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Nice flowing side work.
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Planks are really easy to neglect in an ab routine... they’re long, boring, and, to put it simply, they suck.
But they’re one of the best exercise to target all your ab muscles at once and strengthen your overall core = flatter tummy!
This is the quick ab workout you’ve been needing!
Bookmark this post and tag a friend that needs to try these 4 planks with you! (Hey, you might as well suffer together ♀️)
1. High to Low Planks
2. Shoulder Tap High Planks
3. Dumbbell Lift High Planks
4. Knee Tuck High Planks (start with just the tuck, then work your way to tapping with the opposite arm)
Do 4 rounds, 30 seconds each exercise, with a 30 second break in between!
An advance plank series which is all about maintaining strength through our centre. As Joseph Pilates would say, our core is our “POWERHOUSE”, it is one of the reasons why the Pilates Method has become such a key modality in movement. With its ability to redefine the meaning of CORE strength and to be able to integrate an element of core connection not just in a plank or an ab curl... BUT it’s importance in a lunge and even simply in walking.
Advanced: No springs
MODIFY: Blue or yellow brings (warning: your tummy will shake )
⚡️Knee tucks: Bend knees till underhips. Keep upper torso still. Repeat x5
⚡️Pikes: Lift hips up maintains flexed spine head between the arms. Repeat x5
⚡️Pike to 4pt kneeling: knees to bend without carriage moving, press out to plank. Repeat x5
⚡️Reverse: Knee tuck lift up to pike, push out into plank. Repeat x5
Key is to move with BREATHE and SLOW! No sinking into the lower back. Lift up through belly and ribs.
Wearing @lilybod
#mettacore #reformerpilates #planking
Minden nap egy új kezdet.☀️
Plank kihívás ON!
Szép hetet Mindenkinek!
Every day is a new beginning.
Plank challange ON!
Nice week for Everyone!
#mizunorunning #mizuno #mizunohungary #fussmizunoban #strength #strengthtraining #plankchallenge #plank #plankworkout #edzés #edzésmotiváció #seltering #fitnessmom #fitmom #fitmomlife #motivation #runnermom #dailychallenge #dailymotivation #fitnessgirl #futniszep
Lol when you hesitate and think about it... the results are silly half ass # :
I’m going to attempt a #♂️ #handstand on
@bodybyromeo365 stay tuned # :
I swear when you’re mid plank the seconds get longer
#plankworkout #absonfire #neverdietagain #onlinecoach #liftandlove #workout #workinprogress #whstrong #personaltrainer #fitnessmotivation #LiveTrainEat #popsugarfitness #blackfitnesstoday #blackfitnessnow #gym #afrogirlfitness #blackfitness #fitfortheculture #blackwomendoworkout #ebonyfitness #Workout #FitnessCoach #prettygirlssweat #fitontheinside