type1warrior type1diabetes diabetes t1dlookslikeme type1diabetic diabetic diabadass diabetesawareness type1 type1strong insulin beyondtype1 typeonediabetes dexcom insulindependent diabeticlife omnipod t1diabetes typeone jdrf bloodsugar diabeteslife insulinpump diabetestype1 health t1dstrong dexcomg6 diabeticproblems typeonediabetic diabeticproblems
It's not us it's our pods!❤⠀
#type1diabetes #typeonediabetes #diabetes #diabetic #type1diabetesmemes #typeonediabetesmemes #diabeteshumor #diabeteshumour #diabetesjokes #t1d #type1diabetes #type1diabetic #type1memes #diabeticproblems #autoimmunedisease #type1warrior #type1diabetesmemes #type1strong #type1life #t1dlookslikeme #t1dmemes#diabetesmemes #diabetestype1 #diabetesmellitus #cgm #insulin #insulinpump #insulinpen #type1diabetesawareness
Type 1 Thursday
Decided that every Thursday I will post a short little video with something diabetes related. Today was day 10 of my old dexcom so time for a site change(thank God because the old sensor caused me so many problems♀️)
This site hurt a little bit and there was quite a bit of bleeding but hey.....bleeders are readers right? Hopefully the next 10 days are successful with this fresh site!
I literally could cry today. I had my Endo appointment this morning (just my normal appointment every 4 weeks during pregnancy). We checked my A1C and it was 5.6!! WHHAAATTTTTT? I repeat ... It was 5.6!!
Yes — it's been challenging.
Yes — I get frustrated with myself.
Yes — I get annoyed with my doctor.
Yes — it is alot of work.
After all of the fear the doctors put into us about having a baby ... HOLY CRAP! I am so proud and just happy! I would have NEVER guessed my A1C would be the best it's ever been — being pregnant. Heck. Yes.
#type1warrior #type1diabetes #t1d #diabetes #t1dlookslikeme #diabetic #dexcom #dexcomg #dexcomg6 #omnipod #cgm #typeonediabetes #insulinpump #strong #diabetesawareness #life #insulin #typeone #love #awareness #warrior #unicorn #diabeticandpregnant #a1c #t1dpregnancy
Olivia Dr.appt. went great A1C went from 8 to 7.5 we wore our shirts to the appointment ❤️ T1D .
#typeonediabetes #t1dwarrior #type1awareness #insulin #t1dlife #insulindependent #insulinpump #typeonestrong #dexcom #t1dlookslikeme #diabetes #type1warrior #type1diabetes #insulinisnotacure #diabetestype1 #lifewithdiabetes #insulinpump #happydiabetic #t1dstrong #dexcomwarrior #diabetestype1 #diabetesawareness #livebeyond #beyondtype1 #t1dawareness #jdrf #t1 #juvenilediabetes #beyondtype1daily #t1dyoudontsee #happydiabetic #support
Can’t we just have 1 day where we don’t have to deal with this
#t1d #type1diabetes #type1diabetic #type1memes #diabeticproblems #autoimmunedisease #type1warrior #type1diabetesmemes #type1strong #type1life #t1dlookslikeme #t1dmemes #diabetesmemes #diabetestype1 #diabetesmellitus #cgm #insulin #insulinpump #insulinpen #type1diabetesawareness #brokenpancreasmemes
This is the bathroom I used to hide in, just to check my blood sugar. I’d wait for everyone else to leave so that they wouldn’t hear me open the test strip bottle...
I was at my old elementary school today & it was so strange to revisit that time in my life. I was diagnosed in August, right before I started grade 8, and come September I tried to hide my Type 1 Diabetes. I was afraid of what my teachers & peers might say or assume. I was afraid of attention. I was afraid to be different...
Today made me realize how far I’ve come & I’m so proud of myself. Walking into this building with both my pump & CGM worn proudly was a huge moment for me ✨
It reminded me why I’m now so open about my T1D - because I don’t want anyone else to feel as though they need to hide. I wish I could go back and tell my 12 year old self everything I now know, but I can’t. What I can do is share my experiences with others, and hopefully help someone. I can use my voice to advocate & to educate and I will never again try to hide my T1D
Did you know that you can test if the soda you’re being served is actually sugar-free with your blood glucose meter I know plenty of people who have had an unpleasant surprise when their blood sugar skyrocketed after drinking what they thought was a sugar-free soft drink, so I sometimes test my drink, if I don’t trust that the server knows what he/she is doing. Tobias drinks the regular sugar coke and I’ll sometimes have him taste mine if I’m in doubt, but using my
glucose meter is a way more accurate way of testing if it’s sugar-free or not. Have you tried using your test strips? Regular sugar soda showed “HI” on my meter and sugar-free was in the fifties. Nifty!! ..
.. #type1diabetes #DiabetesStrong #diabadass #type1diabetes #diabeticlife #diabetesawareness #T1DLOOKSLIKEME #T1D #t1dstrong #type1strong #t1diabetic #t1diabetes #diabetic #type1 #typeone #t1diabetesawareness #typeonediabetes #type1diabetic #type1warrior #insulindependent #t1dlife #type1d #diabetestype1 #bloodsugar #diabetes
”Those who ‘betes together stay together “
Having a support system with T1D can truly make a difference in the approach to your diabetes management. As strong as well all are, we have our days where Support is all you need. .
My wife may not be type one but for the last 6 years she’s dealt with me and I’m a hand full so she’s been around the block per say Her and my kids have been huge support systems of mine and I can’t thank them enough.
#type1 #t1d #insulindependent #type1strong #type1warrior #type1diabetes #chronicillness #invisibleillness