bookishplay bookish_bingo childrensbooks invitationtoplay learningthroughplay unlibroungioco babyplay bookstagram bringbooksalive playmatters sensoryplay earlylearning earlyyears earlyyearsideas playbasedlearning kidsbookstagram oursensoryspring toddleractivities babyplayinmay books kidsbooks picturebooks readalongplayalong bookbasedplay chatplayread kidsactivities letthembelittle playideas preschoolactivities storytime roomonthebroom
Today’s little #invitationtoplay is a small world of Ladybirds
The Ladybirds climbed and jumped and made friends with each other. It was a really cute game to play together.
We also read Eric Carle’s The Bad-Tempered Ladybird for the first time! Eve was telling the little Ladybird not to be so angry the whole way through!!
#letsplayinapril hosted by: @letsplayoutdoors @whatshallweplaytoday @mummy.millroy @littlehandscorner .
#ericcarle #ladybird #readchatplay #read #thebadtemperedladybird #readingwithkids #smallworld #smallworldplay #imagination #minibeasts #sensoryplay #storytime #april_play #12weeksofspring #toddleractivies #literacy #bookish #bookishplay
Magic Caterpillar story... one more Magic Story Stones set of “The Hungry Caterpillar” Excitement for me and my daughter who always is watching my work and she is my main judge And she loves little caterpillar story so much, never get bored with this book
Message me to order this marvelous set or buy it via Etsy shop (link in bio)
Look at these cute little buggers grow! Not only are we celebrating the 50th birthday of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by @officialericcarle, but also the launch week of #apopofculture hosted by the lovely women of @4kids2moms and Give @a.pop.of.culture and the tag a follow! This week’s theme is Eric Carle. We’d all love it if you’d join in and share your ideas!
So, I wanted to show my daughter this neat little trick that we use to do at restaurants when we were little, but now that disposable straws aren’t a thing here anymore (totes fine with me!), how was I suppose to do it?! Well I found it works just as well with normal tissue paper (the thin, stiff paper used for gift bags) and water, AND you can color it however you please! Swipe to judge for yourself, but I think Anna was a fan. She made her own and named them Hungry and Spectrum (#nerdfamily). It’s also baby animal week on #getcreativewith, and I think the larvae stage qualifies, right?! Sure!
Annnnddd it’s also GROWTH week on #the12weeksofspring, which made me think of this project in the first place!
Play prompt accounts for the win!!
#TBT to when all of our #ThatsNotMy books were in a rainbow ✨ It was so satisfying but our situation was not practical as my little guys love to grab at these books all day long. Now we have them in a big huge basket so they can indulge in their sensory needs whenever they want & cleanup is easy! We have been working towards having the complete collection since before my oldest was born & with the addition of the newest That’s Not My Zebra our collection is officially complete! (until the next one comes out )
Kwiecień jeszcze trwa, a przed nami jeszcze kilka książkowych premier. Jednak dziś przychodzę do Was jedną z majowych zapowiedzi. Książka ,,TY" autorstwa Caroline Kepnes będzie miała premierę 15 maja nakładem wydawnictwa @wydawnictwo_wab.
Opis książki
Kiedy początkująca pisarka wchodzi do księgarni w East Village odrazu staje się obiektem fascynacji pracującego tam mężczyzny. Zauroczeny nią Joe Golberg na podstawie danych z karty kredytowej wyszukuje kobietę w internecie... Mężczyzna z każdym kolejnym dniem coraz bardziej pragnie przejąć kontrolę nad życiem Beck. Staje się jej idealnym wymarzonym chłopakiem, który po cichu usuwa przeszkody stojące na drodze wspólnego szczęścia. Nawet jeśli oznacza to, że będzie musiał kogoś zamordować.
#zapowiedź #premieramaja #Tykepnes #carolinekepnes #prebook #netflix #igbook #książkadlamnie czytam #grupafoksal #wydawnictwowab #triller #bookstagrammer #lubięczytać #takczytam #trillerpsychologiczny #readbook #reading #read #yabooks #readings #verygoodbook #bookishlove #bookstagramPL #booklove #booksbooksbooks #ilovereading #bookishplay #istagramczyta
|• National • Gardening • Week •|
We marked the start of #nationalgardeningweek by visiting a local garden centre, admiring all the lovely flowers and selecting some vegetables to grow at home.
We took some time out to look at the different colours and varieties of the Veg we could grow from seed and decided as beginners to go for some sunflowers and beans.
We bought some veggie plants which are already established so hopefully we can grow them on and get some produce from them in the summer.
#mamasden #veg #growyourown #gardening #eyfs #earlyyears #childminder #woodentoys #rainbow #veggies #play #bookishplay #gardencentre #dayout #learning #outdooreducation #makelearningfun #chatlikesandloves #twolikesandloves #xlikesgang #our_everyday_moments #notababysitter #lovemybiz #stillswithstories #channelmumvillage #networking #14k #influencer
|• The • very • hungry • caterpillar •|
Following the children’s interests is essential to give them a willingness to play and learn.
Florrie is learning all about this story at school so I set up an invitation to play for her so that she can continue to enjoy the book at home and she gave us all a lesson in all things caterpillar.
#mamasden #play #learn #tvhc #caterpillar #lifecycle #woodentoys #flatlay #rainbow #flashcards #playtime #montessoi #montessoriinspired #curiosityapproach #openendedplay #toys #childhoodunplugged #chatlikesandloves #twolikesandloves #xlikesgang #our_everyday_moments #notababysitter #lovemybiz #stillswithstories #networking #follow #14k #bookishplay #bookish
We have been doing lots of stone painting on our days off. My eldest daughter (who is 15!) painted her little brother these stones. He loves playing with them, retelling the story and counting them.
#bookishplay #stones #storystones #homemaderesources #hungrycaterpillar #eyfs #earlyliteracy #storytelling #ece
This mornings distraction: filling the bird feeder that Luna absolutely insisted we MUST buy . They LOVED! the challenge of ‘making food for the birdies’, I’ve been very impressed with their cooperative play to fill the feeder.. Just what we need when whacking each other has become the go-to way of expressing their emotions .. 2 hours in and the tray of peanuts is still being explored .. Even Miss Minnie is right involved (shock horror!), who absolutely FREAKS when a spec of dust so much as touches her.. #sensoryissues #owlbabies #derevkotoys #grimmswoodentoys #ostheimer #birdfeeder #earlyyears #invitationtoplay #invitationtolearn #learningthroughplay #tufftray #tufftrayideas #bookishplay #montessori #toddler #sensoryplay #naturesplay #letthembelittle