ibdawareness crohnsdisease ulcerativecolitis chronicillness crohns crohnswarrior invisibleillness spoonie autoimmunedisease ibdwarrior crohnsandcolitis ostomyawareness crohnie ileostomy nocolonstillrollin ostomy chronicpain crohnsawareness crohnsfighter stoma colitis colostomy crohnslife fitness health inflammatoryboweldisease invisibleillnessawareness ostomybag juvenilerheumatoidarthritis
LOVE LOVE LOVE this drawing (and all the others) by @emjayuc!! •
#ibd #crohns #ulcerativecolitis #ostomy #spoonie #chronicillness #invisibleillness #remicade #ibdproblems #colitis #autoimmune #anxiety #spoonieproblems #jpouch #ccawarenessweek #humira #entyvio #gutitout #myibd #autoimmunedisease #ibdadvocate #ibdawareness #ibdlife #colonoscopy #flareup #ibdvisible #campoasis
*SWIPE POST* My husband @naterz_ftw and I took some amazing pregnancy photos this weekend. It took a lot to be this vulnerable and show my ostomy and all my scars. I just had to channel my inner life-giving goddess! I want to thank my parents @fuadazmat and @shannonfuaddeane for bringing our vision to life. To see more of these very special photos please see this link to my blog or CLICK ON THE LINK IN MY BIO: https://yarnutopia.com/2019/04/15/a-precious-miracle/
#pregnancyphotos #crohnsdisease #ileostomy #ostomy #ibdawareness #chronicillnessandpregnancy #illnessandpregnancy #myhealthjourney #mypregnancyjourney #yarnutopiababy #yarnutopia #LydenIntoTheSunset #healthhistory #highriskpregnancy #artisitcpregnancy #pregnancyphotography #goddess #vulnerable #icanteven #creator
I love this so much!! All Bellies are Beautiful. Yes they are! Whether you have an ostomy, a six pack, a scar(s), you’re pregnant or you have a soft tummy, etc, we all are beautiful. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about yourself!! ❤️
Thanks @zappixart for making this.
#Repost from @my_ileostomy_life
#nocolonstillrollin #ileostoma #ileostomy #ileostomylife #ileostomygirl #ileostomyfit #crohns #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #ibd #ibdawareness #ibdwarrior #fibromyalgia #fibrostrong #fibrowarrior #rheumatoidarthritis #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #chronicpain #staypositive #stillbreathing #positivevibes #positivethinking #kickass #chronicloveclub #ibdsuperheroes #stomasquad #sickbutinvisible
You see and hear it everywhere... on bumper stickers, 5k races, conversations, etc, about fighting cancer and other illnesses. I understand the intent behind this 'fight'. A world without illness would be wonderful, wouldn't it? But 'fighting' is not the answer.
When you try and 'fight' something you are being resistant to it. You don't want it. & A fight often involves struggle, right? Fighting an illness really means "a struggle to eradicate illness". It has a very negative connotation. Fighting is a form of resistance. When the body is in a state of resistance it will block you off from the very healing that your 'fighting' for.
What if instead of fighting illness, we welcome in health and healing? Do you feel the difference? This way of thinking is so much lighter, so much more hopeful. We shift our focus from something negative (illness) to something positive (healing). We shift our action from negative (fighting) to positive (welcoming).
This small mindset shift, is incredibly powerful. This will help you shift from victim to empowered. It will help remove resistance from your being, and open you up... so you can finally receive the healing you've been searching for.
If you're ready to stop fighting and finally start healing, make sure and join the waitlist for my proven healing program Total Healing. Link in bio
So tell me, have you been fighting? Or welcoming?
There are more bacteria in your gut than there are cells in your body... For this reason, I have created a list of tips for increasing beneficial bacteria in the gut! This will help you take control of your health, and evolve to a higher state of wellness. ⠀
Tips for Increasing Good Bacteria in Gut⠀
- Increase Plant Based Fiber - plant based fiber helps good bacteria replicate, and is essential to maintaining bacterial balance in the gut⠀
- Reduce Stress - stress has been shown to reduce levels of bifidobacterium in the gut, which is responsible for immune modulation, and other important functions⠀
- Take Prebiotics - In my experience FOS and humic acid are the best prebiotic substances, both are shown to increase replication of beneficial bacteria in studies⠀
- Eliminate Processed Foods - processed food encourages bad bacteria to replicate, and over time, it can shift the bacterial balance of the gut⠀
- Remove Food Sensitivities - follow the elimination diet protocol to identify food sensitivities, this will help determine which foods are irritating the gut lining and effecting bacterial balance⠀
- Moderate Meat Consumption - meat does not feed good bacteria, try to have more calories from plants than fat or meat, this will encourage good bacteria to grow at a faster rate⠀
If you follow these basic principles, you will be creating an environment which favors healthy bacteria. Do anything else, and you are doing just the opposite. ⠀
Follow @endsickness for more posts on holistic medicine, gut health, wellness and nutrition. Happy healing everyone! ⠀
#guthealth #goodbacteria #sibo #ibs #ibd #crohnsdisease #guthealing #leakygut #healthygut #guthealthy #fibrowarrior #ibdawareness #ibsawareness #fibromyalgiaawareness #intestinalflora #autoimmunewarrior #autoimmunedisease #guthealthmatters #healthyguthappylife #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #fibromyalgia #holisticmedicine #digestivehealth #probiotics #prebiotics #lactobacillus #bifidobacterium #healmyself