it was then I figured out something was wrong with me. I was learning about how a normal healthy body should be functioning and here I was , unable to stand for longer than a minute. I was asked to leave school due to being unable to finish my coop. • In the past five years , my health has declined severely. After extensive referrals , tests and doctors - I am now involved with an incredible pain clinic. I use a cane and shower chair daily , on top of mostly being bed ridden , and have a mobility aid assessment in the next few months for something better for me • My diagnosis so far is fibromyalgia/mecfs , Ehler Danlos (waiting for connective tissue clinic to figure out which type), degenerative Disk Disorder, MCAS and PTSD. It took five years to get to this point from my injury where all of my symptoms flared. • I’d love to know more about you ♥️ Tell me more about where you’re from and how we’re connected ! .

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

Protection Spoon Necklaces . These healing spoon necklaces are filled with Black tourmaline and fluorite! Tourmaline is great for reliving stress and anxiety. It shields EMT (electromagnetic radiation) from electronic devices. Protects from all types of negative energy including, thoughts and feelings, absorbing negative energies altogether. It is also used to protect from psychic attacks. Swipe⏩ . . Check them out in our Etsy shop! . . . . Edit:sold out . . . #Theoriginalspoonmaker #spoon #chronicpainawareness #spoonielife #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniesupport #spooniesofinstagram #anxietyrelief #chronicillness #anxietywarrior #chronicpain #arthritisawareness #warriors #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniewarrior #spoonieproblems #spooniesupport #spooniesofinstagram #spoonielife #spoonies #spoonielove

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

Take your meds @makedaisychains . . [image description: a hand drawn illustration of a pack of yellow and turquoise pills. Above it says “took my medication as prescribed”. The background is pale striped pink. The illustration has a dark pink circular border. Around the border it says “boring self care”. ] #boringselfcare @makedaisychains

Хештеги на тему #SPOONIELOVE

Being diagnosed changed all my misconceptions about control, and how little we actually do control in our lives. Today, instead of obsessing about what will happen a week, month, or year from now, I try to give it to God. Key word "try." He already knows what is going to happen, and I trust that He has an incredible plan for my life. Now, I'm not always great at this. Sometimes, I still fret. But as I get older, and look back on all the incredible things He has brought me through - and how amazing the outcomes have been - I am way more trusting of putting my life in His hands than I was 10 or 15 years ago. What are you currently worried about regarding the future? Let me know and I will say a prayer for you that you have peace about the situation and can place it in his hands and trust him with it XOXO Marisa . . . #Jesus #faith #joy #happiness #encourage #dreams #worry #lupus #lupuschick #diagnosis #spoonie #warrior #sle #god #chronicillness #chronicpainwarrior #spooniesupport #quote #chronicillnesslife #neverbeafraid #godsplan #future #spoonielove #lupusfighter #autoimmunedisease

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