lifewithdiabetes diabetes type1diabetes diabetic diabeticlife insulinpump diabetesawareness диабет диажизнь diabetestype1 t1dlife t1dlookslikeme diabadass diabeteslife insulin type1diabetic typeonediabetes диабетик жизньсдиабетом сд1 bloodsugar beyondtype1 bloodglucose diabetesadvocacy diabeticproblems happydiabeticchallenge insulinjunkie t1diabetes t1dstrong dexcom
It took me going into hospital with ketones for my mum to understand that T1D’s CAN EAT CAKE (and whatever else they want) • this came from a few ignorant comments about “diet” and why I was in hospital (which totally wasn’t the case) • she got a bit protective and saw how much those comments made me upset So something good came out of something bad. Thanks mum #EatAllTheCake #TakeAllTheInsulin
#happydiabeticchallenge DAY 5
••Diabetes and Style••
We think that wearing both an Omnipod and Dexcom sensor only adds to our style Who’s with us?! We don't try to hide our pods or Dexcom sites from showing; if they happen to show, we let them show!!
We grew up asking for customized “pump pouches" on birthdays, holidays, you name it! Every reason we had to ask for one we did!! Rocking Garfield on our hip to zebra print, we carried our Minimed pumps in any design we could get our hands on to match the outfits and cheer uniforms we wore!
Since we’ve transitioned to the tubeless Omnipod pump years ago, we love finding fashionable clutches to carry our PDM, supplies, and everyday necessities in all together! Our latest and most FAVORITE combined wristlet and wallet is from @mysugarcase. We absolutely LOVE THEM! Lastly, @pimpmydiabetes has the hookup to match any and all of your T1D devices... Ash’s PDM currently matches her phone!! Sapen Sisters have done it all to stay in style with a T1D twist
#typeonediabetes #t1dwarrior #type1awareness #insulin #t1dlife #insulindependent #insulinpump #typeonestrong #dexcom #t1dlookslikeme #diabetes #type1warrior #type1diabetes #insulinisnotacure #diabetestype1 #lifewithdiabetes #insulinpump #happydiabetic #t1dstrong #dexcomwarrior #diabetestype1 #diabetesawareness #livebeyond #beyondtype1 #t1dawareness #jdrf #t1 #juvenilediabetes #beyondtype1daily #t1dyoudontsee #happydiabetic