ttcwithpcos ttccommunity ttcjourney pcos ttcsisters ttcsupport infertility ttcaftermiscarriage ttcafterloss ttctribe infertilityawareness infertilitysucks fertility letrozole pcosfighter pcossupport pcoswarrior ttcpcos ivfjourney miscarriage pcoslife pcossucks pcosweightloss fertilityjourney infertilityjourney pcosjourney pcosttc tryingtoconceive vasculitiscommunity
I know it sucks waiting.
I know it sucks watching other people get what you want.
I know it sucks feeling like you’re broken.
I know it sucks going to family parties and everyone else is pregnant or has kids...and you have your dog.
But your dog is amazing.
My dog is amazing.
I know what it’s like to watch your husband cry because he just wants to be a dad so bad.
I know what it’s like to be staring at a pregnancy test for so long that you are just hoping that it turns to a positive hours later...when there’s no chance.
I know what it’s like to go back to the garbage and grab that pregnancy test just to see.
I know what it’s like to watch my husband do the same thing.
Infertility and miscarriage sucks.
You are not alone.❤️
If you want to know the core of my mission- this is it. My team and I have adopted this and in every meeting, in every brainstorm, we bring everything back to THIS. ✨
As I always say, “My goal is to guide you to the best version of you: emotionally, physically, nutritionally & spiritually.”
Most of you probably think my mission has something to do with helping women get pregnant or helping women heal & manage their autoimmunity
Those things are the side effects of my service. My true, deep passion is helping women reconnect to themselves so that radical healing can take place.
When that radical healing happens we create our legacy & impact lives for generations to come. This is the key. This is the core concept. You heal you & your whole world shifts.
On this International Women’s Day I want to empower you to heal: physically, mentally, emotionally. You don’t have to do it alone. I am here. My team is here. Our tribe is here to support you (and they are a pretty incredible tribe I must say!) ✨
#youcanhealyourlife #yesyoucangetpregnant #bodybelief #alanon #legacy #pregnancy #fertility #ttc #autoimmunity #iwd2019
Why should women with Pcos be on birth control if they are not trying to get pregnant?!
You are probably thinking don’t worry, I’m infertile I won’t need to take birth control pills!
Birth control pills regulate periods and improve excess hair growth and acne by lowering androgen levels and protect the endometrium (inner lining of the uterus) against abnormal cell growth and possible endometrial cancer.
Patients with pcos who don’t have regular periods, their endometrial lining may build up and cause abnormal bleeding and possible lead to cancer... so in order to protect them they should be started on birth control pills. .
.#doctor #fertility #fertilitydoctor #chicago #ttc #ttcwithpcos #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcsupport #ttctips #infertility #infertilityawareness #fertilityawareness #birthcontrol #birthcontrolpill
i call this series: we tried.
this was supposed to be a cute family photo to tell you that we have 11 FROZEN EMBRYOS. but mozzie wouldn’t cooperate.
BUT WE HAVE 11 FROZEN EMBRYOS AND WE ARE SO HAPPY & GRATEFUL!! thank you SO much for your support over the last week! oddly enough, sharing actual details about our journey terrifies me a little (okay, a lot) so thank you so much for your kindness, support, prayers & words of encouragement this week!