insulindependent diabetes type1diabetes t1dlookslikeme diabetic type1 insulin diabadass happydiabeticchallenge typeonediabetes type1diabetic diabetesawareness type1strong typeone dexcom diabetestype1 diabeteslife autoimmunedisease diabeticlife type1life type1warrior insulinpump bloodsugar chronicillness dexcomg6 typeonediabetic beyondtype1 diabetes1 diabeticlifestyle t1dlookslikeme
*These are not pj’s*
This outfit is really showing all my robot parts . Finally time for a new libre sensor! My last one gave up in the middle of the two weeks, but then started working again?! Anyway, let’s pray that this one will be accurate
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This infusion set is also super itchy and irritated so I can’t wait to rip it off tomorrow when I’m due a site change.
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I am also two exams down with one more to go!
Many people have a misconception of how one was diagnosed with type one diabetes . And that #type1diabetes was caused by what a person eats. Well, it is about time we begin to break this myth.
#typeonediabetes is an autoimmune disease where your beta cells are attacked by your alpha cells due to your immune system trying to fight with your body to help heal something.
Beta cells = insulin production cells in the pancreas.
Glucose ( or also known as ATP ) is used for the body to “fuel” up. Once the body receives glucose, insulin is then used to break it down and turn the glucose into into energy. When you have type one diabetes, your beta cells,no longer have that ability. Simply because they were attacked and pretty much “broken”. With that being said, nothing anybody ate or did made this happen. It was your body’s immune system response to some sort of “stress”. Stress can mean many things to each individual.
We are working very hard by raising more awareness to break this misconception of why someone is diagnosed with #t1d.
Our bracelets are made with love and so much thought behind it. Our #diabetesawareness bracelets help reach more and more people in letting them know what is this disease. Together we are raising awareness one type one at a time! •
@type1ddreamer #type1diabetes #diabulimiaawareness #diabulimia #diabeticsofinstagram #diabeticjewelry #diabeticjewelss #typeonestrong #typeonetypenone #typeonehappy #type1kids #type1women #type1adultsmatter #type1warrior #typeonelookslikeme #typeonediabetic #typeonegirls #typeone #insulindependent #brokenpancreas #brokenpancreasclub #omnipod #dexcomg6 #iloveinsulin #diabetescamp #diabetesfashion #diabeticcamp2018 #diabetescamps
It’s hard not to compare yourself to people on Instagram with their “perfect” bodies.
It’s hard enough with diabetes on your back to accept the way you look.
I’m not gonna lie sometimes it bums me out with all the scarring I have from diabetes. Not to mention the weight struggle I have because of the demands of diabetes.
Even though I have days where I hate what I see. I have to remember that if it weren’t for these devices, I probably wouldn’t be here. I’m happy I choose to live my best life.
After 3 beautiful healthy children, I embrace the new mom bod. Humans can do amazing things with the body that they were given. Especially ones without working pancreases.
Keep on keepin’ on warriors.
#t1dstrong #type1diabetes #t1d #type1 #diabadass #diabeast #insulindependent #invisibleillness #chronicillness #type1diabetic