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Wedding time is my favorite time! In between being a momma, running a social media business, a wifey, I’m also a makeup artist! Getting brides ready is one of my most favorite things! .
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The ones who make it are simply the ones who never quit.
You’re overwhelmed, frustrated, maybe even a bit burnt out.
You feel like you need to do everything all at once... update your website, post daily to social media, weekly blog posts, engage with your audience, locate your ideal clients, make space for self care, show up for family and friends, and so on and so on.
It’s exhausting and you’ve thought about throwing in the towel.
I get it and I’ve been there too.
I went through a time where I felt like everyone around me was winning and I was just staying stagnant. No growth, no new opportunities, lots and lots of rejection.
Instead of quitting I dig deep into research mode.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know so I became determined to learn it all!! (Or as much as I could about a few key topics )
I changed my approach.
I became very strategic with my time and energy.
So strategic that I was able to build my business and launch another company all while having a high pressure full time job that required 75% travel.
How did I do this you ask
I worked through a three step process:
1. I went introspective and worked on myself. Why I felt certain ways, how I was talking to myself, the way my brain processed things.
2. I created a strategic plan based on the trial and error I had done in phase one
3. I implemented my now carefully curated plan with my updated mindset as my foundation.
The result?
Massive happiness and success.
So much that I recently left my corporate job
Where are you at in your three phase process Let’s all support each other as we grow and unleash!!
If I could have a conversation with my 10-year-old self right now I'd tell her: "It's ok you're shy, it's ok you're an introvert, someday you'll find your voice, you'll own your space and you'll speak up." I was the shyest kid you could ever meet, hiding behind my mom's legs so people wouldn't see me, sweaty hands when I had to speak in public and stuttering every time someone would just ask my name.
Never in my wild dreams would I've imagined this shy, introvert, awkward girl to be speaking her truth and sharing her insight on a stage far away from home one day.
Thank you @gossip_glamour for creating the Style Summit a space where we celebrated diversity, where we got real, where we tapped on history, talked about the present, and planned for the future! Honored and grateful to be part of this industry and community! Thanks Seattle for being so good to me!
: @vivianhsuphoto
Are you showing up fully or simply phoning it in?
This might be triggering AF...
You keep saying you're too busy.... that you have too much going on to fit in ____.
You think you are, but you're really not.
Look around you... you are no busier than anyone else so please stop falling on the sword like some martyr who just can't even. I guarantee you could find an extra 30 minutes in your day if you tried.
Put your phone down, stop scrolling through social media. Turn the TV off an hour earlier at night. Wake up an hour earlier in the morning. DELEGATE something you should have stopped doing months ago.
You're not that busy, so stop saying you are.
If it really was a priority for you, you would take the initiative and make it work.
I was talking to a client the other day and her response to everything was that she was just too busy to get things done. Too busy to work on her website, too busy to post to social media, she was even too busy to hire the help she so desperately needs!
So I paused.
I listened to what she was saying behind the words coming out of her mouth. Because deep down this had nothing to do with how "busy" she was.
After a string of questions, she realized what the underlying issue actually was.
Afraid of canceling plans with friends because of FOMO, quite literally and then, "what if they have more fun without me?"
Afraid of hiring a couple of team members because "what if it's not done exactly how I would do it?"
Afraid of scheduling the photo shoot because "that feels super vulnerable and uncomfortable to take pictures of me. Will people think I'm vain? Who am I to have pics like that, I'm not an influencer"
Afraid to simply ask for help because "it means I'm weak if I can't do it all"
So, instead of saying you're too busy to do _____, ask yourself WHY you feel the need to put it off?
Is it because you genuinely don't want to do it or that you're AFRAID?
Figure that out and you’ll start to feel a lot less busy
Also, Instagram Unleashed is open!! Sharing automation secrets from influencers and big brands!!
#fullmoon tonight in the sultry sign of Scorpio. Under this luminary, we might see circumstances brought to light that involve relationships, our shadow-selves, and matters of the heart, according to @astrotwins . It’s a good time to get to the truth of a matter and decide whether it’s best to work through it or walk away. Either way, let the truth set you free and she anything that no longer serves your highest self.