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Sound on for coaching cues . Improving Knee Rotation ——————————————— Knee health is very important. But what are we actively doing to ensure our knees remain healthy? ➖ Over the years one of the main issues I’ve seen with knees is lack of rotation, and specifically internal rotation. Knee rotation is essential for healthy movement. If your knee doesn’t rotate well, it can have an impact on things like squatting, lunging, walking, running etc... ➖ Also a very high percentage of people I’ve seen with knee issues really struggle with this. So if you’re experienced any kind of knee pain and you’re not doing these, I highly recommend you start doing them! ➖ The first step to improving knee rotation is building awareness as to what knee rotation actually feels like, and a great place to start is this drill I’m demonstrating in this video. ➖ How to do it 1️⃣ Bend your knee to 90 degrees 2️⃣ Pull your toes up toward you creating maximum ankle dorsi flexion. 3️⃣ Keeping your knee still, perform ‘windscreen wiper’ motions with your foot 4️⃣ Make sure you maintain ankle dorsi flexion through. ➖ If you are struggling to keep your knee still, try the vice like grip I demonstrate in the video and start from there. I would make an effort to do this drill daily, trust me your knees will thank you for it ➖ Obviously this is just one small part of of the bigger picture of ‘’knee health’, but it’s often the small things that can make the biggest difference ➖ Any questions comment below now go move those knees... . . . #Improvewithluke - Improving Movement Daily . . . #FunctionalRangeConditioning #KneeRotation #KneePain #KneePainRelief #ControlYourself #FRCms #KneeMobility #KneeRehab #KneeRehabilitation


@rehabfix ✔️ ✔️ Воспаление связок надколенника прямо в передней части колена? Ну, вот,как вы можете начать заниматься этим, чтобы укрепить сухожилия и мышцы вокруг него! Изометрия обычно используется первоначально для сухожилий, когда мышцы сокращаются, но не двигаются (удлиняются или укорачиваются). Также было обнаружено, что это оказывает обезболивающее действие. Отсюда вы можете выполнять упражнения "стратегически", что-бы помочь тканям адаптироваться и получить более крепкое здоровое колено, в конце концов выполняя сложный присед! Вот как... , 1️⃣ Изометрия на одной ноге: встаньте на одну ногу,поднимите вторую, слегка согните колено и удерживайте в течение 5-8 секунд , 2. Эксцентричные приседания: либо одна нога, либо обе, фокусируйтесь на нижней части приседания, которая идет медленно и контролируется около 5 секунд. Используйте обе ноги, чтобы вернуться вверх, чтобы подчеркнуть только нижнюю часть. , 3. Приседание на коленях возьмите шест, штангу, ремешок или что-либо еще, чтобы помочь вам медленно откинуться назад, а затем подтянуть себя назад. Держите бедра на одном уровне с коленями и ушами, чтобы акцентировать внимание на квадрицепсе. Это очень сложное упражнение, и его нужно вводить постепенно. , ✅ Если какой-либо из них вызывает повышенный дискомфорт после или на следующий день, оставайтесь на той стадии, на которой вы находитесь, и уменьшите нагрузку , или вернитесь на 1 ступень. Медленные плавные переходы являются ключевыми! ______________ Следите за своим здоровьем, понимайте свое тело и получайте ежедневную реабилитацию, движение и расширение возможностей! #rehabfix #keepmoving #kneepain #patellartendonitis #patellartendon #patella #jumpersknee #runnersknee #kneeinjury #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation #kneepainrelief #sissysququats #Sissysquat #Squatting # #movewell #moveoften #movewellmoveoften # упражнение по медицине #ashirovdilshod #footballtraining #metallurguz


✔️ ✔️ . . . Upset patellar tendon right in the front of the knee? Well here is how you can begin addressing it to strengthen the tendon and muscles around it! Isometrics are commonly used initially for tendons which is when a muscle is being contracted but isn’t moving (lengthening or shortening). This has also been found to produce a pain killing effect. From here you can progress the exercises strategically to help the tissues adapt and get a stronger healthier knee, eventually trying out the difficult sissy squat! Here’s how... . 1️⃣ Single Leg Isometrics: stand on one leg, remove the uninvolved leg, and slightly bend the knee and hold for 5-8 seconds . 2️⃣ Eccentric Squats: either single leg or both, focus on the down portion of the squat going slow and controlled for around 5 seconds. Use both legs to come back up to emphasize only the down portion. . 3️⃣ Sissy Squat: on your knees grab a pole, bar, strap or whatever to help you slowly lean back and then pull yourself back up. Keep your hips in line with your knees and ears to keep the emphasis on the quads. This is a very difficult exercise and should be slowly introduced over time. . ✅ If any of these are causing increased discomfort after or the next day, stay at the stage you are at and back off the load, or go back 1 stage. Slow smooth transitions are key! . . . ‍⚕️- Grant Elliott future Dr. . follow @rehabfix ...... ! ______________ Take charge of your own health, understand your body, and get your daily fix of rehab, movement, and empowerment! #rehabfix • • • • • • • • • #keepmoving #kneepain #patellartendonitis #patellartendon #patella #jumpersknee #runnersknee #kneeinjury #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation #kneepainrelief #sissysquats #sissysquat #squatting #sportsinjury #squat #movemore #movementismedicine #chiropractic #mobilitywork #newmovement #motionislotion #prehab #rehab #strengthandconditioning #movewell #moveoften #movewellmoveoften #exerciseismedicine


Successful rehabilitation process with talented young @p.nerac suffering from knee injury #kneerehabilitation #rehabilitationprocess #kneeinjury #injuryrehab #eccentricstrength #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #conditioning #plyometrics #landingmechanics #quadricepsstrengthening #biomechanics #sportscience #basketballs #trenirajpametno


SQUATTING WITH KNEE PAIN Knee pain with squatting may be due to the line of force through the knee depending on your squat alignment and weight distribution. This technique is used to offload the anterior knee joint during squatting. If you are having knee pain with your squats give this a try! - elevate your heels on a thin surface or wedge - experiment with different heights of heel support to suit your squat and pain . Common conditions that typically have knee pain during squatting: - patellofemoral pain syndrome ( PFPS) - patellar chondromlacia - meniscal injury - osteoarthritis - patellar tendonopathy . . #kneepain #kneepainexercises #squatpain #squatpainfree #kneepaintreatment #kneeexercises #patellofemoralpainsyndrome #patellofemoralsyndrome #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation


GLUTEUS MEDIUS by @guerrillazen - Few hip muscles are as important as the glutes medius. - This muscle helps stabilize the knees and does many more things in the body. - It’s also one of the most commonly weak gluteal muscles. - In this video I show you how to strengthen the gluteus medius with two of the best movements for it. - Internal rotations of the femur AND hip abductions. - Try performing these on each side for 4 sets of 15 reps after or before training your legs. - *TAG A FRIEND BELOW WHO NEEDS TO TRY THIS* - #glutes #gluteals #gluteworkout #glutesworkout #posteriorchain #gluteusmedius #gluteusmaximus #gluteusminimus #butt #booty #workout #correctiveexercise #hipinternalrotation #hipabduction #physio #physicaltherapy #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation #kneereplacement #injuryprevention #holistichealth #holisitichealth #healing #posture #alignmentyoga #alignment #backpain #biohacking


Hello la fit-family Exercice de prévention ou réhabilitation du genou avec bosu Idéal en fin d’échauffement ou en travail spécifique en fin de séance Le gros plus grâce au bosu : travail proprioceptif +++ Bon training à tous ️‍♀️ Plus de références sur mon site : www.trainingoftheday.fr ‼️LIEN EN BIO‼️ ___________________________________ #fitness #sport #training #fitnessblogger #preparationphysique #trainingoftheday #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #fitnesstips #musculation #bosu #bosuballworkout #bosuworkout #rehab #rehabilitation #kneepain #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation #kneeprevention #prevention #proprioception #proprioceptive #proprioceptiontraining ##legdayworkout


Backward walking on the treadmill with an incline is an excellent way to re-train your quads and patella tendon after an ACL reconstruction or any knee injury for that matter #aclrecovery #aclsurgery #aclrehab #kneepain #kneerehabilitation #orthopedicsurgery #orthopedics #physicaltherapy #personaltrainer #sports #training #legs #legdayworkout #patellartendonitis #patellafemoralsyndrome @basenj @weehawkennj @jerseycitymamas @jersey.city.nj @runnersworldmag @runnerslife____ @nyrr


GLUTEUS MEDIUS by @guerrillazen - Few hip muscles are as important as the glutes medius. - This muscle helps stabilize the knees and does many more things in the body. - It’s also one of the most commonly weak gluteal muscles. - In this video I show you how to strengthen the gluteus medius with two of the best movements for it. - Internal rotations of the femur AND hip abductions. - Try performing these on each side for 4 sets of 15 reps after or before training your legs. - *TAG A FRIEND BELOW WHO NEEDS TO TRY THIS* - #glutes #gluteals #gluteworkout #glutesworkout #posteriorchain #gluteusmedius #gluteusmaximus #gluteusminimus #butt #booty #workout #correctiveexercise #hipinternalrotation #hipabduction #physio #physicaltherapy #kneerehab #kneerehabilitation #kneereplacement #injuryprevention #holistichealth #holisitichealth #healing #posture #alignmentyoga #alignment #backpain #biohacking

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